We have spring Capybaras! Oh, and an Update, come to comment

Altough it did see some use on the Italian wars and good old leonardo (not the turtle) made some improvements on it.
Hence my comment, but indeed, the first use was by the English, hence why i call Portugal on AoE3 the Mediterranean British (despite Portugal not being in the mediterranean geographicaly)

But gotta love the feathers on the hats.


Maybe the Italian DLC will come with a Ports rework that will replace the organ gun with a falconet, so the organ gun can be given to the Italians. Itā€™s just a thought, probably it wonā€™t happen but who knows.

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New game mode!!! ???
The just deleted it and we only got empire wars wars, the promisd us a new and never before seen in aoe new game mode

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Indeed, and i think that the reason of port having it is exactly because of the strict alliances that brits and ports haveā€¦

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Lets hope not, that would be awful lolā€¦ I mean the switching of organ guns to italians, the port rework would be great imo

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Well then, some Dragoons mercs would do the trick, instead of using one of the UU spotsā€¦


Itā€™s probably too costly to create a brand new mode. I donā€™t think they have the resources, including manpower, to really expand the game is such way. I honestly mostly expect maybe new historical missions and maps for ā€˜Challengeā€™ score mode. ATM thereā€™s only one map.

Same thing with things like AI. Implementing rebuilt and expanded AI would require a lot of heavy (re)engineering and at this point, with a lot of MS resources and focusā€¦ focused on AoE IV - I donā€™t think thereā€™s too much justification business-wise.

For example if making AI build walls was easy they wouldā€™ve done it a long time ago. This is still good old AoE III from 17 years ago, with a lot of tech debt and limitations from an engine designed a few years before that.

Iā€™d love to see a sequel for AoE III, but for now in AoE3DE weā€™re getting a lot of new stuff and at worst itā€™s ok at best fantastic. And most of that is for completely free.
DE by definition ought to be finished and complete, yet they expanded it greatly starting with cosmetics, through new card, ending with new systems, QoL features, maps and civs.


When will we start getting actual explorer skins again and not memes? A ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  flamenco dancer? Are you serious? And why a villager as an explorer? Why not a female conquistador like MarĆ­a de Estrada?


So the Venetian ball event was meant to be a hint for Aoe3 and not Aoe2? Molto bene

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Creo que esa skin se basa en la mujer de la CoruƱa que defendiĆ³ su pueblo del ataque de la armada inglesa en 1589 en donde mato al alfĆ©rez ingles (el hermano de Francis Drake)


I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough active players to warrant a new mode either, like sometimes particularly later in the evening the queues for a game can be over 5 minutes, adding more modes just dilutes the players even further.

Itā€™s possible the new mode was actually photo mode.

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See what? (20 characters)

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The new mode has been hidden in the game for at least 3 updates, its not photo mode.

Regarding ai, one of the guys that mod it for the game has told me the devs have cleared and organized the ai script, and are setting functions to be enabled in the future, so we may see improvements there (the ai is miles better than in legacy tho)

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encerio? y cual es estimado buen seƱor?

The post, italians heavily hinted with a bersaglieri


I donā€™t think so, not until I see an actual announcement.

Remember that the Italians should have been the secret civ before the USā€¦

My Spanish boyfriend says she looks like a generic medieval fantasy villager. :rofl:

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quizƔs, realmente no lo se xd, yo simplemente lo asocie con ella

Yeah, the culverin changes essentially came out of the blue. I can understand neither the the camel nerf nor the anti building buff.

But basically everyone got blind sided by the spain rework, nobody bothered to discuss the culverin.