ROMAE AD BELLUM - (RAW:E) Rome at War Expansion Concept

Weird thing when playing the Armenian Ayrudzi and Scythian hunting camps are invisible and unselectable on the map but are still there as units can interact with them and they with everything else

Ayrudzi and Kurgan Chief are great.
Looking forward to Archer on the Eye, which can also be used in some typical AOE II timeline historical campaigns.
And will Vascones be a civ in RAB? If yes, hope it will be a civ that can be also suitable for medieval times (as Basques), though probably they are already included in the Iberians.
If there could be Vascones, the UU can be a spear-throwing unit, like the right one on the picture below. Probably can reuse the model of the Velite and just do some adjustments.

Those units look too medieval.

Can make 2 versions. One antique (early medieval) and another more medieval, just alter a few parts.

Do you have UHD turned on without the UHD mod branch?

nope, its a current bug sometimes they just wont see custom graphics until they restart the game even if they are all loaded up correctly.

I say current, but its at least over 6+ months since it was first reported.

edit: for reference maybe you guys can help us post there and let them know we modders get screwed constantly. maybe get help of kaiser to make a video about it to pressure them, donno.

Glad you like them.

No, they fall under Iberians, so they won’t be added.

Don’t you need to restart the game anyway for any custom graphics mods to take effect? Because of how it runs, it only loads up all the graphics on boot.

Probably not, I’d rather have Kaiser focusing more on gameplay, as YT isn’t his full time job or anything.

I first installed this mod, every other civs prior to the newest patch works flawlessly, but my Armenians UU is that of Camel Archer rather than the Ayrudzi (Armenian buildings are correct though), haven’t check the other new civs. So, any solution to this problem?

Yes, enable the datamod. Accidentally not enabling it is the reason for any issue like that.

The problem is, I already did that (hence why I said all civs prior to the newest patch have no problem). Do i have to copy the UHD data patch to the main UI folder as well?

Can you get me a couple of screenshots? For me to best help you, can I get your mod manager, and the setup for a match playing as Armenians, in addition to the unit being broken. If you can do that, it’ll help a lot with troubleshooting. Thanks.

after sub to any data/graphic mod needs to restart the game. but the bug is that sometimes it doesn’t work especially they have played another game just prior. honestly this game is getting worse and worse over the last 8 months.

I think most of their resources went into that xbox thing and Rome DLC. i just hope after that release those they’ll really start to focus on fixing old bugs that matter to us modders. way too overdue on lot of them.

All mods have been deactivated

Data Mod is enabled

Armenians UU not as intended

This is from UHD gameplay

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You’ve messed up, the RAW UHD shouldn’t be a datamod type file. It should actually just be graphics files. The datamod should be in a separate mod branch, called RAW DAT and Req, which just has the datafile. My advice would be to delete both mods in your local folder, then install the mod parts from the following two links:

Extract all the folders out of there, that should give you 3 folders, called something like:

  • RAW DAT and Req
  • RAW UI and Files

Copy paste all of them into your local mod directory. Now open the mod manager again, and enable the UI and UHD mods. Then restart the game. It should be the DAT folder that runs the datamod, by mixing the datamod and the UHD folders, it looks like you’ve messed something up unfortunately.

Oh, so I shouldn’t copy RAW UHD contents inside the RAW DAT files, alright I’ll give it a try. I thought RAW UHD contents are an updated version of RAW DAT files.

Not at all, RAW UHD is a UHD version of the regular graphics files, so instead you should have put them in RAW UI and Files if anything. Never put anything in the RAW DAT except a new datafile that updates and replaces the old one.

It works
 until it’s not

Somehow, it reverts to the camel archer until a few builds


Btw, I already tried Scythians and the civ works perfectly. Awesome mod btw, although I really hoped that the Roman Empire units would at least have a flavor of its Late Antiquity feel to it when it reach the Imperial age.

Oh I see it
still thanks so much
If possible, can it be like
just use the Velite model to make a Basque skirmisher as a bonus unit?

that worked. Thanks for being tech support for me :smile:

That’s probably because you forgot to enable the datamod before starting a game.

? Care to explain this further?

No problem.