US Civ

It just feels like they are out-of-touch with what the original developers were thinking when they made the game, y’know? I can’t say for sure, but I imagine poor Sandy Peterson would be rolling in his grave if he wasn’t still alive, after seeing what they did to his beloved game.


Where are you fellows getting all the US details? Just a Youtuber? I tried watching his stuff, too annoying is there a text dump or something anywhere?

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Great news: mind reading has been realized.

I wrote literally whole novels to explain to you why your “rules” and “laws” of the game design do not make sense because they are summarized from what the game already has, not what the developers were thinking when they’re making the original game.
And whenever that happens, you disappeared and pop out somewhere else crying like “I’m bullied” “You are paid by microsoft”.
Maybe Aristotle is rolling in his grave as well seeing what you did to logic.

Fun fact #1: I mainly raised things already in the original game. If these are what the developers were thinking when they’re making the original game, they do not seem to be very accurate or make much sense either.
Fun fact #2: I have written a whole thread just next door to complain how OP the design looks.


Yeah, that’s all Starkscream does on the /r/AoE3 subreddit too.

He’s unwilling to engage in good faith, I’d recommend just not bothering with him.

It’s clearly a small but extremely vocal group that hates the US Civ being added (and loves to claim without evidence that they are the majority).


No you’re wrong.
When he gets downvoted, it means he has been bullied.
When someone else he does not agree with gets downvoted, it means he is on the side of the majority.

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I know what the developer thinks, I used to design some game-related things.
There is no fun at all to create something that someone else designs.
It is better to make the game your own style than to give the player a dream.
Success in business will make the company profitable, but success in style will make you famous.

I disagree with you on most everything but I can assure you that I never intentionally debate in bad faith. The subreddit at the moment, as you know, is a #$!# storm of division and chaos, and it is difficult to keep track of every argument and every counter-point. Especially when, as you also know, none of any of our arguments regarding game design amounts to a science that can be empirically measured but is instead based on rules and “logic” drawn from an inherently subjective foundation. Like the law.

A hate mob, oh no! So anyways…


Persecution complex intensifies

I also find it rich that you deride the subreddit being a “#$!# storm of division and chaos” when you’ve been a prime driver of disrespect and division in said subreddit.

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Lol, USA can get 2 Churches, and they can upgrade to act like Banks aswell as provide XP trickle.

Talk about worshipping the Dollar…
Their Age 1 Capitalism card is even better than all other civs Coin Trickle card.

At this point, this civ feels like satire.


I wouldn’t interfere with your “subjective foundation” but I’m against anyone who tries to limit the possibility of additional contents.
Yes Swedes is OP and US looks surely OP (I’m trying to push them to become less OP as well), but at least they open up room for further expansion of the game. Because I want to see more contents, anyone trying to eliminate that possibility is naturally on my opposite side.

That’s why I argue against every “timeframe does not match” or “not historical accurate” statement because (1) the original game already looks like that (2) the original game is even more inaccurate in some aspects.

Regarding “intentionally” debating in bad faith

This is what good faith looks like for sure.


This is probably an out of season April Fools joke.

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There is really no excuse for them not to make frigates actual steam powered ironclad frigates now~!

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I can take US civ if the devs want it (though I think the devs could’ve watch that we asked for many others civs before and actually we have a poll here in the forums and USA is mentioned only after the leak). I really like some ideas, like the immigration cards and the age-up system.

BUT (and it’s a big but) I think that USA is specially created to stand in every aspect of the game, leaving others civs behind. Like, taking their first ship before anyone else (even Spanish), getting three unique ships that can be created one age before (with a card), getting 30 cards and two churches (think these bonuses may be giving to any new civ instead), getting creates of exp. (another thing that can be given to any other civ), getting arsenal and market upgrades for FREE (with cards, even thoug research slower, they are free), gutling gun with no recharge animation and some things that now I’m forgeting.

I think that some things can be fixed (if I could choose, just remove some cards, reduce the 30 cards limit to 25 and just remove the crates of books -at least in the first age or giving the same crate to all civilizations).
It’s a bittersweet feeling, specially after seeing aussie’s videos. USA can be nerfed ocasionally, just please please please don’t call it AMERICAN civilization, specially in the spanish version of the game which is played by many americans that are not from USA.
Sorry for language errors, I’m not english native speaker!


Marketing Stunt!

They had Africans n USA prepared in Historical battles already at launch.

And thinking just like an alien attacking earth, they realized USA is the center of the earth, they made a whole, probably broken civ out of it.
Although they make a civ OP at start then nerf it, thats the history (except Japan)

There was a time,decade ago, when Sepoy/Zamburaks/Chinese Mortar/Ashigaru were OP and killed their counters, but then they were balanced out. Although that was last sensible update for Asian Dynastoes

After a decade, they did same for sweden, to attract players they made them OP at start then nerfed them.

And yet all this! While there were still changes needed for existing/ignored civs like India Iro etc, and then there were changes for the popular kids of the forums, other half of this forum, Nerf/Buff Japan/Sweden. But nothing there.


No all age games had people groups, guess what US isnt? A people group as it are British and or other European, African or Natives. Also the entire concept of Americans didnt exist for the first 3-4 ages.


Worst part is that they even reworked and refined the revolutions and THEN just went ahead and added US as a main civ.


The truth is that I do not know what to do, I do not want to have to leave the game for this, I feel disappointed in every aspect and sense! Just the fact that there are going to be African civilizations makes me stick around, but this update from the USA is going to be a disaster and a poor reception from the community could destroy future projects in AoE3.
The worst thing is that those from ESOC who are supposedly the ones who know the game the most, are super happy with this, we are all crazy, I’m done.


That’s not the problem, dude… you can accept some anachronism with the civs available, but this entire new “U.S civ” sounds like a “Muricah, ■■■■ Yeah” Fan Service (That’s why is annoying!), specially when in the game timeline they weren’t relevant as other nations.


It is definitely Manifest Destiny: the DLC.