Solution to make india more played in treaty

Zamburaks need +2 range and +2 vision (+1 with each upgrade). The sowar are good, but not anything to write home about. I don’t know if they need any benefits, but there are better cavalries.

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Yes there are better cavalry but they’re not bad. Zamburak are still better than Ruyter, if you need range get Howdah or auxilaries.

The consulate/export system needs a good rework for all asian civs. But even with the consulate as it is you can ally with Ottoman for hussars. And if you want a dragoon equivalent that isn’t frail and isn’t an elephant just build a monastery there’s a 200% chance you can get one there.

I do think there needs to be a way for all asian civs to get arsenals since other than inca and aztec every other civ does.

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Sowars are fine except for train rates, they are slower than mahouts?

sowars in TR should be what they are fast and high attack to the right units, when players over compensate and make too many skirmishers. Really best suited when India gets low on pop and needs to spam out some quick but weaker units to fill in the training gap. Fast training cav is how otto survives and India really lacks this.

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Sowar are no where near worth the 2 POP !

Sowars should not get AOE dmg, they are already a high attack, and that is the mahout speciality.

India actually has more AOE dmg units than just about any civ.

Howdas (in melee)
Siege ele,
War elephants

are all possible options to use not including consulate units.

its not really supposed to be. the rest of india’s units are very pop efficient, so it needs something to balance that, a unit for situational use.

perhaps another 5-10% range armor might make them a little better but I do not see how that could be implemented without another card or something, and then India really does not want to use cards for camels. Mahouts are just better, especially good with urumi backing them up.

Their 2 Cards are huge weakness.
Those cards should be merged or , both should become a research in Temple. And a minor buff in Armor or HP.

problem is that totally changes supremacy. And per card/ age value, that would be a incredible card to give the 15% HP attack, and then also a multiplier vs units, and a armor? Its just a bit over the top.

I guess there could be ways to get those techs in the the temple (via royal green jackets?) without effecting supremacy need in age 2

Camels are kinfa meant to be out phased by elephants the same way crossbows get outclassed by skirms with no real usefulness. Even with the cards they will drain india way too fast of coin and only should be used in dire situations to recover from being overrun, which is really a train time issue since they only have 1 card that effects them. Buffing their stats and train time may make them too good, buffing stats without train time just makes elephants a faster/ better option and no need to even make the other changes.

The only thing that really would make sense is if the elephant training cards and techs applied to all cavalry units instead of just elephants. that way india would have a unit to quickly use (and sowars are still kinda dangerous due to speed, zamburaks though are terrible in TR, almost no fix to them without just ruining the howda) to strengthen one of its weaknesses of slow training armies, but not so over done because the unit has limited roles, but that role does fill in a weakness of india to deal with large amounts of skirms.

The issue is that eles are too much pop heavy for their actual efficiency on treaty. They cost pop slots as artillery while they dont do their job. I think that 4 slots would be ok for both eles (after card) because we come from german wagons and gendarmes (3) to 6 and 7 slots.

This way we would have 1pop camels, 2pop horses and 4 pop eles. (Gatling and Siege are exceptions)


Naginata has a higher attack/bonus at the end. Camels just have more speed, a bit useless when fighting skirms


“this” India is a powerful civ. The desire to build a civ with no flaws you can lame is endless.

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No, it doesnt. They cant do anything vs skirmishers from range, and mahouts have badpathing as a melee counter while they need to train musketeers to build stuff. Also they havent got a powerfull eco neither cause just have 2 cards for coin and Karni mata is just a worse economic theory.

Eles were suppoused to solve the lack of artillery but they dont

Mohout needs a separate button to charge properly and not bump / stand doing nothing.

. . .

There is a REASON almost NO one uses India in Treaty !!
Camels are useless :confused: every civ have mortar, India got none.

Oh yeah well India is the only civ with elephants. See how that works.

And Germans are the only ones with wagons, that answer says nothing

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India’s the only rush civ that can drop a fort on your doorstep in the second age.

lembrassem que o assunto do meu post e para jogos de tratado não pra jogos ‘‘normais’’ @PratUshh @ScalierCactus96 @Ekdal1378 @howlingwolfpaw


I get that but there isn’t a way to separate one version from the other.

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One must consider how any changes effects both modes. There is just no way to do it perfectly balanced for TR and SUP games.

como eu disse no post a maioria das possíveis tecnologias poderiam apenas permitida na idade 4

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