Hello, I thought I’d share some small QOL suggestions for hotkeys and game options, and some other stuff:
add hotkey for ungarrisoning out of allied buildings (currently if you garrison in ally building, you can only click a button to ungarrison, hotkey isnt functioning)
add hotkey to select all lumber, select all mining camps, select all mills (currently when u press go-to-mill hotkey, it centers your screen on the mill, while if u add a select all mills hotkey, it will be better cos it doesnt center the screen on a mill)
OR alternatively add a toggle at options for deciding if go-to hotkeys center screen on the unit when pressed or not (which aoe3 has)
also repeating the suggestion for allowing to de-queue units through the training queue(top left) by right clicking: Request: Allow to dequeue units via training Queue by right click
allow one more Health bar setting in option, which shows unit HP always on, but excludes Buildings
Suggestion for spectating ranked games more easily: Instead of naming every match AUTOMATCH, can we have it like AUTOMATCH(player1)vs(player2)(avg-elo)