US Civ

The problem is that United States as a name is also not possible as that breaks the entire concept of the AoE franchise, not just AoE III.

Its simply not a people group. Americans arent either as they are British in this period. Or indeed refer to other people.

And like all these people are saying the civ will most likely never be played because its everything, like every unique mechenic the Europeans have, do the Americans have too.


Dutch: Look, I have a card that reduces all my Age1 Market upgrade costs to 50%, and can build a few Banks for unlimited Coin, but can only have 50-60 Vills.

USA: Wait! (giggles)
You mean to tell me (forcing down the laughter), that you actually pay for Market upgrades, and cannot even get Coin out of 2 Churches, that produce more Coin than Banks, anyways? (laughs in Hamiltonian Economics shipment, at the same time that it drops a Bank too, to add insult to injury)
And it limits your Vills by design? (audible audience laughter)


I am a bit disappointed with having usa too. The theme of the game was that it was set on the 1500s and the US along with other civ was supposed to be a successor nation and to be played through revolution. There were so many more options to chose and there was even a poll to vote on which civ people wanted and USA wasn’t even an option there.

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Seriously, who is it to distinguish “good anachronism” from “bad anachronism”?

Civs that vanishes in only a few decades into the game’s time period: good anachronism
Civs that appear in the latter half of the time period: bad anachronism

Cards that do not align well with the timeframe: good anachronism
Units that do not align well with the timeframe (only some of them): bad anachronism

Tbh as an Asian, the whole TAD design felt already anachronistic and messed up to its maximum. Some people yelling here are just experiencing what I have experienced back in 2008, but they are still preaching the “pure and untainted” design of TAD.


I’ve read many of your posts and you make a good point showing that the whole idea of the game only having civs that were around in 1500 and started exploring, etc. is more of a perception than a rule for the game.

You ask:

The answer is obvious: the community.

And from what I have heard, the community seems to be on the page that USA does not fit the setting of the game.

I personally was not trilled by the idea of USA, but I am willing to make an effort to not be too negative about it.


“The community” being maybe ~10 people talking in this forum, liking whatever each other says as long as they’re on the same side, even if it is direct name-calling or name-calling at the wrong person?

C’mon. If it is Poland that got announced, this “community” would already be fighting within itself because of “colonialism!”

EDIT: And I here was mainly talking about design details, not the civ as a whole.
“Anachronistic cards” surely do not necessarily justify “anachronistic civs” but they of course should justify other “anachronistic cards”.
For example, if Rifle Rider in Age 3 is justified than Gatling Gun and Steamboat in Age 3 is justified. If Boxer Rebellion in Age 1 is justified than Lewis & Clark in Age 1 is even more justified.


Its ok trying to be possitive about a “new adition”, and “thank goodness this means they still work on the game!”
But no dude, is just self-deception, bring all the other Revolutions to the table as civs or else is still goin to see as a fan service that gone extremely wild
C’mon, still defending anachronism and other bad aspects of the game doesnt gonna make the ■■■■■■■■ fit better, in any case its just proves the point of need to check a lot of things


i’m not even defending anachronism.
My point has always been the game is already anachronistic as hell so that is not even what people should bother about.

And if they go back to “check a lot of things”, most civs would become exactly the same, and Aztecs and Incas might get deleted right away.

BTW, why is “thank goodness this means they still work on the game!” a self-deception? Isn’t that exactly what’s happening?

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And these 50 tasks 

Probably it will be like this: complete all 50 tasks to get USA civ for free or spend $ 5.

Tbh looking at how its actually played, unless its treaty its not going to be that good I think.

The vils card cost a tonne which is really bad in the early game( 3 cdbs probably best but that wood cost)

the free age up sounds good until you realise that it requires another specific age up, then to send a card and then slows it to a crawl. Not to mention if you go for it ur opponent can see it in your deck so its a big signal to attack.

3 factories in age 3 also is also probably a bit OP but they have no eco card option in age 3, I think refrigeration and the russian one is the only one for food so its more of a replacement for their eco I think ( also requires another specific age up). You also cant upgrade them so in a way I think its comparable to Inca having 8 vils card in age 3.

Ships are probably OP so that will probably need changes

Combined with the higher ranged units that are more expensive I feel like the overall gameplan is basically delay until the late game to win( sounds like port) and not great in the current meta. With that being said if it makes that playstyle more meta it will be interesting

Random but hey, you are the guy that was vocal about getting a Saloon rework right? At least the US got a new card that allows them to recruit units from two Saloons! So I’m happy for you, that was a good idea and it made it. Hopefully we get to see some other creative ideas for mercs talked about in the forum as well for other civs including Asians.

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It seems the card is the same as the Age 4 one and you can’t send both, so max 2 factories.
Also, if you send it Age 3, it is not upgradable and can’t produce canons.

Thats interesting, so yeah it feels like a replacement for like an age 3 vill shipment, cause I think an un-upgraded factory is equal to like 10 un-upgraded bvils

Those are all fake because they don’t have any Southeast Asian Natives.

That’s not how this works. The only thing these people apparently want is to complain.

It is upgradeable, once you reach Age 4, and it can produce Cannon then.

You people need to take a chill pill. This is a game and it is finally getting the love it deserves. You should be happy about it, not complain about historical accuracy and not getting the civs you want. You will get the affricans. Just at a later date.


USSR as the next civ! It’s new content after all!


True. I’d be happy about that too.

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If they added HRE to AoE I DE, would you say the same? Oh well guys they atlweast show the game some love so dont complain about the ridiculousness.