Solution to make india more played in treaty

@PerseusLegends4 So well written

It was not a buff it was a basic need ,that shouldve been there any ways u can count that as a bug too , n it wont make a difference.

It was a SERIOUS NO WIN! early missed the mark, Tashunke and other lakota cav, easily RAM through, bases with so much ease,sieging everything clearly! also 5% speed reduction from War Chief is ignorrable

haha! sad for u you, I get it :stuck_out_tongue: but its was seriously a good change :stuck_out_tongue:

So true

Hoping so!

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I’m a professional in rush and a treaty with the russia I love this civi really was good to add to this card I had made a post asking almo de alcamboscce of the strets a few months ago

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So after the USA announcement this becomes more relevant as, the US is just all europeons combined into one, also the fort making explorer :slight_smile: IMO NOW all the civs need a little buff/update.

But especially Indian and some other less popular civs.

true india late game no have chance vs USA

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No civ has any chance late game against USA with their freaking 23 range skirms among many other op stuff

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wtf dude 23 ??? they will nerf for sure, Do not have a conditions to stay in the game.


Better Skirms than Caçadores, better Ranged Cavalry than Ports Dragoons, Gattling better than Organ Gun, better Musk than Redcoat, better lategame bombship than Brits Monitors, better early game warship than Galley, better Galleon-type than Fluyt, ships can literally get +60% damage from garrisoned Minutemen, better fishing than Ports or Japan, Magyar Hussar better than Cuirassiers and cheaper than Mamelukes, better Outlaws…

It basically has all the other civ’s strengths, dialed up to 11.
They will be unbeatable in Treaty, or any Water map.


Yep, they have 21 range on fortress age and gain +1 range after each upgrade, which means age 5 they will have 23 range


It seems joke, but after they added the Swedes to the broken all game I do not doubt anything else

Lol, Swedes is weak, compared to USA “Easy Mode” civ.


It would be better if they listen to this and do actually useful changes

they no make nothing for india in this update

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Now even Natives have Mortars in Imperial age ! WTF!

What if Sioux do 10 tepee around 2 mortars! ? Wouldnt that be OP ?? 2000 Damage mortar

But Increased Siege ele range would be OP ?

India needs buff in treaty for sure


India now have the least ranged, and most popped Mortar!
@Kaiserklein @GMEvangelos @vitorcxb20 @PerseusLegends4


now need decent train time

their wood is fine, wood crates are faster than 3factories

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Very much case dependent !

if a tough fight is going on and u need to have Urumi ! u cant go for wood soon!

and if u have the wood it wont be enough for mohouts + too many buildings that u have to make, coz production speed is slow ! and u simply cant destroy a 40+ ranged mortar easily :slight_smile: coz the cav is weak and ur culv have 30 range :slight_smile:

You will be flying on wood with crates. In treaty you dont need urumis cause they are only 9 and you cant mass them. I think that mahouts should work like spanksh lancers, without pebalties vs heavy infantry and work as a melee canon instead.

When a Russia/Dutch/Brit spamm Halbs! or musc! or Ruyters
Japan Samurai, German Doppel or War wagon!

U need Urumis coz u dont have canons :cry: ! and 9 urumis are quite efficient on their own they are the only good unit for whatever they are worth for their pop I usually end up having 18 urumis on battlefield against

yes thats what I was thinking too, that mohouts shoud have bonus on infantry of all types and no bonuses on them from melee

That would make more sense and Differentiate between an ‘Elephant’ and ‘Horse’/‘Camel’


GG India. Now that all the Native American civs got a big buff in artillery, India only falls lower and lower in tier with the same issues lol

Best thing to do is probably just keep this topic alive, otherwise it may end up in the backburner like many other balance suggestions

They should’ve made winning a treaty game with India as one of the USA challenges xD

Would be a huge eye-opener to the masses

Curious to see how Lakota performs with these OP mortars…

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