Upcoming Balance change

Better eco, the best Monks, eagles to raid, cmon IS incredible you, as one of the best civs, let Lithuanians get 4 relics.
Oh and if then there are 40 paladins with 22 attack for civ with quite weak eco and a bonus that can be denied in 1V1 ok, then isn’t the civ.

If you, as aztecs, with your amazing economy, great monks, and faster production can’t prevent lithuanians from getting 4 relics youvd done something wrong.

In 4V4 on big map it’s not that hard to get 4 relics


In 4v4 you shouldn’t be using pikes to beat paladins
In 4v4 it’s more rhen aztecs vs lithuanians.
In 4v4 you should be relying on your allies cavalry.

And in 4v4 Aztecs aren’t as good as they are in 1v1.

Did I mention that Aztecs also have a really strong relic bonus that should make the player go to get relics?

Okay, haven’t seen that video.

That’s why i have asked where he got the information from @mubashir158

Btw. how do you quote in this forum? I have only used one gameforum in my life and there was another system

I think leitis and lith skirms could potencially be a nice combo for 1v1 and in TG it would not be so hard to have 4 relics and +2 paladin (and before someone says teutons get +2MA for free, they also have slower cavalry)

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They also get extra conversion resistance and a better economy. Armor is also better then attack.

Food for thought but in a recent poll about best paladins teutons was hotly contesting franks and liths. And that was before this nerf. So if teutons with +2 contest lithuanians with +4 what do you think happens to +2 lithuanians?


Always this teutons have slow cav…

Do you consider cumans being extremely strong because of their fast cav?

Cav Speed rarely plays a role.

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Lol of course it’s expensive. Elite leitis can kill paladins with like 50% health remaining on a cost adjusted basis. Pop adjusted it’s still positive but idk the number. Being able to replace 1/3rd of your paladins with elite leitis is a massive bonus, especially if your paladins have +3 relics and trade evenly on their own.

If it was cheap how would other civs ever use melee cavalry? Lithuanian knights with 2 relics are better in castle age, killing xbow in 3 hits rather than 4 and knights in 12 hits rather than 15. If you also took away the early imp power spike by making elite leitis cheap it would be a no brainer which pocket civ to choose.

I’d also like to point out that at the margin losing blast furnace saves 500 resources which makes elite elitis cheaper in effect as they get blast furnace for free if the change goes through.

I mean how much better do leitis have to be before you consider them a viable complement? They are extremely good as is, gated only by Lithuanian eco.


Man, these arguments make no sense to me. It is close to impossible to NOT get 4 relics in team games. Just as a reminder: relic generation is tied to map size. Assuming you are playing a 4v4 there are 8 relics on the map. Getting at least 2 relics for generic paladin (which are a GREAT unit) is a given, and acquiring 4 relics with your team is not a hard task.
I think it’s a good design choice to either have FU paladin or non FU but with a gimmick. This way the gap between cavalier and paladin won’t be AS overwhelming and we sure don’t want a water map type situation with paladin civs, where only three civs are good

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The point is its going to take a long time to tech into both.

Provided a competent enemy doesn’t just micro them down with ease with focus fire from archers.

Because now there is no reason to not go franks as a pocket. Why choose lithuanians when franks are better in every way?

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Because Lithuanians are way stronger in Castle Age. But aside from that, doesn’t this tell us that Franks might be too powerful or too easy to play? You yourself bring up power creep and I’d rather have those top contenders nerfed than others buffed just to match annoying strength levels

Lithuanians change is a good decision and Franks should be next in my opinion


Only in late castle age and it hasn’t changed the fact that franks are picked twice as often as lithuanians already.

Lithuanians change is going to do nothing but make franks more appealing.

If this level of a nerf is acceptable why do they keep twiddling their hands about franks, mayans, Aztecs, vikings and Chinese when it comes to nerf and do minor things?


tbf they nerfed franks 2 times already.

I suppose those civs will always be fan favourites because they are so incredibly easy to play and have straight forward design. Just because those civs haven’t been targeted yet doesn’t mean they don’t need a tweak. Franks will always be the number one civ if they don’t get a major change to their design (which is unlikely)
What if Franks lost blast furnace?

With minor little fiddly nerfs. Franks is still the dominant cavalry civ in 1v1 and team games despite those very small nerfs.

Franks losing blast furnace makes zero sense.

Yeah I think they could actually take the berry bonus from franks and give it to another civ.
Maybe buff franks by a little somewhere else in a minor way.
This way franks could be balanced but there could be another underwhealming civ put in a spot it could possibly compete in certain maps that feature more than average berries.

I don’t think any civ needs 2 unique eco bonusses.