
Ethiopia and Hausa started to have 50 more food, now it can be updated faster

So the starting cow has more food on it now? They might not be unplayable if that’s the case.

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Their late game can be extremely strong. But that’s more of a treaty issue.

Honestly, I still can’t understand this nerf. I was expecting a reduction of the training time of the other papal units (60 seconds and they share the home city cards queue). They slow down your early game if you try to ship them, blocking out your home city cards. Moreover, now it’s even more difficult to mass them in the late game with this update.


It appears to have 50 more Food on it now, yes, bringing it up to 300 Food from 250.

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lategame problems can easily fixed by tuning the train limit of villagers, maybe 95 or something

That’s a terrible way to do it and I don’t think it really solves the issue.

They can abuse the overpowered mercenaries with the Arab alliance and the influence generation is pretty good with the Oromo alliance.

The African Civs also gather the starting cow at 3f/s now so it’s a little faster to get the first villager


That boar has 350 hp. It’s not worth 50 food.

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 most people will use the explorer ability.

Even treasures guarded by the outlaw blowgunner are worth 40 resources. The blowgunner has 270 hp.

So the boar may have 350 hp, but it can still be so easily killed that making that treasure worth, say 100 food is unfair.

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It’s not just the boar. Many of the euro treasures are guarded by an unreasonable amount of guardians. I’ve seen the hero guardians near 50xp treasures lol.

I think it would be more clear if the carcass of the boar was the treasure instead of in a separate wagon with a small fraction of the treasure.

It would be cool to have the same sort of thing for other large animal guardians like rhinos, elephants, and bears. Some could be food from the carcass and some could be coin from ivory or pelts.

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It appears abuns are 2 pop now

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At this point Ethiopia should just get Abuns each age up instead of Monastery Builders. You’re already getting an Embassy/Camp/Church/Arsenal Builder with nearly every age up option so things are pretty cluttered with wagons.

They’re pretty much equivalent in resources if you consider gather rates and build time. Now that Monasteries are 150 wood, putting one up during transition or right after an age up should be doable.

Regarding the hausa nerfs, I think it puts conflicting incentives for early game builds. Before you might’ve wanted tp+hero for berber nomad shipment, using hausa age-up and tp’s set to influence to spam tp wagons, your 2nd hero could help build them too.

Or on a map with low tp’s you can get the builder/shipment tech, even sending palace+300 inf to get it faster.

But the exp nerf makes both the free builder tech and berber nomad boom worse as both are dependent on your 4th shipment (berber can be shipped 3rd, but usually not immediately), and while I like the reintroduction of 3 vil since it was a bandaid nerf, it does discourage some of the more interesting age 1 cards for hausa, especially with their tp+uni card basically locked-in.

3vil doesn’t really do anything for these builds but still might be optimal. Actually it’ll probably help when trying to get to the builder tech, make it clear that you have to spend 3rd shipment on influence, but the exp change outweighs it imo.

I’ve also played some macro games and you can really feel the lifidi changes, they are a lot less tanky while dealing more damage, I think this was slightly overboard as well in the context of their cost increase recently.

Also before it was standard to eat at least 1 cow before age-up, now with -1 cow and hidden qol buffs I think players will just adjust to eat no cow lmao.

If they wanted to hit hausa age-up I would say it’s justified, nerf the wood you get, increase cost of builder wagon, remove influence generation from base tp’s, all would have been better than the exp changes imo.

What I think they are saying by making hausa require more exp is the cattle/shipment is more or less in line with the bonus uhlans germany get with every shipment, which I don’t think is quite fair since the # of uhlan scale with age while your cattle stays the same, although I guess german exp penalty is a bit higher.

I guess the logic is cattle scales inversely where the earlier you get them the better, which is also when you’d get more of them from shipments.

The main issue I have with this is again, that it has conflicting goals with the builder/shipment tech. Compare it to spanish gold where you get gold/shipment on a civ designed to spam shipments. To my knowledge that was also thematic of hausa, where players are encouraged to spread across the map getting as many tp’s up as possible to stack that passive influence trickle, enable the berber vil shipment as an alternative to 5v, and get your shipments faster so you can rack up the bonus cattles and builders. Now it seems like hausa age-up has 2 conflicting macro themes where one wants to spam shipments and the other wants to set those tp’s to influence and spam builders, or actually I guess it’s always been there but now is more pronounced.

P.S: If you’re playing hausa do yourself a favour and research the livestock fattening upgrade asap after you click age-up.

Could we have an option to bring back the massive popups when an ingame event (such as revolt) happens? The new ones are so small and I enjoyed the memeness of it.

Patch is overall fine, although I think that Crabats really lost something as they can’t melee cannon anymore, and I think Ethiopia needs a late game influence option (even with Hausa also being dumpstered, it’s a design issue)


Oromo alliance mean you will lose neither one of these :
-fast training and Smokeless Powder (Jesuit)
-strong age2 and cav 0.1 melee armor (Sudanese)
-Arsenal ( Portuguese)

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There are a lot of maps with either Jesuits or Sudanese so you may not need to give up anything.

The Oromo have a tech for +5% health, attack, and villager gather rate which is better than the Sudanese Cav armour tech. In treaty or team games where you can forgo Sudanese, Oromo is objectively better.

We put a lot of effort and love into these proposals, and although daring, they are not exaggerated considering the African natives and royal houses.

We consult sources and try to make each of the proposals make sense. I hope the developers consider this great work.


This update disappoints me, lombards require too much micromanagement to be profitable compared to factories. :expressionless:

I suggest that the lombards allow you to invest a minimum of 100 resources and that the exchange can be automated.

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