Translation & Localization (Spanish - Latin America and Spain)

Game Version:

  • Build: 36906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Edsato82


*In Latin American Spanish: Konnik, when upgraded to elite, change their name to keshiks.
*In Spanish (Spain): knights (Jinete) still have the name of cavalier (Caballero), but in the technology tree the “cavalier” (Caballero original) it appears in English.

Reproduction Steps:

Here’s how to reproduce the problem:

  1. Just check the tech trees of civilizations, accordingly shown as in the game.


Latin American Spanish language (Konnik to Konink Elite (keshik)):

Spanish (Spain) language: (Knight (Jinete) with the name of Cavalier (Caballero)

Cavalier appears with name in english


Spanish (Spain) language: Onager has the name of Cannon Galleon.

EDIT: Latin American Spanish language: The Konnik in the castle or the krepost, have the name of keshik, but once the unit is created, it has the correct name.


Latin American Spanish language : The unique unit of the Bulgarians and Tatars, in the castle age have the selection of “Elite”.

I was checking the other units of other civilizations, and those were the only thing that are mixed.

Castle Age


Latin American Spanish language: The simple scorpion is named Heavy Scorpion in all civilizations.


La Edición Definitiva para la precuela de este juego tiene archivos llamados “strings.txt”. En ellos está todo el texto que se usa para X idioma. Editándolos se corregiría todo problema.

No sé si en AoE2:DE ocurre lo mismo.

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Traté, pero no me guardaba los cambios, seguía con los errores tipográficos. En todo caso los chicos de Forgotten Empire ya han arreglado bastante de los bug y errores de texto anteriores, solo quedaron unos poquitos (muy escasos), así que solo a esperar el próximo parche o el siguiente de ese :laughing: :grin:

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Game Version:

  • Build: 36906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Hectornauta
  • Localization: Latin American Spanish

Few typos and mistranslations that I found on the game

On the bottom right, instead of “bretones” it should be “ingleses”.

Bottom right, text from the red line, instead of “Campaña de la Edad de los Reyes” it should be “Campaña de “Age of Kings”” like the other text from the different expansions

On the last scenario of Francisco de Almeida campaign.
Middle Right, the text that keeps account of the number of soldiers killed is not correctly represented

On the bottom right, instead of “saracenos” it should be “sarracenos”. This is a typo I guess.


Quizá el juego se actualizó poco después de que hicieras los cambios. O de alguna manera, los archivos fueron re-descargados automáticamente.

Vamos a probarlo :laughing:

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No encontré ni una carpeta “localization” ni “data” en el directorio del juego.

Juego desde Steam, pero ya sé porque no la encontré :laughing: porque esa carpeta esta en el AoE1 DE no en el AoE2 DE :laughing: :laughing:

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Game Version:

  • Build: 37906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Granota92


*In Spanish (Spain) : The cutscene of scenario 5 (The Siege of Paris) of Joan of Arc campaign has some audio missing.

The original audio goes like this:

September 3, Rheims

France has a king once more. However, as Joan gains influence with the people, jealousy grows within the court.

The Spanish (Spain) audio misses the part “France has a king once more”, it goes from “September 3, Rheims” directly to “However, as Joan gains influence…”


Missing audio


Game Version:

  • Build: 37906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Granota92


*In Spanish (Spain) : A text mistake in the cutscene of scenario 1 (Holy Roman Emperor) of Barbarossa campaign. That “(G)” over there has no sense in the text


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Game Version:

  • Build: 37906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Granota92


*In Spanish (Spain) : A text mistake in the cutscene of scenario 3 (Pope and Antipope) of Barbarossa campaign. They misspelled the word “cinco”, it’s shown as “cinno”


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no puedo jugar en juego en español latinoamericano alguien sabe por que? o que necesito para restaurarlo?

Game Version:

  • Build: 37906
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Granota92


*In Spanish (Spain) : A pretty bad text and voice mistake in the cutscene of scenario 1 (The Scourge of God) of Attila campaign. They put “Campos catalanes” (Catalonian plains) instead of “Campos cataláunicos” (Catalaunian plains). The battle took place in the “Campos cataláunicos” (Catalaunian plains) in present-day France not in “Campos catalanes” (Catalonian plains), that doesn’t even exist




101.101.40220.0 5438859


A text in the “Historia” menu (“History” in English), is displayed incorrectly as “Evolution del castillo” instead of “Evolución del castillo”.



  • Build: 40220
  • Platform: Microsoft Store
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Popeluso

Issue 1:

In Spanish (Spain). The “Tours” Historical Battle’s description has Viajes as a title, as shown in the attached capture. It seems to be a literal translation of the English word “tours”. It should read “Tours”, as it is the name of a Fench city.


Issue 2:

In Spanish (Spain), the names of the knight line have been changed in the Definitive Edition, and I believe they’re now both wrong and confusing. I will explain.

Traditionally, the names for these units have been Jinete -> Caballero -> Paladín. “Jinete” is a beautiful Spanish word with berber roots (remember “genitour”?), that has been used since the Middle Ages to refer to horsemen. It is just a very appropriate word, and it’s what the unit has been known as since the original AoK.

Currently the names of these units are Caballero -> Cavalier -> Paladín. This means that the name traditionally used for the first-upgrade unit is now used to refer to the base Castle Age unit. Also, the term “Cavalier” a) does not exist in Spanish, b) literally translates as “caballero”, a word already in use. All in all, I think the previous naming system was objectively better, apart from it being the one we’re all used to.


I attach the problems I’ve found with the European Spanish Translation. Most of them are mixed audios in the campaings.

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Game Version:

  • Build: 41855
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Granota92


*In Spanish (Spain) : In the cutscene of scenario 4 (A Barbarian Betrothal) of Attila campaign there are some brackets that are left over.