identical but mirrored. i think it was called Owikino or something like that. Was a western Canada map
Wow, what a novelty, absolutely no one would have expected it xd…
Yes, I hope with Oman too… (they added another European DLC with Greece and Wallachia or the Switzerland and Liechenstein civs meme)…
But Denmark was a colonial empire, why did they reject it?..
In the 17th century, following territorial losses on the Scandinavian Peninsula, Denmark–Norway began to develop forts with trading posts in West Africa, and colonies in the Caribbean, and the Indian subcontinent. Christian IV first initiated the policy of expanding Denmark–Norway’s overseas trade, as part of the mercantilist wave that was sweeping Europe. Denmark–Norway’s first colony was established at Tranquebar (Trankebar) on India’s southern coast in 1620. Admiral Ove Gjedde led the expedition that established the colony.
After 1814, when Norway was ceded to Sweden following the Napoleonic Wars, Denmark retained what remained of Norway’s great medieval colonial holdings.
Yes, you can still have 20 historical maps and another European rework (give 3 new UUs to Sweden, French and British)…
It makes sense because it is an AI from the end of the 16th century, so Denmark would be given Christian IV (r. 1588-1648) as an AI…
Of course, maps like Iceland and Greenland would be nice…
The siege of Vienna is already a historical map…
I agree, between 3 and 5 historical battles would be good…
Of course, there is potential for new maps…
Sure, it is, but you start in age 1 with not much and the AIs barely know how to attack the fort. The Historical battles are better for Co-op and single player by far.
That’s true, but historical maps are easier to make and can be replayed more…although 6 new historical battles wouldn’t be bad either…
Maybe people didn’t show enough love through money.
Then I would say that if civs such as Siamese, Vietnamese would be added, I can accept three or four times the price of Danish and Polish DLC (I don’t know what the price is (is it announced?), but considering the workload of non-European style units, mechanisms, buildings, etc.)
There is no price but you should expect it to cost the same or slightly more than KOTM and AR, expect 10-15 euros. the pricing choices for the game has so far been rather simple: 5 dollars=1 civ.
In terms of production cost i honestly don’t think European civs are that much cheaper than Asian ones, a lot of the development cost is probably in voice-lines where realistically Scandinavian voice actors are more expensive than Thai voice actors (not to mention a bad pronunciation will likely be noticed by more), models are made by people already hired so probably isn’t that huge of a cost assuming they have enough hours to work on the models. Mechanics are just balancing and a bit of coding (well sometimes presumably a lot of coding) but they probably don’t add that much in terms of cost except for perhaps the time of the developers.
a lot of the development cost is probably in voice-lines where realistically Scandinavian voice actors are more expensive than Thai voice actors (not to mention a bad pronunciation will likely be noticed by more)
In addition, the classic version of AoE 3 had a full Polish language version - including dubbing. Since this DLC will add Polish civilization and the remaining games in this series already have Polish language versions (the upcoming AoM is also supposed to have it), we can expect at least Polish subtitles.
I dream about Polish dubbing in AoE 3 DE even more than about Polish civ - because I already know that there will be such a civ xDDD. For someone who played AoE 3 with Polish dubbing throughout their childhood, this is a priority.