-Standard Poll continues-Regarding Nomad being an entirely separate game mode that should not be inside the standard starts random script map queue. Among other suggestions - Standard Poll -continued voting

so 2 huge differences between this and aoe2 Nomad maps:
-fixed spawn locations
-only one vil

in other words: this is nothing like nomadic maps in aoe2

The Nomad start in age 2 is even more nomadic and better for the game mode Nomad.

That doesnā€™t answer the question. As usual HealFortress using bs answers


than ask a question.
instead of ignoring the answer I give, tell me why itā€™s not the answer youā€™re looking for @MatCauthon3

except the original devs clearly labeled the one map they implemented with nomad under the exact name of ā€˜Nomadā€™. Itā€™s clearly an improved version of ā€˜Nomadā€™.

ā€¦ seriously?
Why do you think you are above moderation?
Your thread has been closed for a reason, you are not above the rules @moderators


I am not, however I am also acting within the lines of continuing an old thread by creating a new one, which is fully allowed. what you guys are asking for is censorship of an idea.

what, you going to censor the next guy who spouts a similar opinion?

this is the problem with arguing with you:

  1. you make an argument based on a statement
  2. that statement is incomplete/false
  3. you donā€™t admit itā€™s wrong/argue it doesnt affect the validity of the statement

it is your responsibility to fact-check things you post

examples of this:
you claimed Nomad is a game mode in aoe1 - it isnā€™t
you claimed Nomad is a game mode in aoe2 - it isnā€™t
you make up stuff about broken spawns
you claim that Nomad loses map votes when there are more than X number of votes, completely (intentionally?) leaving out important information eg age of those votes
you make an argument that is logically flawed (eg saying elo doesnt translate from standard play to ā€˜Nomad playā€™), this flaw gets pointed out to you (eg elo translates better from some standard start maps to Nomad, then it does from Arabia to Arena), you ignore this and keep repeating your flawed argument

you use ā€˜Nomadā€™ to refer to all nomadic maps, when haelse does, leading to more confusion

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  1. the wiki says it is, youā€™re still going off of mercyā€™s factually incorrect statement.
  2. Nomad is a game mode that was in Age 1 and it was transferred to age 2 with a single map called ā€˜Nomadā€™ and was very much improved on, the devs were good to the game mode.
  3. possible reasons are possible reasons and there are many of those. I can speculate as many reasons as I can choose and so can you.
  4. The voter sample size matters allot more than the age be it within 2 years or 5. A dying voting system should never take precedence before the numbers of its prime life.
  5. There is no flaw in that argument; elo does not transfer from the standard to nomad 1:1, and the difference of elo between map generations within the same game mode is down to each player actually practicing more than one or two map types which is a flaw in the current culture, it does not translate.

I use Nomad to refer to all nomad maps out of respect for the game mode.

Thats not how it works. Continuing a dead thread isnt allowed as far as I know


yes it is, Iā€™ve had guides deleted multiple times due to ā€˜interferenceā€™.
they instructed me to recreate it(other guides) or complain to support.

we can create threads as much as we desire, but god forbid if we comment in an older and still interesting thread.

Just ignore him at this point. He clearly ignores arguments, gives non answers or ignores questions asked, and ignores facts. There is no sense arguing with him

I read and give pointed answers to whatever is written that I feel I can answer properly, if something is uncertain, I would most certainly ask for more information, like what Iā€™m doing now towards you, and yet youā€™re ignoring the questions and ignoring my answers to say your ā€˜factsā€™ are facts.

I desire a conversation, not a flame war.

No. You donā€™t. I asked what about nomad in aoe 1 sounds like nomad in aoe 2.

Your answer was the complete opposite. You said that nomad aoe2 was an improved version of aoe1.

So basically you didnā€™t answer what was asked.

very well, you donā€™t start with a tc, and the map retains the game modeā€™s name, thereā€™s enough similarities while also gaining drastically beneficial improvements to the mode that I can state that I most certainly believe they are one in the same, and age 2 is most certainly even more deserving of the game mode title than its age 1 counterpart due to said major improvements.

Except itā€™s not a map in aoe1. As you said itā€™s a game mode. Therefore the second point is a false.

Again false. The only similarity is no tc and possibly no scout.

Fixed positions.
1 villager.
Fixed resources around you.
Available to play on any map.
Ones a game mode and one is not.

Except clearly the devs disagree with you, because they didnā€™t implement it as a game mode. But hey. You clearly know much better then the devs. After all weā€™ve seen your balance changes.

Iā€™m out. Not gonna sit around and argue with you.

you mean this?

this is a fan wiki not an official source. i believe the person who said it is a starting age option, because thatā€™s also how it works in aoe3 afaik

open aoe2 (any version), open the drop down ā€˜game modeā€™. Here is what you see in aoe2DE:
as you can see ā€˜Nomadā€™ is NOT there. so it is NOT a game mode. these are the facts

the point is you speculated but presented it as fact. this is dishonest

this is your opinion. an honest discussion would say that you are selecting based on vote count exclusively and that there are no recent votes meeting your criteria

thank you for making my point for me. i show you why your argument is incorrect, you ignore my argument and repeat whay you said before.

this is why a healthy discussion with you is impossible
this is why the previous thread was closed down
this is why this thread will be closed down
this is why you will get banned/timed out.

I reckommend you work on your debate culture

if you use a word differently than a significant part of your audience (i assume a majority in this case) then you should communicate that

  1. Yes, it is a game mode in age 1 and a map consisting of an improved version of that game mode.
    new maps that are based off of that map based on an improved version of that game mode labeled ā€˜Nomadā€™.
    If we look at it that way, Nomad as a game mode was implemented into age 1 only as a single map, and later with more maps that still contain nomad within the title or, as of late, in the picture. It is both true and false based on how you frame it.

  2. The game mode is drastically improved on from age 1 to age 2, and the devs clearly had a better starting point in mind. Why they added it into only a single map, we do not know, but we can most certainly speculate.

  3. we donā€™t know their reasons why they placed nomad only into a single map, but they did, and they made it a wonderful addition to the game mode.

At this point you will end like Equalizer ended time ago lol.


I know xD it would be a terrible way to go.