Seriously:The size of the aoe4 house is too weird!

When this was first mentioned in this post:

When I first mentioned it:

Look at CIv 6.
Is there anything to do with REALISTIC PROPORTION? No. The units are ridiculously big.
Now, tell me are the smaller buildings in the city a shrunk version of the bigger buildings with smaller windows and doors? NO.

You can say “preference” as many times as you want, but I wonder any designer would intentionally make such decisions. In the case of AOE4 it’s obvious that the models are adjusted in the last minute.
If the developers got the time and resource some time they might improve it. That’s why we keep bringing these issues up before the actual change (do you see anyone complaining about zoom or color selection now?) so that they do not throw them into dustbins. That is the purpose of this forum.

“Agree to disagree” huh. I thought you respect this.
I for myself do prefer relatively smaller units, but not necessarily precisely “REALISTIC PROPORTIONS”. But I do not need to agree with every other person to share the same position.

This part is very important and sums up most of my points:

What I’m showing you here, however, is that even if one makes the compromise, that buildings as small as they are now is a good idea, the model still needs much improvements. And because you fear that would ruin the current gameplay, I wrote entire posts telling you how to make them look better without altering the gameplay. That’s the compromise I make. I’m fine with them just doing this. There are people who are not of course and will keep complaining. That’s all normal.
Here, again, people are free to leave comments about whatever they prefer (you said it). We do not need to think about practicality. The developers will consider the responses and decide. It’s their responsibility.

There are even easier fixes for AOE4 ironically, because the building designs have a lot of open spaces. It was brought up long long ago. Still no response yet.

“Without compromising playability”.

Now what is your take on the topic?
“No I’m okay with it” (why you are here then?)
“No it’s a personal preference” (who does not know that?)
“No it’s difficult to satisfy everyone” (again, who does not know that? And I have wrote long posts proposing how to make them look better without altering the gameplay, and your response is “no you’re talking about realism!”).

First you said you’re here because you “dO nOt CaRe” about building ratios. Then you said you’re here because you feel some proposed changes might ruin the game you enjoy. Then you said you’re here because you feel “dIsReSpected”.
If you just feel some people’s comments on AOE4 is too harsh, why do you not directly respond to those but went on picking on minor points of other criticisms?
You are not the representative of AOE4. Don’t consider yourself as some sort of martyr because of your devotion to AOE4. You are “disrespected” (as you claim) because you are you, one that just comes in and irritates everyone who criticizes. Do not use your beloved AOE4 as your cover.

I wrote even more posts criticizing what I “dislike” about the current state of AOE3. Be it balance, aesthetics, representations, etc. There are people who agree or disagree with me or each other. These are all normal. Not a lot of people would jump in preaching “No what you say is a personal preference. No something happens because there is some reason” to everyone. I’m not disrespecting you. I’m showing you the door because you are not contributing to the discussion.