Towers and keeps not firing

Hi, I do only play single player and this happens every single game. If the towers , wall and free standing or keeps take damage and or are repaired they stop firing, if one of the devs just play a single player game with the version they sold all of us they will see for themselves. It’s not hard to see this bug. I could report it every time I play.

I’d love to hear some additional details @SonorousEel974.

  • Are you playing Campaign or Skirmish?
  • Do you see this with one particular civ? If so, which one? If not, do you notice if it happens more with one than others?
  • Does it tend to happen in early-game or late-game?
  • Does it only ever happen after being repaired?
  • Does the amount of towers built seem to have any correlation with how often it happens?
  • Does the amount of garrisoned units seem to change frequency? Or prevent it from happening? Or cause it to happen?


The skirmish mode is when it happens most I don’t play multi player, as for the campaign I do not recall it happening. It happens with all civs. It happens during all stages of the game. I know it happens after towers wall and free standing along with keeps take damage I do not repair them but the ai will and they stop firing. I don’t know if the number of towers has any effect but I do play with 3 ally ai’s and 4 enemy ai’s so there are a lot of defenses as I try to protect my allies. I never garrison troops because I use the towers and walls and keeps for defense to free up troops for offensive operations which is why this bug annoys me. I play with 3 intermediate ai’s against 4 hard ai’s so there are huge numbers of troops and defenses built around the map and the game last for a few hours. Thank You.

Thanks @SonorousEel974! Appreciate the extra information. We’re definitely aware this is going on but have thus far had a hard time finding a reliable repro. We’ll keep on it though…the extra information is helpful.

Just wanted to add for info seekers that this is still happening.

For the team, I’d like to add that individual modes of attack can be disabled individually by this bug.

For example, I just got out of a game where a tower lost the ability to fire garrison arrows early on, but could still fire cannonballs (until later on, when that also bugged out).

In the same game, I had a keep that lost the cannon but could still fire arrows and springald.

Thank you for bringing this back up @taxicrab! We have tracked down why this is likely happening in both campaign and MP. The team is working on a fix that probably won’t land in the next update but is definitely in the works.

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My towers also stopped fire cannons and made me lose the battle. It’s game breaking.

I have seen that if I don’t click on the keep and I don’t use it to retarget enemies, I can avoid this bug for good (or at least for longer). Try that while a patch fixes it. Avoid using the keep to retarget units, build towers around it to deal with high value targets and let the keep do its thing.

I think it’s completly random and make not really a difference if you let do the keep it’s thing or not.
I think that emplacements stop firing when a target is not any more reachable for example because of the target dies after the emplacement scanned the target and before emplacement fires.
I alwasy let outpost, wooden fortress, keeps …do it’s thing, but if the defensive buildings stands near together, some of the weapons stops shooting, because of loosing their target and hanging in a loop or throw an error or something like that. It’s a huge and tricky bug which must be fixed soon.
Relic want fix it in the update after next. I realy hope we talk about some days and not month after the next update =/

This problem is still unsolved. Special attention is paid to the frequent ceasefires in the mod modified keep. I don’t think this kind of repair is very difficult. I request that it be included in the repair priority as soon as possible

Hi @SavageEmpire566,

season 2 update is now released. Can we get an update on this issue? When will this bug with non firering emplacements be fixed?

I’m looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards

This is still true. A fix should be coming in the next update.


Hey everyone!

We have to add here also the Chinese Great Wall Gatehouse landmark in the list of bugged deffensive buildings with no shoot:

Maybe the reason is because this landmark is using the same code of shooting from keeps and towers with it’s newest nest of bees feature.

No reason for me to add much to the issue if it is gonna be fixed soon!

However I did notice the keeps will fire arrows if garrisoned. BUT, only the arrows matching the amount of units you put into it. Cannon and Springald also seem to stop working along with the default arrows.

If not already noted, this is also the case for landmarks such as the red palace.

We’ve not found a reliable repro in this particular case. While I’m hopeful a fix for towers/keeps/etc. may help, I wouldn’t guarantee it. If you see this happen a lot with the Gatehouse and can retrace your steps to figure out why, do let us know!


Perfect! Thanks! I’m going to :slight_smile:

I recorded a video for you where you can find a reliable repro with this particular case of the Great Wall Gatehouse, with a video showing it in action and buging in the second 00:16 of the video:


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i think it is a general issue with all weapons in defensive buildings. Springalds, Canons, Arrows from garrisoned, Nest of Bees emplacement…all stops shooting. Over and over again. Yesterday i had a wooden fortress with 6 garrisoned. 3 of them stopped shooting for no reason. I can’t wait for the bug to finally be fixed. The problem has existed for months. =/

Best regards and thanks for your support

The general issue is being worked on currently. I’m not entirely sure if the Great Wall Gatehouse is going to fall in this work, but it will be looked into.

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The game is 9-10 months released. As long as the game exists nearly all or maybe all weapon emplacements stops shooting for the rest of the game. It’s like gambling to invest resources in a weapon emplacement. We got another hotfix and patch for the game. With the patch there have been further balancing changes for the outpost which may stop firing. I cannot believe that the bug is furthermore existing. I’m so unhappy about that and so slowly me and my friends lack any understanding :worried: I keep my fingers crossed that the bug will finally be fixed in August.