In all seriousness, the solution is pretty simple to me:
add a -25% Training Time for Infantry to the Card that give Couter-Inf. Riffle tech to Gurkhas ( Royal Green Jackets) = Infantry Train at the same speed as Europeans Civs.
Rework one of the Ottoman Consulate Tech to instead add a 1-2 Great Bombard Infinite Card (with cost if necessary) to the player’s deck. Chinese with 2 Infinite Crow was enough for me in my test with that civ, so I think it should be the same for Indians.
Add an extra -5% Training Time for Cavalry to the Monastery Tech and a -10% training Time for Camels to one of the cards = Equal Training Time for Cavalry as Europeans Civs.
This is not possible as Great bombards are for Ottomans and India already has its own Mortar+culv (Siege ele) and Great Bombards are also not a very good unit for treaty! slow to move, pop eating and less damage to an individual unit (They do good damage in an area but thats it) and having another card is absolute impossible for India for most decks.
Cav and Inf train time changes are good to be implemented!
I swear if URUMI werent there, this match wouldve been over! I had nothing else to go against Blac Riders+Jaeger+Horse artillery efficiently! Siege ele was too slow to create ! hence have to loose troops till siege ele can arrive, this it would kill few horse artillry then dies against jaeger+ culverines
Although as u can see he was the best of all 6 players ! So i obviiously made gukha and sepoys and everything necessary in between, and somehow able to withstand the assault as the last teammate alive, but the gist of all of it was
Without Urumi India is halved in strength
slow unit production gave enemy, time to recover
less range got siege ele killed, Slow creation time was a bummer everytime !
Well, I think it’s a good thing for the game to get more attention in general. There’s more people to play with, which can possibly help the crappy ELO system fix itself, especially for team games. And just more players playing AOE3:DE means potentially it becomes a higher priority for devs to focus more resources on this game. In terms of people playing AOE3:DE online, it has successfully raised the daily peak of online players from ~4k to ~7.5k (Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Steam Charts)
But yeah, obviously the bad thing is that it can becomes a numbers game very quickly, for # of players and for $. So they would want to focus on the things that get them attention and $$$$, from a business perspective.
We treaty players are also outnumbered, so it doesn’t help that many people won’t share our feelings about civs in the lategame, especially seen here. Not only that, it takes awhile to get experience in treaty just because of time alone.
But yeah, hopefully we keep these topics alive until it does get attention.
And on the topic of India and treaty in general, I just think people in general just need to play treaty more to see the points made on this post. Most people here are just judging off of the unit stats, and it doesn’t seem like the counterarguments are made in the context of a long, drawn-out treaty game. By “treaty games,” I’m talking about people throwing wave after wave after wave of units at each other on the map, constantly getting artillery superiority and walling off the maps, building forward bases. Training time then becomes a super important factor in the civ’s effectiveness to do this, which has been one of the big arguments in this forum.
How do you take advantage of your civ’s stronger units, if they can’t even make it to the battlefield on time?
How do you make your civ 100% optimally played (via maintaining max pop on the battlefield) if you are always outnumbered and can’t produce units fast enough to counter the enemy? Training time - invaluable in the late game. 30 gurkhas fight 30 skirms. Gurkhas win. Enemy makes more skirms and cav. India tries to produce sepoys or anti-cav, but slow training times make it too late to save the gurkhas. Restart, repeat.
I actually don’t expect to see a lot of rally behind treaty balance improvements. There’s 1.) a lesser population of treaty players in the game and on these forums it seems. And 2.) having less people who play treaty consistently, it is statistically harder to get them to understand where we’re coming from. Doesn’t help either that there’s even less people who actually care about treaty balances (in the light of USA, DLCs, and leftist historical accuracy), nor that most regular people don’t have all the time in the world to play lengthy, treaty games.
I still invite people to play India in treaty a few times. People should see how much it sucks to wait for your units to come out, only to already see their counter units already on the battlefield to kill you. Oh boy
truth bro, these guy who were against all my arguments about india nor do they want to know how to play with it among other civilizations in treaty they just look at the statistics of the units, comes an elephant with HP 2000 and think that already fowment And just see training time and cost to have notion that is not effective in treaty. They ne Ce wants to see the context of the India station in Treaty and weak loses for all civilizations sorry bad english
Hi bro, I am new to these AOE3 and specially with India CIV but yes the little time which I have played helped me understand about the training time i.e is killing it is too slow and no proper cav we have in the civ
the train time and the fact that Siege Eles are 700 res to 400-500 res and have LESS range so you walk up to horse art or culvs and just die to huss or skirms is ridiculous.
and then after death of units u just wait which in itself kills your advantage.
Soon friends were just like play Euro civs its easier and honestly with the arsenal and church - I think they DESIGNED Euro Civs for Treaty and Asian and Tad civs for supremacy.
Simple Fix Devs: Elephant Population Card: Decrease Pop; Add 2 range to Siege Elephants; Decrease Train time for Elephants by 10%
Longer Term Fix: Add in Sweden; Take out Ports - Mil: Hakkas; Hakkas and Leathers; Hakkas and field guns. Improvements: Mine wagon and 10% mining buff; Church wagon and 200 xp; Arsenal Wagon and all units train 10% faster. (Lets Zambs have more range and Sowars have a little bit more HP).
In the game 20% of your Sowars (225 HP) DIE on the approach since base hp is 135 less than Hussar (360 HP)
This should really eliminate all these India is slow at unit train threads. Not instant but like 60-70% faster as compared to Euro which gets 80% I think.
Late game Wood is not SOOO bad as India since the trickles, crates, infinite crates, grove rickshaws, and france eco buff compensates.
Its MUCH worse for Lakota or Haudis. They should get a Logging House (6w/s) (a factory but just for wood).
Glad you understand it. Seige Elephants sound cool in theory, but they are very expensive, train slow, take up a lot of pop, and basically have to commit suicide in order to be used (compared to European artillery comfortably sitting in the back of the army with longer range)
YES, exactly the points the others have mentioned in this post. I’m happy you see it too
Umm wow!! Just if u can expert opinion on the newly, most popped and least ranged mortar+Culv in treaty, ie- Siege ele !! as now natives also have Europeon mortars, considering tht india dosnt already have true canons and slow train time, and ranked low in treaty #fanMoment