Hi Everybody!
This poll is a culmination of all points we had discussed in Dravidians are terrible thread. Though people in general agree the civ has glaring weaknesses, they disagree on how to manage it. Let us see the experiences of everyone on playing as Dravidians and its overall civ design.
Do you make stables as Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Not recently
Do you make scout or light cav as Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Not recently
Do you make Battle elephants as Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Not recently
Is ‘Bloodlines’ necessary for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Is ‘Husbandry’ necessary for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Is ‘Redemption’ necessary for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Is ‘Urumi’ re-work necessary for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
What new trait does Urumi need to become a viable unit in caste age to serve as cavalry replacement?
- More HP
- More attack
- More Speed
- +1 Pierce armour
- +1 range on charge attack
- Aura effect
- Less training time like Shotels
- Train at barracks
- Need cavalry unique unit like Rajendra
- No change
Is ‘Siege discount’ necessary for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Do you want to replace ‘Siege discount’ for Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
Do you want to replace Siege discount with a bonus which gives 50% more effect for economy upgrades ( e.g 30% faster for double-bit axe and bow-saw instead of 20%, +15% faster after wheelborrow instead of 10%?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Do you research medical corps?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Can medical corps be replaced?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
What kind of technology do you want to replace medical corps?
- Infantry
- Cavalry
- Archer
- Monk
- Siege
- Elephants
- Economy
- Defensive tech
- Anything is better
Do you manage to research wootz steel in your games?
- Yes
- No
Do yo want to replace 200 wood on age-up bonus?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Do you want to replace +15 fish carry capacity bonus?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Do you want Dravidians to have more naval bonus or tech?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Do you manage to win 50% of your matches as Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
How to make Dravidian elephants useful?
- More HP
- More attack
- More Speed
- Less cost
- Double current LOS
- Conversion resistance
- Aura effect
- No change
This is a follow-up poll based on feedback of the original:
Do you make Elephant archers?
- Yes
- No
- Not recently
How to make Elephant archers more useful in castle age?
- Less cost like 50% less food for all elephants
- More HP like 40% more HP for all elephants
- More attack like 10% more on top of 25% or straight 33% using unique tech
- More Speed like 10% for range units or 20% units for all elephants
- 25% More Speed and attack
- No change
Do you like playing as Dravidians?
- Yes
- No
- Doesn’t matter
Which map types do You like playing Dravidians on?
- Open maps
- Closed maps
- water maps
- Any map
- Only Team games
Which map types do you think Dravidians struggle?
- Open maps
- Closed maps
- Water maps
- All map types
Which combination do you want to add to tech tree for Dravidians?
- Bloodlines and husbandry
- Bloodlines and Redemption
- Husbandry and redemption
- Redemption and fervor
- Bloodlines and fervor
- Husbandry and fervor
- No change
Which civ bonus combination is better (Not just Dravidians in general for a civ)?
- Start with +25 of all resource and Economy upgrades except market gives 50% more benefit
- Start with 150 more wood and 33% siege wood discount
- 200 wood on age up and ballistics is free
- 200 wood on age up ; TCs and Castles 20% cheaper
- After aging up, receive 200 wood on feudal, 250 stone on castle and 300 gold for imp
- Military, Research buildings cost -50% wood and 33% siege wood discount
- All food sources drop off 5% extra
Which civ bonus combination is better for Dravidians to play both land and water?
- +15 fish carry capacity for both Villagers and fishing ships
- Fishing ships +15 carry capacity and +5 LOS
- Fish and berries last 30% longer
- Vill and fishing ships don’t need to drop off fish
- All food sources drop off 5% extra
- Make shore fish available in all map types as small ponds like berries
Which Team bonus is better for Dravidians?
- Docks provide 5 pop space
- Fishing ships and Trade cog +5 LOS
- Fishing ships +5 carry capacity
- Fishing ships generate 10% gold in addition to food
- Fishing ships and Trade cog made 20% faster
- Dravidian Docks can garrison up to 10 fishing ships including teammates
Which elephant technology do you want to replace medical corps?
- Strike Corps - Elephants move 20% faster
- Strike Corps - All elephants including EAs get a charged melee trample damage of 20 HP per minute
- Strike Corps - Elephants move 20% faster and deliver a charge attack of 30 HP every minute
- Medical corps needs to be buffed again from current 30 hp/min
- Medical corps should include all cavalry (light cav too)
- Medical corps should give a flat 40% increase in HP for all cavalry
- Medical corps should give a flat 40% increase in HP for only elephants
Which other technology do you want to replace medical corps?
- Strike Corps - Archery range units (Archers, Skirms, hand cannons and EAs) move 10% faster
- Strike Corps - Skirms and EAs fire 33% faster; 25% faster bonus removed, medical corps becomes civ bonus
- Strike Corps - Skirms and EAs move and attack 10% faster
- Strike Corps - Infantry move 10% faster and do +5 building damage
- Spice Trade - TCs and Docks work 33% faster(Vill, ship production and tech research including age up) remove shipwright
- Bhakthi movement - Enemy monks can’t convert any Dravidian units (Enemy monks become useless except healing opponent units)
- Some other technology
How to make wootz steel more effective for Dravidians?
- Reduce cost by half
- Reduce cost by half and make wootz steel a castle age tech
- Include bloodlines while removing 2nd Armour upgrade and make wootz a castle age tech
- Include bloodlines without removing 2nd Armour upgrade and keep wootz in imperial age
- Make it ignore building armor too
- Make infantry move 15% faster a castle age tech
- Make elephants move 20% faster and deliver 30 charge attack
- Make wootz steel a team bonus available in blacksmith
What is the main weakness of Dravidian civ design?
- Lack of recurring eco bonuses
- Lack of stable
- Lack of Eagle like infantry
- Lack of options against cavalry
- Lack of good monks against cavalry and Siege
- Lot of gaps in tech tree
- Unviability of medical corps to turn around a game
- Unviability of wootz steel to turn back the game
- No gaps