Romania/Wallachia general post

Romanians/Vlachs aren’t slavs.
Saying that Slavs are Vlachs is simply not true, it’s like saying Germans are Italians.
Slavs don’t need to be broken down, they can simply be renamed into Ruthenians.
Clearly the slavs in AoE2 actually represent the Ruthenians, rather than the Serbians or Croatians.
And it’s a good civ, I like playing as the Slavs, the problem is you have the Slavs, the Bulgarians (who are Slavs), the Poles (who are Slavs) and the Bohemians (who are Slavs) in the same game.

The slavs are indeed a group of people that broke down to many medieval kingdom/empires. But the Romanians aren’t part of that group of people.


Just add Romanians/Wallachians/Vlachs as a single civ and rename the current Slavs to something more specific. I still think Europe is overrepresented and I only open an exception to Romania because they already have a fitting campaign.

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I guess we might see romanians getting added with a campaign fix along with vikings campaign.

I hope so. I’m actually in the middle of the Dracula campaign, and I’m thinking to myself, “Boy, this feels wrong to play with just random civilizations other than the Vlachs.”

It would be nice if they redesign the scenarios to make them more open-ended as well. As it is, they’re a bit too dated compared to the newer campaigns, especially the first scenario, which is literally just a fixed-unit scenario.

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Dracula’s campaign has plenty of issues. Beside the obvious playing as Turks, Magyars and Slavs, I should also point about about Dracula’s campaign that it’s not 100% historically accurate.

  • In Mission 1, the 3 Romanian voivods: didn’t exist, don’t have Romanian names, are supposed to be called boyars not voivods. Jakub, Mircea and Istvan are not real people who helped Vlad the Impaler, they are not even proper Wallachian names, except for Mircea. Voivod, at the time of Dracula, meant ruler of the country. Only Dracula himself was voivod. The others were boyars.

  • Mission 1 fix, use real people who actually helped Vlad III instead of generic not even Romanian names: Vintila Florescu (nobleman), Neagoe de la Strehaia (most powerful of his allies, nobleman, ruler of Craiova), Giacu Balaceanu (nobleman), Udriste Manea (nobleman). All of them could be Heroes such as La Hire.

  • Mission 1 fix 2, in mission objectives say “boyar” instead of “voivode”: Wallachian Boyars (Romanians): The three boyars control fortified positions in the southern half of the map, Vintila Florescu commanding the east, Neagoe de la Strehaia the center and Giacu Balaceanu the western force. They each give Vlad a quest and grant control of some of their troops upon initiating their quests.

  • In Mission 2, at the end of the intro in the 2nd mission it says: “Bogdan II, Dracula’s cousin and the new Voiveod of Moldavia” . This is not correct. Bogdan II was Dracula’s uncle. His son, was Vlad’s cousin, Prince Stephen who helped him take back Wallachia in this 2nd mission. And years later, Stephen III of Moldavia who helped him get back on the throne one last time (insert Fast and Furious one last ride meme).

  • Mission 2 fix If a voice editor could be used to change “cousin” into “uncle” it would be great. And maybe have Prince Stephen come with you when you leave Moldavia in game (or possible co-op partner, I’ll get to that later)

Moldavia’s timeline:
→ Bogdan II is ruler.
→ Vlad comes to Moldavia to his uncle, his cousin Prince Stephen joins him and helps him.
→ While Stephen is in Wallachia helping Vlad, is father is killed by his uncle who takes the throne.
→ Vlad the Impaler, now ruler of Wallachia, helps Prince Stephen to take back his throne (not a mission in the game)
→ Prince Stephen becomes Stephen III of Moldavia, and actually rules for 47 years and turns out a pretty good ruler.
→ Years later (after mission 4, before mission 5), Stephen III of Moldavia talks with Matthias Corviuns of Hungary to release Vlad’s release from prison and helps him take his throne. He leaves him 200 bodyguards and leaves for Moldavia. Eager for a new partnership against the Ottomans, as in time Moldavia also became hostile to the Ottomans, with the future looking like both Wallachia and Moldavia will combine their forces against the Ottomans, but Vlad dies in battle one year and a half later.

  • In Mission 4 → Not sure why this isn’t mentioned, but it’s worth pointing out that Vlad was waiting for reinforcements from Hungary, as they promised since the beginning of the war (they were supposed to arrive since mission 3 at Giurgiu, he made an Alliance with Hungary before going to war with the Ottomans, and the Hungarians promised support). Instead, not only not sending reinforcements at Giurgiu or Targoviste, but when Vlad was defeated and came to Hungary, King Mathias betrayed and imprisoned Vlad, to be cool with the Ottomans.

  • Mission 4 fix Perhaps this should be mentioned in the outro. Basically, King Mathias tricked Vlad to fight a war alone, promising he’ll come with the army in Wallachia but never did, and when he lost, King Mathias imprisoned him to secure good relations with the Ottomans. (Kind of poetic, Vlad hated treachery)

  • In Mission 5 → Even the history from the AoE2 wikia says he ruled 3 times, but in-game he dies during his attempt to take back his throne from the last time (Supported by Stephen III of Moldavia, who isn’t anywhere on the map): “was Voivode of Wallachia three times: first in 1448, then in 1456 to 1462, and once more in 1476/77.”

  • Mission 5 fix → Fixing the historical inaccuracy at the end saying he died in battle. Actually he won. This can be easily checked by Wikipedia saying he reign 3 times. He died 1 and a half year after that, betrayed by the boyars and given to the Ottomans (which is ironic considering he hated treachery the most). But he didn’t die in that battle as the game says.


  • In mission 1, player 1 could play with Dracula as Romanian (loyal Wallachian retinue) and player 2 play as Turks (Mustafa Hassan gave him the Turkish troops but didn’t personally lead the army).
  • In mission 2, Prince Stephen could be the co-op partner. (real person)
  • In missions 3 and 4, Commander Gales could be the co-op partner. (real person)
  • In mission 5 Stephen III of Moldavia could be the co-op partner. (real person)

Commander Gales was a nobleman & general who helped Vlad in his campaigns, he failed to attack the Ottoman Camp from the east during the night attack, while Vlad the Impaler attacked from the west; some sources blame Gales for the failure of the night attack and wonder why he didn’t attack, whether it was intentional or miscommunication.

The following characters could be Heroes, it would add to immersion:

  • Vintila Florescu, Champion (pro-Dracula boyar from mission 1)
  • Neagoe de la Strehaia, Paladin (pro-Dracula boyar from mission 1)
  • Giacu Balaceanu, Arbalester (pro-Dracula boyar from mission 1)
  • Prince Stephen, Hussar (Dracula’s cousin from missions 2/5, not yet voivod)
  • Stephen III of Moldavia, Unique Model Paladin (Dracula’s cousin from missions 2/5, voivod)
  • Commander Gales, Knight (general in service of Dracula in missions 3/4)


Making reference to the fact that Vlad pays his debt to Prince Stephen. → The Invasion of Moldavia to depose Prince Stephen’s uncle (Petru Aron) who just killed Stephen’s father to take the throne.

You invade Moldavia from the south with 2 Romanian armies (in co-op), one led by Dracula another led by Prince Stephan, and have to capture Doljești, Orbic and finally the capital city Suceava. After that Petru Aron flees to Poland an Stephen is crowned king/voivod. Vlad paid his debt and returns home.

In this mission, just like in mission 2, the player 1 is Dracula and player 2 is Prince Stephen.

Oh, and for something more AoE2-styled:

A historical novel about Vlad the Impaler.

Very interesting! I had no idea the Dracula campaign had so many problems. It’s really overdue for a redesign.

Treachery could be a constant theme in vlad the impaler’s reworked campaign:

  • Starting with how he became prisoner to the ottomans because his father and older brother were betrayed by the sultan.
  • Then how his father and older brother were killed betrayed by the wallachian boyars
  • Then how he executed the boyars (see the story down below at the “Powerhungry for justice” part) who betrayed his father and brother in the past.
  • Then how he was betrayed by his younger brother radu that he protected from the ottomans when they were kids, not being pro-ottoman himself and with the sultan.
  • Then how he was betrayed by matthias covinus of hungary who promised him support but instead imprisoned him.
  • Then how finally (after mission 5, the outro) how one and a half year later he would be betrayed by the boyars and killed.

Basically, the story would end in a similar way it began. His father and brother were betrayed and killed by the Wallachian Boyars. He would end up betrayed and killed by the Wallachian Boyars.

All the treachery around him could be one of the major causes for why he ended up the way he did, here’s a more in-detail version of events:

  • He and his younger brother Radu were taken prisoners by the Sultan when the Sultan beytrayed his father.
  • His father and older brother Mircea were betrayed by the Wallachian boyars and burried alive while he was still a child at the Ottoman court. He did hear the news from the Sultan, that his father and brother were betrayed and killed by the Wallachian boyars. The Sultan considered killing the 2 brothers but later thought they would be useful. (probably the inspiration for only actually Romanian-named Wallachian “Voivode” in mission 1, Mircea was already dead by the time Vlad took this first reign, let alone his 2nd that is mission 1, not to mention if he was alive older brother legitimate ruler)
  • He was taken prisoner by the Hungarians when Matthias Covinus betrayed him, not only not sending support as he was fighting the Ottomans as Matthias Covinus said he would, but imprisoning Vlad after he took refugee in Transylvania after the fall of Targoviste.
  • His younger brother Radu that he protected as a child, became very pro-Ottoman and was part of the Ottoman forces that invaded Wallachia with Mehmed the Conqueror at their front. After Vlad was imprisoned by Matthias Covinus, Mehmed made Radu ruler of Wallachia (Vlad was avenged by his cousin, Stephen the Great, who defeated Radu and replaced him while Vlad was in prison in Hungary, but that replacement defected to the Ottomans after 2 years)
  • And finally: He died during his 3rd reign betrayed by the boyars.

That’s a lot of Game of Thrones and the first 2 were when he was a child. In a way he became “powerhungry for justice”. DRACULA STORIES:

  • Vlad was known throughout his land for his fierce insistence on honesty and order. Vlad was so confident in the effectiveness of his law that he placed a golden cup on display in the central square of Targoviste. Everyone was allowed to use the golden cup to drink water from the fountain. So strict was his authority that the cup was never stolen and remained entirely ########## throughout Vlad’s reign.

  • Vlad once played a trick on two monks in the countryside. He asked them for their opinions on his actions as prince and if he would go to Heaven. The first monk said that Vlad was an evil man beyond reproach and would surely #### ## ##### The second monk praised Vlad and said his decisions were ordained by God himself as prince and he would go to Heaven. Vlad impaled the monk who sung his praises because he was a liar.

  • One Easter, Vlad invited all of his boyars (nobles) and their families to dine with him. When they arrived he asked them one simple question, “How many princes have you seen in your time here?” This was a trick question because Vlad knew these rich and powerful nobles disposed of any prince who did not collude with them thus there had been many princes. They began to answer huge numbers - 25, 30, 70, and so on. Vlad was disrespected and had them captured at that moment. The elder ones were impaled right there and the younger men and women were marched on foot as slave laborers to help renovate his mountain top fortress at Poenari. It is said they were forced to work “until their clothes fell off” or until they starved to death or fell into the ravine below.

  • When ushered into the presence of the prince, the Turkish envoys refused to remove their Phrygian caps, as was the custom when in the presence of the prince in Wallachia. When questioned they answered that it was not the custom of their fathers to remove their hats. Dracula then ordered their hats nailed to their heads with three nails so that they might never have to break such an excellent tradition.

  • When the Ottomans invaded Targoviste, they found the city empty, and where used to be a forest, they found 23,844 impaled Turks, that Vlad The Impaler had left for them.

  • When Vlad III Dracula was kept prisoner in Hungary on charges of heresy it is said that even in his cell he caught rats and small birds and impaled them on tiny sticks.

And my favorite Vlad the Impaler story:

  • A merchant from a foreign land once visited Dracula’s capital of Tirgoviste. Aware of the reputation of Dracula’s land for honesty, he left a treasure-laden cart unguarded in the street over night. Returning to his wagon in the morning, the merchant was shocked to find 160 golden ducats missing. When the merchant complained of his loss to the prince, Dracula assured him that his money would be returned and invited him to remain in the palace that night. Dracula then issued a proclamation to the city — find the thief and return the money or the city will be destroyed. During the night he ordered that 160 ducats plus one extra be taken from his own treasury and placed in the merchant’s cart. On returning to his cart in the morning and counting his money the merchant discovered the extra ducat. The merchant returned to Dracula and reported that his money had indeed been returned plus an extra ducat. Meanwhile the thief had been captured and turned over to the prince’s guards along with the stolen money. Dracula ordered the thief impaled and informed the merchant that if he had not reported the extra ducat he would have been impaled alongside the thief.

Beside all the treachery it may have been the Ottoman education TM that caused his behavior:

As a child after he was taken from his father, Dracula was brought to Tokat Castle, a place commonly used as janissary barrack and prison. In fact they excavated one cell where he was kept prisoner a couple years ago. Let’s look, shall we?

This is where Dracula & Radu as children while prisoners of the Ottomans.

Keeping in mind those cells were kept in the dungeon/basement area, hence why they were so well preserved.

Sure, technically they did educate him and his brother in Turkish and Turkish warfare. Vlad was 12 when he came to the Ottoman Empire, just 4 years shy of being an adult, so they did not “raise him” and he already had an extensive European/Christian education.

But they didn’t offer Vlad an education and food because the Turks “loved him”, and it wasn’t “optional”, either.

It was indoctrination. Sultan Murad (Sultan Mehmed’s father) never planned on letting Dracula go. They only did that when his father was unexpectedly assassinated on the orders of Janos Hunyadi and they felt they had no other choice.

Vlad was “educated” in a sense (the bare minimum, he did not receive a sultan’s education) because the Ottomans were notorious for kidnapping Christian boys (who they could freely enslave, because they weren’t Muslim).

They then brainwashed them through a series of beatings, starvation, and indoctrination in the form of an all Turkish, all Muslim education. If you’re curious, I recommend picking up a book on the Janissary or devshirme practices in The Ottoman Empire.

Once sufficiently mentally stripped, the boys would be set up as commanders/governors/mayors around the empire, with loyalty only to the Sultan (because they were ripped away from their families, brainwashed, and were totally dependent on his mercy, remember?)

Vlad had a dual purpose. He doubled as leverage against the Wallachians, which is also why they kept him and Radu alive.


The sultan spent that winter in his palace and summoned Vlad [III], the son of [Vlad II] Dracul and ruler of Wallachia, as he already had his younger brother [Radu III] at the court, keeping him as his lover and maintaining him. It happened that the sultan was almost killed by the boy when he had wanted to have *** with him. This was when he had first gained the throne and was preparing to campaign against Karaman. He was in love with the boy and invited him for conversation, and then as a sign of his respect he invited him for drinks to his bedchamber. The boy did not expect to suffer such a thing from the sultan, and when he saw the sultan approaching him with that intention, he fought him off and refused to consent to ########### With him. The sultan kissed the unwilling boy, who drew a dagger and struck the sultan on his thigh. He then fled in whatever direction he could find. The doctors were able to treat the sultan’s wound. The boy had climbed up a tree there and was hiding. When the sultan packed up and left, the boy came down from the tree, began his journey, and, shortly afterward, arrived at the Porte and became the sultan’s lover. The sultan was used to having relations no less with those who shared his own inclinations.

“The Histories” 1465 by LAONIKOS CHALKOKONDYLES (Translated and published by Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)

I think that showed in Vlad’s attitude, who resented the Turks. As well as his cruel behavior, and literal thirst for justice, being impaled for stealing an apple or telling a lie.

Ayo, why are you shouting?

Sorry, meant it as a title, forgot to turn off caps.

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There are some Total War mods with the Romanians, may be used as inspiration:

1212 AD mod:

Tsardoms 1448 mod:

Yes, I agree, they should put in a Balkan dlc like DoI, that is, 3 civs (Serbs, Croats/Albanians and Vlacs) and rework the Slavs into Ruthenians…

Yes, AoE 3 makes it clear that the Janissaries were slaves of the Turks…

The ranks of the janissaries were filled by all manner of people pressed into the service of the Sultan - slaves, European prisoners of war, or captured Christians. They were not allowed to wear beards or marry, but were known to enjoy wine. There is some disagreement whether they were required to remain ######### Without families of their own, when a janissary died his property passed to his regiment, or orta - a Turkish word meaning hearth. Their ranks were peppered with culinary terms; the commander was called the “head cook” and the next in command, the “soup distributor”. They carried as a symbol of honor a heavy iron pot, which if lost or destroyed greatly disgraced the orta. They were encouraged to be independent, and could be very unruly and even disrespectful to their superiors. Many rose to political prominence in addition to being a powerful military presence. The janissaries were slaughtered in Constantinople in 1826, during an event now called the Auspicious Incident. The janissaries had gathered in protest to Mahmud II’s imposition of European drill and discipline on the janissary corps. The sultan ordered them killed with no quarter by his newly raised regiments of European-style soldiers. The janissary corps was broken.

Janissaries were known for their colorful dress, white felt hats and remarkable mustaches. They initially were armed with bows, but soon adopted muskets and rifles.

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Yes, I agree a DLC should be:

  • Romanians
  • Serbs
  • Croats/Albanians
  • Slavs Renamed Ruthenians

The title could be something like: Danubian Principalities or Gateway to Europe.

Although we haven’t seen a DLC with 3 civs since Dynasties of India.

@Apocalypso4826 You said that you are not allowed to make a Romanians civ design anymore except on this topic. But you are allowed to make a DLC civ design that also includes the Romanians.

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This DLC deserves warm welcome, particularly the idea of naming it “Gateway of Europe” :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Regarding the Slavs question, looks like the idea of splitting the Slavs is also popular outside AoE2 forums. At this point it’s rather ridiculous to have “The Umbrella Term” civilization, and then civilizations that are in that umbrella term.

Slavs made sense back in Forgotten Empires when there was no Bulgarians, Poles, Bohemians.

But today? it’s like having "French’ race and then “Parisians” race.

Simply grinds your gears for everyone who knows at least a bit of slavic history.

Yes, I recently made a topic about ideas for a Slavs rework if Balkan civs were added.


The lack of Romanians and Serbians is a huge gap in the AoE2 roaster, especially when there is already a campaign with them.

I agree with those two, but I also think the Albanians and Croatians would be excellent additions.

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Not really, but the campaign about a VLACH prince having you play as three different civs completely unrelated to them is awkward as hell.


Turks and Magyars kinda make sense as vlad was backed up by both of them.

I played the campaign recently and wasn’t bothered that much about it…