What do you think would bring more players to age of empires 3 de?

The big question is who do you want to attract to AoE3DE?

  • AoE 2/4 players
  • Old AoE3 players that haven’t tired AoE3DE yet
  • People that are new to AoE in general

AoE 2/4 players

Attracting those people would take them away from other games of the same publisher. So that would not be beneficial at all.
What do they gain if people play AoE3 instead of AoE2/4?
I think people here focus on this to much. Don’t be jealous of AoE2/4 being more successful. This is not a competition!

Old AoE3 players

I think most of them already tried out AoE3DE or never will.
There is maybe a few that tried out AoE3DE on release and run into many bugs and then never tried again.

New people

We should focus on those people. How to make this game more attractive for people without AoE experience.
We have one big helping factor at this. Games Pass. A lot of people already have access to AoE3DE, we just need to make them try it out.

Getting friends to play the game

  • More interesting Coop content (and more marketing for the Coop content that is already there)
  • Help for new players like an Auto Economy feature (“Auto Economy” for AoE3 please)
  • Console support (Not everyone has a PC)

Unique new stuff

  • New real campaigns
  • Interesting civilisations (They already do this pretty well)
  • New game modes (official version of popular fun maps)
  • Game modes that don’t require you to set up a deck

Coop Mode ideas:

  • Home Cities that have to be levelled up like in Vanilla AoE3.
  • Free civilisation choice in Missions
  • Many different Scenarios
  • Many secondary Missions in those scenarios for extra XP
  • Different modifiers to Scenarios so the keep feeling fresh
  • Regular content updates
  • Events with unique modifiers to Scenarios
  • Gameplay first design (not based on historic events)

This is inspired by the very successful Coop mode in Starcraft 2.


I skimmeed the topic, and the most reasonable suggestion was free week ends and an UI overhaul (there was a very good concept in the forum).

Plus adding civs slowly from time to time to keep the game insteresting. IDK if a full civ is very expensive to do, but the paradox system of small DLCs seems to work and keep the game funded. (Obviously with a limit)

IDK also if some sort of classic gamemode could be done to allow the old players play with the old balance. To retain old players.

Also a better support for custom campaigns is much needed. Let the community do SP content if the devs dont want to.


Something else…

As a kid what I loved the most about the game are things very different from strategy itself.

  • I loved Ottomans because your jans army have a Pope hat
  • I loved massing ronin, how powerful and cool they looked, plus their animations.
  • Ninjas are cool
  • Flamethrower only army vs AI was awesome
  • Pet army
  • Tuck tuck tuck

And I’m sure each of us have an equivalent to these in our early days. Specially if we started when we were young.

So just the idea of “cool looking units” well marketed to the right audience could have a huge impact in the game numbers to get new people interested that then develop into competent players.


Small videos that explain the abilities of a certain mercenary (or just any unit, but mercenaries are cooler) would be cool.

Showing off how Ronin can strike down a large army of cavalry.

Especially showing of Mercenaries that were added in the Definitive Edition and it’s DLCs would be nice.

  • Gatling Camels!
  • Dahomey Amazon
  • Giant Grenadier
  • Armoured Pistoleer

Would be some pretty unique and cool new Mercenaries that could be showed off.

They can be very short and easily posted on social media. Youtube Shorts and stuff like that.


Putting it on xbox gamepass!

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I’m pretty sure it’s already on GamePass.

It is on PC gamepass. I’m talking about putting it on xbox like they just did w/AoE2, and soon to be AoE4, and probably AoM since that was part of the announcement.


DE brought in a lot of unnecessary virtue signaling garbage that diminished the game to the point where it turned away a lot of old players. If they’d revert the worst of it they could entice a lot of players back.

The “fur trade” system makes mining for the natives tedious and unduly difficult while also not being an accurate or respectful depiction at all. A hut next to a mine that still depletes it is still just mining.

The “Community Plaza” is a joke. It is just the fire pit without any visual feedback for what it is doing. The original dancing was also actually accurate. It could have easily been a temple for the Aztecs and Incas and possibly a sweat lodge for the other natives.

I am aware that dancing and mining is somewhat taboo for Lakota, but that is no reason to also ruin Hauds with these changes. If they genuinely cared, they would have made a unique coin gathering system specific to the Lakota.

Renaming things like “Medicin Man” to “Healer” makes zero sense. It was perfectly accurate and inoffensive to begin with. Stuff like censoring “Plantation” or “Colonial” is slightly more understandable. But in my opinion, it is still profoundly stupid considering the setting of the game and the fact that neither of these words are inherently offensive.


I’d love Egyptians to have actual unique units

How would you revamp or rework the native civilizations?

The shipment system is optional… You can play the games without decks if you want…

Em espanhol você tem mayorcete, foquitaman e universo aoe…

They’re not going to divide Italy, but they can put thematic cards from each city-state…

Sí,o sea la idea es mejorar aoe 3 no empeorarlo xd…

Yeah,AoE 3 DE will arrive on Xbox but just next year or in 2025 for its 20th anniversary…

Yes, with what need?..

You have the achievement of winning a game without sending cards…

Or last to put the Storehouse of AoM…

Bueno ahí puede ser…que eliminen las cartas que nunca se usan…y en el tutorial básico del juego en la sección de “aprende a jugar” ya te explica como usar las barajas de cartas…

And yes… call it AoE 2 2…xd

True, I think, that 3 DE will arrive on Xbox next year or in 2025 for its 20th anniversary…on PlayStation I see it more unlikely (since AoE is exclusive to MS), but who knows…

Yes, I liked that about the Ottomans of aoe 4…and also the military schools that create free troops all the time…xd

And also advance in age with distinctive buildings such as the Asian Civs of AoE 3…xd

Yes, you can see that MS hates us… On top of that in compensation they gave us the Knights of the Old World tournament but they didn’t advertise or anything…

And then I have to smoke the hardcore fans of AoE 2 mocking themselves saying “Haha, how are you doing with your dead game”…It’s very frustrating…

They are doing it but it is not enough…

Add a Suleiman campaign too…

They said that supposedly in this year’s RBW they would put the 2 DE, 3 DE and 4…but I don’t believe anything anymore…

It may also be because there is no wololo in aoe 3, except for the Incas…

I don’t know that they play RTS…The Kun would do it only for the loles and if Argentina comes as a civ…

Of course, we have to love AoE 3 for what it is…

Of course, we must also remember that churches,outposts and TC are delivery points of the homecity shipments…If there were no limit to construction it would break the entire balance of the game…

Yes, dota is prior to lol…

It takes a long time and leaves us without dlcs for a long time…

They will do it when they launch it on Xbox…

cherto, en una cosa es que una parte selecta de la comunidad del 2 es que es muy pesada con la comunidad del 3 y algunos muy exigentes el aoe 3 no tuvo parches por 15 años y ellos por un par de meses que no tienen nada se enojan xd

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The Tribal Marketplace is really just something with a mechanic similar to the AoE2 Mining Camp. It can be seen that this is a compromise made by the developers who do not want to change too much, but it does not satisfy the old players, nor does it seem to satisfy the local group. It’s embarrassing to see the Tribal Marketplace disappeared along with the mine.

A long time ago I suggested that mines be just normal hills to the Lakota, on which the Chief and villagers could build the Hunter’s Hut, a cheap building that only provided sights, symbolizing the activities of fur hunters. Then make the Tribal Marketplace similar to Cherry Orchard but provide infinity coins, but the villagers’ gathering efficiency is determined by the number of Hunter’s Huts they hold.

I don’t think there’s a need to use harsh words like joke for the developers’ efforts, even though it doesn’t satisfy people. The visual feedback is really a big problem, but the dance was indeed one of the things that native groups cared most about in the past.

We can consider different animations for different ceremonies.
Depending on the ceremony, people can dance, play musical instruments, conduct meetings, listen to speeches, hold banquets, worship gods, bless warriors and so on. In this way, dancing may not just be stereotyped as the whole of native culture and displease the native groups.

Really. It is convenient in some cases if unit names and unit type names can be non-overlapping.
It’s just that when there is a native user protesting the term Healer in the forum, it’s hard for the developers to simply ignore her and change the name back.

Sí,recuerda que TWC y TAD tuvieron campañas,pero porque fueran hechas por dos estudios que además no tenían que preocuparse con hacer expansiones para AoE 2 y AoM…sí queremos tener contenido constante en los 3 juegos,habrá que hacer sacrificios y esas serían las campañas…aunque con aoe 4 no hay escusa…después que Relic lance CoH 3 tienen que centrarse en hacer campañas para ambos juegos…

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This is still the same solution as a tribal marketplace. I think the most appropriate way to deal with it would be to avoid mines entirely since the issue is that the Lakota have a taboo against mining. The solution could be as simple as the Lakota tipi aura only providing gold from all resources. Maybe tipis could even slow the mining of other players when they are placed around a mine to symbolize their protection of the earth. I’d also even ban mining within their first Town Center exclusion zone. A supplemental “trap line” structure similar to cherry orchards could also be available to them to smooth out their early economy.

Dancing is a central part of many of their most important ceremonies. It was not an offensive stereotype that got it removed, it was the fact that it is taboo for the Lakota to share the Sun Dance with outsiders. If you depict that at the Plaza it’s the same problem. Depicting that would be akin to reducing a catholic sacrament a gamified bonus that is central to the Spanish civ…

Her argument was that the role of a medicine man is more spiritual and community oriented. But that’s also the case with priests and imams so they fit right in with the other “healers”.

I guess you misunderstood the Hunter’s Hut. It won’t suck coins from mines like Mountain Monastery does. It will just simply cover on the mine so that all players cannot mine it. And Tribal Marketplace will have a build limit (maybe 3), won’t automatically disappear, and can be built at wherever the player want rather than near the mines.

Its significance is to symbolize the fur animals are hunted near that hill. So the villagers can sell their furs at the Tribal Marketplace. Therefore, each Tribal Marketplace can allow up to 10 villagers to gather unlimited coins, but players should build and protect as many Hunter’s Huts as possible, so that villagers can gather in the Tribal Marketplace with better efficiency.

Also, you can’t make them completely avoid mines. This is basically not allowed in game design. If they did that, the mines would become the exclusive resource of their opponents, putting the Lakota at a huge disadvantage.

Even the Japanese who don’t eat meat, they have Shrines where animals can be locked up to create a trickle as an alternative to killing animals to gather food. Sacred Fields are also the same concept that Indians use to utilize livestock. Japanese and Indians do not, can not, and should not avoid animals completely. The same is true of how I conceived the mechanics of Hunter’s Hut and reworked Tribal Marketplace.

Also, Teepees already have useful mechanics and are even the core of the gameplay, and should not be replaced just to solve the coin source problem.

I still really dislike this approach. Mining and fur trapping are two entirely unrelated things and trying to combine them is extremely forced and artificial. It’s also not balanced if it’s infinite since it that would ignore the differing values of mines.

The most sought after fur bearing animals were things like beavers and muskrats who’s habitats are the opposite of hills. And even the name “tribal marketplace” is extremely problematic because it causes confusion with the regular marketplace.

Yes, but you can make them interact with mines in a way that isn’t just pretending mining is fur trading. I’d do it something like this:

  1. Mines within the first TC building exclusion zone are blocked for all players (denying it for both enemies and allies).
  2. Other resources gathered grant a fraction of their yield as coin. Thematically this would symbolize the pemmican and fur trade. This could be enabled by the tipi aura, or simply offset by it.
  3. A “trap line” equivalent to cherry orchards and mango groves would provide a source of direct coin gathering. They could start with one and obtain more from a card that can be sent an infinite number of times.
  4. The tipi aura could also reduce enemy gather rates on mines to help deny the resources.
  5. A way to eventually actually access the resources in mines could be a Pipestone Quarry card that enables mining but changes their yield to wood instead of coin. That would represent the limited extent of their “mining”, but in a way that’s not just extracting precious metals.

The original role of tipis made absolutely zero sense. A tent made of hides should not massively buff the health of adjacent units. They were also majorly reworked in a recent update so they’re a lot better now, but I still think their role should be primarily economic.

I repeat, the idea about Hunter’s Hut is not mining. The “hills” under the Hunter’s Huts will never lose their coin content. Hunter’s Huts just interact with mines by covering upon them, because we can’t make a civ not interact with mines at all.

Being infinite is not a problem. Animals at Shrines and Sacred Fields also provide infinite resources.
If you can’t protect the Hunter’s Huts, your Tribal Marketplaces will be very inefficient.

I don’t mind changing the name, but I’ve never confused the two.

I’m not saying it is mining, but having to build it on top of a mine explicitly links it to mining whether or not it is. It’s not really comparable to Mountain Monestaries where the mine is supposed to represent the remote “mountains” where monasteries are generally located. Most furs were sourced from wetland and forest animals, so “hills” don’t even make sense for where the furs come from.

And not that this invalidates the general concept, but the name “Hunter’s Hut” is not great, and doesn’t really invoke any connection to the Lakota. They moved their entire communities to follow the buffalo so they didn’t really have a need for a separate dwelling for hunting.

Shrines and Sacred Fields have trickle rates proportional to the animal tasked to them. Do you suggest that a hut built on a coal mine be twice as efficient as a hut built on a copper mine? Shrines and Sacred Fields are also just basic trickles so they can’t really scale in the same way as a mechanic that includes villagers does.

I find it easy to accidentally select the wrong one from the build menu. They have extremely similar names and the icon doesn’t exactly convey which one is which.

Because it means you are using this resource source and other players are not allowed to use it unless they destroy your building. This is true of Shrines, Sacred Fields, Livestock Markets, Mountain Monasteries, and even AoE4 Ovoo.

Worry this when your Lakota people can build villages in the Sahara, Himalaya, Manchuria, Arctic territories and Siberia?
Looks like the next step is to worry about building Rice paddies in those dry regions. :joy:

You can call it “Scout’s Hut”, “Trader’s Hut”, “M00Z1LLA’s Hut”… Any name you see fit.
You can even make it symbolize other things, such as native handicrafts. Villagers produce processed goods at Tribal Marketplaces and trade with outsiders at Trader’s Hut. Anyway, the Mechanisc is the point.

May be, may not be. It’s a detail that the devs have to figure out, and what I’m proposing is the concept.

At the end of last year, an old friend of mine discovered that this old game has new content through my introduction, and became interested. Unfortunately after the Chirstmas he told me that he applied for a refund.

I asked him why, and he said that he thinks that the entire interface and image quality changes have no taste of the original AoE3. What a reason I think the most unlikely.

When RTS is becoming more and more difficult to attract new players, obviously we can’t satisfy all old players too.

If it comes to my dissatisfaction as a player who is still playing, it should be the localization translation espeacially for the recent updates.

Azap is just translated as “Ottoman Light Infantry”.
Abus is just translated as “Ottoman Gunner”.
Janissary is just translated as “Ottoman Musketeer”.
These are not unacceptable, but can’t it be better?

The Imperial Ulufeli is translated as “Imperial Clerk Soldier (帝國文書兵)”. What a powerful name.
The Imperial Rumeliot is translated as “Rumelian Empire (魯美里亞帝國)”. An empire?

“Sansculotte” is translated as “Radical Republican Party (激進共和黨)”. This time not an empire but a party.
In Mandarin, it already has an accurate and formal translation name “無套褲漢”. Even some cards mention this name instead of Radical Republican Party.

The rest are minor bugs that don’t affect the game, such as the Aztec Warchief’s skins overlapping when selected.