The Byzantine Empire Speculation

I wasnt really refering with romanization to the Greek part, but to like Gaul, as I wanted to illustrate that you dont have to be born in Italia to be Roman.

Could you explain this? I didnt understand it.

Most Byzantine institutions developed properly in the 6th century, many of them were developed independently of how the Roman system worked, i.e. Byzantium developed independently of Roman influence which was already in short supply for obvious reasons.

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We consider France to have existed since the middle ages right?

Would you argue that France then is the same as now?

I assume not, as the institutions have developed over time and changed. Is it still the same country? Yes. You can apply this logic also for Byzantium. It was the (Eastern) Roman Empire and kept evolving its institutions like any other country did and still does. We just call it the Byzantine Empire because historians decided so.

It can be completely applicable, your example doesn’t make solid sense, we are not talking about the same Italo Latin Roman entity or nation, the Byzantine empire was not an evolution of the Roman empire, it was a “continuation” and that implies quite a few differences. An evolution is born from an adaptation and continuity of the foundations of a nation, Byzantium was an empire made up of Hellenized nations outside the cultural legacy of Rome, that is, they were foreign provinces that would take the mantle of power and the future development of the empire. This is not a native nation just changed by time, this empire is various foreign nations adopting Roman ownership and developing independently of their cultural heritage.

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Here are some ICONS that I personally made。


This is a very beautiful design

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Really Cooll!!! Thanks for supporting the community, really good work!

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This is Like a leak, now the devs need to develop Byzantine.

I hope the republic of Venice comes out with the Byzantines, they also want context, since they have contacts with the Byzantines, I hope you can consider it as a civilization in the future, after all it was important and lasted a very long time, I hope I’m not the only one who wants, it would also be very unique from normal, it would be cool to see that the Venetians, instead of having fields of wheat, would have a different way of creating food, such as the possibility of creating small ponds, I do however have some sort of different management, for example having any units paid only in gold

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I’m glad you can appreciate my work.


Your work is awesome. I am honored that you expose it in this forum and I am surprised to see that the discussion is still alive after months.

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Congratulations, it is a very good concept of civilization. As a suggestion I would add a unique building like the mercenary camp where you can recruit mercenary units since this empire used to recruit a lot of foreign troops. Greetings.

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I like the idea, but i think that have to be a general feature like in AoE 3. All of the current game empires use mercenaries or auxiliar troops in some point of their history.

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Hello Antonimus80, I hope you are very well. It would be interesting to see unique units like the latinikoi, tourkopouloi and skythikon, they would give more variety and tactical alternatives to the unit rosters. Greetings.

They are good…

Yes, and that the chronology goes from 697 to 1571…And that the campaign (997-1571) has 9 missions:

The Rise of the Republic (997-1204): Three centuries after its independence and foundation,Venice want to domain the Mediterranean,but first need to domain the Adriatic to avoid attacks by Arab and Slavic pirates…

  1. Controlling the Adriatic (997):Venetians vs Slavs (modified Rus)

  2. Sack of Constantinople (1204):Venetians vs Byzantines (maybe the same of this post)

Domini di Terraferma (1380-1489): Having achieved dominance of the Adriatic, Venice can now focus on its main objective: to dominate the entire Mediterranean…

  1. The Maritime Competition (1380):Venice vs Genoa (Venetians mirror civ) (one commercial race like the first mission of Steel campaign of AoE 3 but in water)

  2. The Battle of Gallipoli (1416) (in the same place of those of WW1):Venetians vs Ottomans

  3. The Conquest of Chipre (1489):Venetians vs Chipre (modified HRE)

The Cambrai League (1509-1515): Having gained control of the Mediterranean, Venice must now turn its eyes to the west, where the French have decided to invade the Italian peninsula to control it…

  1. Siege of Padua (1509):Venetians vs French and HRE

  2. The Battle of Pavia (1512) (not the same of 1525): Venetians,Swiss and Milan vs French

  3. The Battle of Marignano (1515):Venetians and French vs Swiss and Milan

The Serenissima Republic (1571): Once the Italian Wars are over, Venice will have to face the Ottomans together with Spain and the Papacy to define who will be the empire and religion that will control the Mediterranean in a naval battle that will make the modern world rumble…

  1. The Battle of Lepanto (1571):Venetians and Spanish vs Ottoman Navy (one naval battle like those of AoE 2)

Yes, the bar or mercenary camp of AoE 3 is missed…


The icons look good. You may wish to also create icons for the proposed unique units of the Persians on my Persians Civ Concept page. Click here to go to that page.

It will be cool if byzantines have another kind of stone wall that can be more tall than the normal ones and give more damage and range to the units of distance. but in this walls you can’t build stone towers, those will only be available with the standard stone walls.

This is my DIY Byzantine idea, you are welcome to give valuable comments. :grinning:

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Want to comment on here and confirm that the Byzantines will in fact be appearing in AoE4. From your civ concept, some of it turns out to be true like the Cataphract and Varangian Guard being some of the unique units of the Byzantines and the Byzantines having a Spearman replacement (but in that version of the Byzantines, it’s the Limitanei rather than the Skulatos like how it is in your version). The Dromon will also be one of the unique units of the Byzantines for real as well and will be having the ability to use Greek Fire. The unit that launches a jet of fire is also true (except it’s in the form of a siege weapon that replaces the Battering Ram rather than a ranged infantry and it’s called the Cheirosiphon rather than the Siphonatores).

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From the beginning I saw it possible that Greek fire on land could be used in a siege weapon, The In-Game Cheirosiphon is steange to me, I never see it in my investigations so I don’t know how historically accurrate is, but is better than nothing. Maybe the spearmen are not called Skutatos, but it doesn’t surprise me much either because the Byzantine topas had many reforms and variations, and the Limitanei fight in a very similar way to what many of us expected.

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