What do you think the civs will be

Yes, the 17th century in the world was a bit crazy…religious wars in Europe and dynastic change in China…

apparently it’s poles and danes

People where really mad i locked poles with Danes, what now?


Hopefully wont be the last DLC, i would like to see Asia and Persia at some point as well.




Finally the anti-Denmark gatekeeping is over.

Danes also likely means Norway revolution for sweden, possibily could mean inuit minor civ.

That’s why i’m excited for Danes, since it’s not just Danes.


they better give Danes unique architecture where all the buildings are made of legos and all of the units are minifigures


Yeah, I’m not sure this was the best decision by the Devs. A Danes + Poles DLC most likely means no new maps/natives. However, hopefully we might get some new stuff for the old civs to bolster the content of the DLC.

Fun fact:

This is the flag of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the rule of the Vasa dynasty. Maybe this is a hint that the AI ​​Personality for Poles civ may be Sigismund III Vasa.

Maybe I’m way too optimistic, but I think we could at least expect maps for Iceland and Greenland. An Iceland map could have terrain hazards like lava flows which would be awesome. The feature could also appear on a Hawaii map.

In addition to that, an Inuit minor civ would fit very well with Denmark.


That’s still only 3-5 maps and 1 new native civ. The African Royals gave us 15 new maps on release + 5 native civs and a completely new type of civ (besides hundreds of other things including new outlaws, mechanics and mercenaries); Knights of ths Mediterranean gave us 30 new maps on release + 9 native civs + 2 new modes (plus a whole lot of other mechanics, outlaws and mercs). If we start getting 2 civ DLCs instead of single civ DLCs, that’s one thing. but if they’re telling us that this is the next BIG DLC, then I can’t help but feel a tad disappointed. I’m afraid that most people aren’t really going to get much “bang for the buck” with this expansion.

They could give the water some much needed love though. Water play can be fun and all, but it could probably kinda use some work. A lot of people hate it.

Maps on Greenland and Iceland could be nice. It would also be possible to add a few more in Europe. I don’t think the have a Denmark map, and at least 3 historical battles should be possible. The Siege of Vienna could be fun. It’d like to try to hold out against massive waves waiting for the Winged Hussars.

Either way, personally I’ve wanted Poland for a while, and I’d like Denmark+Norway too. I’m happy that Poland will probably be a cav civ. We need more of those.


If they fill in the remaining Europe maps along with a few historical battles I’ll be happy. KotM was unusual in how much sheer stuff we got, so a DLC completing that effort sounds good to me.

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We have literally no information other than flag pictures and a very vague timeline. Maybe the DLC will be a lower cost to reflect having fewer maps and minor civs. USA and Mexico didn’t come with any. KotM was almost too much in terms of maps and minor civs. I would have preferred a bit less content that was of a higher quality like TAR.

But that being said, there’s a lot of potential maps that could be included along with Denmark.

Iceland is almost guaranteed, and Greenland would be an obvious inclusion. The Danes and Norwegians were prolific Arctic Explorers, so a lot of maps could come from there. For example, I’ve suggested Northwest Passage, Ungava, and Keewatin. Vitus Bering’s expeditions at the other side of the arctic also discovered the Aleutians. Scandinavia is also one of the bigger territories covered in Europe, so a few more maps like Fjords, Lapland, and Svalbard could be added there. If you consider their Viking legacy, regions like Labrador and Newfoundland also make sense. Both Poland and Denmark had Caribbean colonies, so another map in the region like Antilles would work. Africa was another region where both operated, but it was mostly in West Africa where there are already maps. Finally, Denmark controlled the Andaman Islands and some parts of India, so there could be more maps there, since regions like Coromandel or Malabar could be split off Deccan.

Even if you just limit it to maps in the Arctic region, that gives you the potential maps of:

Northwest Passage

I’d be more than happy with a few new arctic maps plus a minor civ like Inuit. Plus it would be reasonable to expect a few more revolutions coming with Denmark and Poland. Norway and Ukraine are almost necessary, and maybe others like Liberia to represent their African colonies or Livonia to represent their Baltic territories. Poland could have revolution options like Ukraine, Romania, Haiti, Livonia, and Liberia. Denmark could have revolution options like Norway, Livonia, and Liberia.


Danish Straits is already a map.


Not sure I’ve seen it. I used to know the maps so well, but now I basically know only the ones that make the competitive pools

It reminded me of the Arctic Territories, about which there was a post from the creators.

The winner of this vote is New Dlc is to Baltic (Poles and Danes) is won, Middleeast (Persia, Oman, morocco, etc.)is Loser,I win :smiley: :smile: Look! We’re not wrong, are we

I do always get a chuckle to see the maps i made for WoL being used here randomly

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What was your original one themed as? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.