So Relic, are you actually taking in feedback or just going to play dead?

First of all if you bothered to actually see all of my posts you would see that I write plenty of things that I want to see in this game that isn’t available and I have stated multiple times that this game is far from perfect by stating things that I wanted in the game at release and/or see them addressed in a future patch.

The difference here is that those who complain the most and only complain make it sound that this game is complete disaster which is where I come in disagreeing with those comments because I don’t share the same views as you or someone else in those topics. At least not to the same extent, I can understand some of them, and agree which I have done multiple times but I’m not going to agree that this game has so many game breaking issues that makes this game unplayable because it’s simply not true.

You might have things you want to see addressed and so do I but all I’m saying is we need to start to think about HOW we are describing our issues with the game and not call everything a disaster or game breaking just to try to prove a point?

In case you have missed my other topics here are some of many things that I’d like to see:

  1. Make slightly more adjustments to the zoom out issue so that we can zoom out a bit further away.

  2. Adjust so we can have more customization options when it comes to the hot keys.

  3. Add so we can pick what ever color we want to have prior to launching a game. (Honestly don’t understand why this wasn’t at launch)

  4. Some balancing concerns when it comes to things like France civilization and others like China etc.

  5. Add a way for me to be able to check my mysteries progression while in game & to make it clear for me whenever a mastery has been completed in game too.

Again, I’m not disagreeing that the game needs improvement because it does on many things I just don’t share those as big game breaking issues like someone else and you are of course welcome to have those opinions but so am I which is why we have a conversation here.

Please try to read what I’m actually writing instead of assuming a bunch of stuff that isn’t true. And no just because I happen to disagree with something then it doesn’t automatically mean that im getting payed by Relic :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sigh. I don’t know why the creators of the game didn’t want to include things that other games in the SAME franchise have had since the 90’s.

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About the graphics, i think not bad. Just the colors should be a little darker. Especially the units’ uniforms.

As for the game: probably they will fix ui problems and bugs then they will add 8 more civs with a dlc and we will be done. I am not hopeful but if they continue updating the game constantly, it can be legend like aoe2. If not it will be dead sometime near.

Come to find out relic might not be in control of aoe for a while now… look at the bottom of the page, u see relic anywhere?

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It says “Relic Dev” and it has the relic symbol on any topic where a “relic dev” replied to, doesnt it? At least they are in charge of something.

Hmm :thinking: true that… thats maybe their part to play in it still.

That article touchs on some of it


And this is what’s the worst part. They’ve given no dev blog update in 2 weeks since release (2 weeks tomorrow).

Nothing. Sure, they’ve answered a couple of bug reports. Big deal. Where’s the meat? The stuff people are requesting.

  • Optional UI changes

  • Colour picker

  • Random Civ Picker

Among a few things.

They’ve got people answering bug reports? Well why not just do mini-patches rather than wait for a big one? Quicker things are fixed, the better. No point waiting weeks to do one big patch when you can send out smaller ones as things are fixed.

Lack of feedback blogs is insulting.


This is all I’m asking.


They need a community manager for AOE4. If they have one, where are they?

Yeah, all well and good but what feedback are they addressing? It’s easy to say “Thank you for the feedback.” Doesn’t mean they’re going to do anything.

There’s a fast food place near me that gets bad reviews all the time and they always say “Thank you for the feedback, we’ll do better next time!” yet 3 months later and still bad reviews.

The community need just an idea/hint of what they’re working on because no info on future patches just makes me and others no doubt think they don’t care enough to sort some stuff out in a timely manner.

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Umm strange choice of priority there.
How is color choice, UI and random civ the meat of issues ? The meat is to fix the game breaking and major bugs and then move to balancing the civs. And anyways random civs in current unbalanced state would be so unfair to person who gets the weaker civ.

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I think there meat suggestions were just off the cuff a quick example

I listed a few issues.

Devs aren’t even clarifying what bugs they intend to fix so you’re just as much in the unknown as the rest of us. Why defend them?


“Thanks consumer for consuming product. Product will be better in future because you consumed.”

Well halleluja, there are all the answers! Praise be!


Still not bought the game, and that’s due to not seeing any support for it? I want it to succeed big time, but slowly I’m getting put off , by no developer feedback/input.

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Patch coming on Monday, by the way.

I made a mistake buying this game, this clearly was an unfinished game, not worth the full price, hopefully it would get better and hopefully there won’t be stupid DLCs


So you dont want more civs? Because i highly doubt that they will release civs for free.

I agree with you. Probably they will add 8 more civs and it will cost some money.

I just hope it is civilisation and new game mecanic.

It will be sad for me, to only see civilisation in a dlc, and evern worst if they are only a a skin, whit the same
stats then other civilisation.

The problem with this is testing workload. To do things properly, every time you release a new version of software you test the entirety of the functionality to make sure you haven’t broken anything (known as a regression test). This can be extremely expensive, often taking tens of person months of work per release. So it’s much cheaper to release one big patch rather than multiple smaller patches.