Technically I’m sure its the case, but in practice engine number difference doesn’t translate to a difference and advancement in gameplay.
I can’t remember when I got DoW II, got my CE edition rather early on, and never had any issues with performance. Never had an ultra high-end PCs. But I’ve played mostly single player, skirmishes, Last Stand and only a bit of PvP MP. But MP and netcode and game optimization in PvP environment is not really what I’m focusing here.
Game was very impressive back in the day, and still very much is. Of course, a lot of that are things I’ve mentioned that are not really related to technical capabilities of the engine, but it doesn’t change the end result, which is something very much different from the initial excitement.
Here, instead of talking about how great combat feels or units are animated, people were and to some extent still are talking about lacking features, underwhelming visual quality of many assets, weird scaling of units, weapons, missing arrows, bodies popping out of existence instead of sinking int other ground or decomposing like in iirc even OG Age of Kings, dated destruction, dated wated, dated and stiff animations and thing like that.
Relic did a phenomenal job with DoW II, Chaos Rising and Retribution.
First issue that comes to my mind (besides lacking map selection in The Last Stand, only two maps I think?) are microDLCs with skins and such, but that’s more on the SEGA side I imagine.
People were divided and a lot of players prefer the classic DoW 1 approach, but I love both of them, even more DoW III because of how different and fresh the approach was back in the time, compared to DoW 1 when it came out.
11yo and even when looking at unit models from a much closer distance than usually in game they still look good
A bit more care paid to how destruction works, how debris looks, how much gore there is would substantially elevate combat in AoEIV, I hope they’ll get there and catch up with their own legacy.
Age of Empires II got HD edition 14 years after release. Age of Empires III got DE 15 years after release. Let’s hope IV will be improved to the point where it can last half this long without looking ridiculous