Supremacy Balance Changes

I’d go for 135 or even 140, but yeah, that’s kinda the way forward.

Nice vid, though that was a protected TP map, with cows, and Mongol Scout + some extra starting resources and insane treasures, against a blind FF - with two top five or ten players in the game.

So not exactly standard.

It’s pretty obvious that a Barracks that also heals should not be half the cost of a regular Barracks. The only reason they’re 100 wood is because they use a recycled Field Hospital model. But the hospitals run by the Knights were actually brick and mortar buildings not chintzy tents. They should have been a proper building that costs 200 wood, and the fact that they also heal is more than enough of a perk.

Different civs are different, some have stronger cards than others to compensate for a weakness elsewhere.

Blockhouses are the same wood as an outpost (250w) yet they serve 500w worth of purpose (half a house + barracks). Nobody is out here saying Blockhouses are broken, unless of course when afforded by other civilizations like USA or China as they are meant to balance out Russia, not the others.

That being said if hospitals do go up to 125w they’ll need to have a lot more buffs applied in other areas where Malta is weak including bringing German Tongues down to 425w and the host of other buffs I outlined above.

Hospitals are not the way they are because of balance reasons. They are a low effort recycled asset like most other elements of the civ. They are very obviously not balanced at 100 wood and are only costed as such because they look like tents.

Blockhouses are not at all comparable and they aren’t worth 500 resources. For one, the buildings they combine have 2.5 times more health. And they’re paired with mandatory batch training that ties up population room and Strelets that are effectively half pop units that have a significant wood cost.

Hospitals on the other hand are half the cost but 60% the health and also heal. The only drawback Malta has to offset cheap Hospitals is that their Stable equivalent is costly but that doesn’t matter if all you do is an infantry rush.

If there needs to be more of a perk to justify a higher cost, the healing could be increased and maybe let them garrison villagers too. Or maybe let their infantry get promotions so there’s more of an incentive to heal them. If that’s still not enough tweak some cards like you say.

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That’s fine, the cost should be increased with an increase of perks.

Honestly at this point Im getting close to giving up on hoping for more patches. Russia is in desperate need of a buff and Spain, Germany and USA need nerfs. Will we get them? Doubt it at this point.


With the poland and denmark dlc we will get a patch 100%

And afterwards there will be atleast 2-3 patches just for the sake of ballancing those new civs

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Can we improve unused cards, like for Russia:
6 * Poruchik should be more like 8 (compared to other unit value cards).
Medicine, perhaps allow it in age 1.
Move Detinets from age 3 to age 2.
Tula arms foundry, ship 3 grenadiers instead of 2.
Advanced frontier defences move to age 3 instead of age 4.
The church card (Reformist Tsar) should ship a church and the Lifeguard Jaegers should be replaced by perhaps ship 3 li’l bombards.

Improve some age-up politicians to be more matchup dependent f.e.
A fortress age politician could ship agents (to help counter german/brit/usa merc rush).

Medicine in Age I for Russia would be crazy good for them and should not be a thing because of how OP that would be.

Agreed, no need to make it an Age 1 card - although that will free up an age 2 slot which is needed. Perhaps making it cost 50f as an age 1 card and it’ll be balanced.

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7 would already be a better valued shipment than their strelets so I don’t know where you got your numbers from but they are not really fitting

just leave it where it is. They already have the best value TCs in the game so no need to give them a better medicine aswell

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Ports need a buff in food rate to feitorias to account for the nerf in hunting.
Dutch perhaps need a little more starting food or something. They need a little boost though changing coin rate of vills has shown to quickly make them OP.
Inca should revert the nerf to either huaracas or chimu and reduce the cost of spearmen.
Maltese sentinel age 4 card needs buffing considerably so they become pop efficient. Wall guns needs to be made useable, depot aura should be reverted and a combat card for order units should be added.
Italy architects should be reduced in cost and train time now that they cannot make forts or outposts early on, lombards need to give at least a 10% ROI without usury and usury should boost it significantly for coin or boost a little for all 3 res. Pavisiers should receive +1 range with the guard tech, not the imperial tech and papal bombards need a significant buff.

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Oh hell no, unless you make them cost like double of what they cost now after rocket card

instructions unclear, nerfed inca again, units all +10 food


Would not surprise me at all.

That is the way the card works, currently it boosts them 45% in stats and cost but I’d prefer it to boost them like 60% in stats and cost so they are more like a regular 2 population unit.

That’s something I could get behind.

5 Spahi should cost 1500f. They offer too much value for the current price tag.

I would remove the Rolling Artillery card for USA and make it sendable only once.
I would increase the price of the US Minutemen.
I would increase the construction time of the US Capitol and the cost of the buildings wagon that it can spawn.
I would add an additional 200f cost to the Fast Age Up Politician.
Increase the price tag of every unit that the Church/Mosque card can send.
Nerf the Russo-American food gather rate increase down from +30% to +10%.
Add Forts (or some kind of Forts) to Lakota, Haude and Japan (the only civs that don’t have one).
Bring the original TAD Boyars card and maybe add a few other buffs for Russia.
Buff Italian tempo.
Buff Inca.

tbf there is the chance that they instead overbuff like by making chimu speed 8 base and all units 50f or something
inca has been truly a rollercoster



  • Increase cost of 5 Spahi card to 1,200f, or only allow 4 of them for 1,000f.
  • Reduce Bashibozuk HP down to 170 (from 180)
  • Increase cost of Mosque first settler limit upgrade from 100c to 125c.
  • Increase cost of Mosque first settler spawn rate time from 50w to 75w.
  • Increase Mosque build time by 5s


Increase (nerf) unpacking time for:

  • Capital Wagon by 10s
  • Meeting House Wagon by 5s
  • Bank Wagon by 5s
  • Mill Wagon by 5s
  • TP Wagon by 5s

*Increase the cost of MM and the other levy cards from 150f/150c to 160f/160c
*NERF the Russo-American Age III card by decreasing the food gather rate from 30% to 25%.

All of these in conjunction with one another will still leave USA in a very strong place.


  • -50f start.


  • -50f start.


  • Increase unpacking time for Consulate Wagon by 5s.
  • increase train time for Disciples by 2s
  • Increase cost of village by 5w.


  • Revert 1% XP nerf.
  • Upgrade Age IV Sentinel card to 55% stat increase, +2 range and melee range, and +.25 speed.
  • Upgrade Wall guns to have a +10 range to its aura
  • Upgrade Advanced Commandery to also increase Commandery HP, Attack, Range, LOS, & RoF by 10%
  • Upgrade Auberges Card to also decrease train time of Commandery units by 10%.
  • Decrease cost of German Tongue from 450w → 425w.
  • Upgrade Dignitaries card to also slightly boost Hospitallers in combat: 5% more HP, Attack, & Speed
  • Increase cost of Hospital from 100w to 125w. This will nerf the bow/xbow rush just enough.


  • Reduce Architect cost -5c from 170c to 165c and spawn rate (buff) by 3s.
  • Fix Economy Statistics on post-game screen to include resources generated from Lombards


  • Reduce Palace Wagon unpack time by 3s
  • Reduce Grainery build time by 3s across the board, increase range of effect by +2 LOS
  • Reduce Field build time by 5s across the board


  • Reduce Kancha House cost from 170w to 165w.
  • Increase Kancha House HP from 1600 → 1650.
  • Give Inca War Chief +1 melee range and 1 area damage on hand attack per age-up.
  • Decrease (buff) base Priestess spawn rate at the Community Plaza by 15%.
  • Increase Bola Warrior base speed by .25.
  • Reduce cost of Plumed Spearmen by 5f, from 100f 25w to 95f 25w.
  • Decrease cost of Huanka Support (Second TC + Warhut in age 2) from 500c to 450c.
  • Decrease cost of big button upgrade on Kancha house from 250f/250w/250c to 225f/225w/225c.
  • Increase Kancha build limit from 12 → 14 upon Kancha Brewing card being sent.


  • Reduce cost of batch villagers from 260f to 255f.
  • Have them start with a 500f crate instead of multiple 100f crates.
  • Enable Age III Detinets card to also increase Blockhouse build limit by +2


*Increase time it takes to revolt by 10s (including all Mexican revolts).
*Decrease base HP of Mounted Grenadiers from revolts by 10 and base attack by 1.