Ultimate Potential New Civilizations Review


The Kingdom of Scotland was independent until the Union of the Crowns in 1603 when the Scottish House of Stuart replaced the English House of Tudor to reign both nations. After the usurping of the throne in 1688 by the House of Orange with a Dutch and Danish invasion of the British Isles, several Scottish uprisings and plots occurred in the following century to restore the rightful heirs to the throne.

These “Jacobite Risings” took place in 1689, 1715, 1719, and 1745, and many other plots to foment similar such Risings happened at various times throughout this time period. During these rebellions the famous “Highland Charge” was popularized in Scottish military tactics, in which Highland troops would fire muskets, crouch low to drop them, draw their swords, shields, and dirks, and then charge headlong into the enemy.

The Scottish flag (above) was used in Scotland as early as the 16th century, however the banner of the House of Stuart was often flown alongside it in the Risings and could be used instead. Alternatively, modified versions of the flag were used in the Scottish Covenant forces during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, though that circumstance was less a revolt and more a war between separate nations. Speaking of, the era of Scottish independence (which technically ended in 1707) could be worth turning into a whole major civilization on it’s own seeing as it lasted a good chunk of the game’s time period independently and went bankrupt trying to establish American colonies.

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