The future of Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Can’t you see that I have separated the Egyptians from the rest of the Arabians civ???

Are you really forbidding me from dreaming of adding civs to this game that were very relevant to the timeframe of AoE 3? One civ for all German nations is the same crime as one Indian civ - if you don’t understand that, it’s not my problem.

By the way, it is much easier to convert Germans civ into Austrians civ than Indians civ into some Indian nation, e.g. Mughals (because Indians civ have content from different parts of India stuffed into one civ, Germans civ don’t).

Of course, I’m a evil European… :yawning_face: :man_facepalming:

Yes, but many key European civs are still missing. In addition, there are huge inequalities between European civs - some have a lot of content (e.g. Italians civ) while others have little (e.g. Portuguese civ).

I’ve never been against non-European civs, and I think future DLCs should focus on Asia and Africa. It’s not up to me what the developers’ publishing plan will look like.

Now to the haters. I know the history of Europe best, so I create proposals for European civs, I guess it’s not a bad thing. I guess it’s definitely better to do what you know, than if I had to come up with stereotypical Asian civs proposals that some people complain about being stereotypical.

Do what you like, don’t force it. In the case of non-European civs, I say what civs might interest me, but I don’t make topics about them because I don’t want to do something that will be completely poorly prepared.

Instead of criticizing me for creating European ideas for this game, maybe you’d better start making similar ones based on other parts of the globe.


Egyptians are not arab though, sure, culturally they are close. But strictly speaking ethnically they are Misr (IE: Egyptian, as in, the same ethnicity that’s been there since the times people built the pyramids.)

Saying Germans are “easier” to split because they don’t have content from different parts of Central Europe isn’t even correct since Uhlans are mainly Polish, War Wagons are very much hussite, out of all places, Landwehrs are Prussian and then, sure, Doppelsoldners are actually from the Holy Roman Empire.

If you are gonna argue that this isn’t to the scale to what India has, well, duh. India is the size of Europe, Germans are just a somewhat large ethnicity in what happens to be the smallest continent.

And I do actually happen to make threads about civs that are not outside Europe it’s just that, just as I literally said on this very thread, just the mere mention of European civs brings the dumbest discourse to these forums.


india is actually only about 30% of europe and the smallest is Oceania, by population Europe has historically pretty much always been the 2nd biggest continent by population.

1 can certainly argue that india deserves more representation but very large parts of india were ruled by the mughal empire. after which large parts of it were ruled by the british raj.

this started to change mainly because of European intervention in the continent which destabilized the empire. the most comparable country in europe by share of land would be the roman empire which even at its height never controlled more than half of the continent.


Here is a dumber one: patrolling every thread and arresting every mere mention of European civs.


Arresting every single mention of Europeans?

I didn’t even complaint about Europeans here, I just said that lumping all arabs into a single civ is a dumb idea. It’s just that no matter what I say people feel attacked. I can even make an earnest comment and people believe I’m being sarcastic lmao.

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Well very earnest and peaceful indeed.


Yes, the Uhlan is a Polish unit, but it was used in the Austrian army - because there was a Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria which was part of the Austrian Empire (inhabited mostly by Poles and Ukrainians).

Yes, the War Wagon is a Czech (Hussite) unit, but the Kingdom of Bohemia was part of the Austrian Empire. The Hussite Wars took place during the rule of Sigismund of Luxembourg - the Holy Roman Emperor and at the same time the king of Bohemia. After his death, Albert the Magnanimous von Habsburg took over Bohemia. After a 100-year break, Bohemia was ruled by, among others, the Jagiellonian dynasty, and the Habsburgs’ power in Bohemia returned uninterruptedly until 1918.

The Landwehr was formed in all German countries - not only in Prussia. The Landwehr model in AoE 3 is based on the Austrian uniform:

Arguing with the size of a given area is not a bad argument. Australia is a huge island, but it is not able to offer as much as West Africa.

The truth is that I have nothing against the Indian DLC, which is the breaking of the Indian umbrella, but you are against my ideas.

I don’t want to argue, but that’s the truth.

Yes, but only because of people who only complain about the fact that someone wants European DLCs - only because of such people there are problems.

Somehow I didn’t notice that people wrote in topics about non-European civs some things that destroyed the topic.

It’s simply the fault of people who, seeing the European topic on the forum, enter it to nag about Europe and destroy the thread.


@MUTYLATOR5553 @HoopThrower
Arguing about “you should/shouldn’t propose this civ” is a waste of time.

If someone makes factual mistakes, correct it with evidences.
If it’s a topic you are not interested in, let it slide.
If the developers think it’s a good idea and did it, don’t buy it.

None of these are reasons for gatekeeping:

  1. There is too many.
  2. I’m not interested.
  3. I think it’s not important.
  4. I think they are all the same.
  5. It’s not going to sell.

90% of the writings here are not going to affect the developers.

Don’t get me wrong. If there is someone fervently arguing against anything outside Europe (like some did in the AOE2 subforum) I’d be opposing as well.

For example, I don’t think Indian nations or “Arabic” nations are too similar either.
If Dutch is culturally distinct enough from “Germans” to make its own civ, so should early modern Egypt. It had its own distinct political history, military tradition, and participated in several important historical events on its own (not as part of the Ottoman Empire and an “Arabic” world). Same could be said about the Arabians outside Ottoman rule (like Oman).


It makes me laugh when someone says I’m Eurocentric, but I think the best DLC for AoE 3: DE was African Royals. As the only one, in my opinion, it is fully worth the price.

  • US civ and Mexicans civ are civs that are too chaotic for me. I only bought them because they were in a very cost effective package for the launch of Mexicans civ.
  • KotM DLC is weird for me - on the one hand we got the coveted Italians civ (who have too much content compared to the rest of the European civs), and on the other hand we have the Maltese civ which is a recycled civ (Depot annoys me). Royal Houses and European maps are ideal, but the lack of Historical Battles is sad.

So at the moment the only civs from DLC’s for AoE 3: DE that I really like are Ethiopians and Hausa.


It is normal to talk about the subject in which one has a deeper and more specialized knowledge. I have also seen MUTILADOR5553 propose many things about other parts of the world, such as postcolonial civilizations for example. It is not fair to insinuate that it is X thing.

I guess I’m also “Eurocentric”:
The Napoleonic Wars. I want the campaign that Ensemble Studios could have developed
[Suggestion--rework] 🐄 <Double Purpose Cattle of Europe> 🐑
University and fourth European resource (Probabilities and possibilities)

Even though I don’t know much about the history of Europe and I’m not from this continent either.

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So who I am, if I am a Pole and I think that Prussians would be a much more interesting civilization for AoE 3 than Poles???

German-centrist? xDDDDD
I know what group of voters of a certain party in Poland I would be included in, even though I don’t like her too much - all parties in PL is bad X DDD

We already have the revolution of the Barbary Pirates, I don’t think they include them as a civ, besides that they were a protectorate of the Ottomans…

But, hey at least we have the historical maps…

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its based on prussian Landwehr uniforms
(austrian uniforms wouldnt make sense with a card called “Scharnhorstreforms”)


I’ve watched it twice. Never does he say it will use the AOE3 engine.

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Africa tomorrow :wink:


Please add some new african civs. They look very,interesting.

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eh, where did you add mayans? amazon?

Mayans are in their own place. Tupis are in Amazonia :wink: