Website Redesign: Soft Launch

Is it possible to have quote boxes be indented a little bit again like the old site? All the quote boxes are justified far-left with the text we write, so it all vertically runs together. I think indenting the quote boxes and not having them span the full-width of the box will help readability (maybe don’t justify far-right either).

Just for sake of example, you could probably toggle back and forth with my post here between old website style and new style to see what I’m talking about. Yes, the words are indented in the quote boxes, but I think the actual boxes should be, too. (The old quotes were bold text, too, which may also help; not sure if it would look okay with the blue background, though.)

I feel the old version of the site was a lot more readable with regard to quote boxes.

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
more text text text text more text text text text
even more text text text text even more even more text text text text even more text text text

And then I write more text here and continue to write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write

Someone is quoted here…

And then I write even more text here

Someone is quoted here… with a bunch of info info bunch of info info bunch of info info bunch of info info bunch of info info bunch of info info bunch of info info

Write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write

In my opinion, it all just kind of runs together in the new format… and isn’t as readable.

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