The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

The premise of ranked is foremost to be competitive. That people turned it into the ‘fun only zone’ is because the lobby system isnt working properly (e.g. they should display non-ranked ratings for team balancing purposes). Obviously playing ranked should still be fun but the fun there oughtta come from improving your skill on playing a variety of maps against your peers - not just playing the same map to infinity. Not only does that distort your elo as much as civ win rates are distorted by their arabia component, it also missed the point of ranked matchmaking. This is what the lobby system ought to be used for - instead of trying to make ranked conform to what you want it to be and if that doesnt work you (not saying you specifically, general ‘you’) simply alt-f4 to force your will.

Ranked has always been a compromise but alt-f4ers unilaterally decide for their own interests alone and that means they will always be selfish in doing so

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