Tashunke Prowler for sure. The only thing that can see them are buildings, heroes, and spies. They’re a siege unit so they can easily burn down the buildings that can see them and they’re stealthy cavalry so they can get away from nearly anything. Any civ that can’t make spies can’t really do anything about them.
I don’t hate them but they disappoint me. The Grenadier: The Grenadiers are pretty much unusable and need to be removed or merged with the Musketeers. Literally the Mexican soldier seems to me a better unit and better represents what a grenadier really is.
Landsknecht arent the problem, the caroleans are, like ranged anti cav, so you are just protected with your leather cannons. Con of the landsknecht is its cost and inmobility as cav could be possibly microed around and skirmishers are more of a problem then for caroleans as they can easily shoot back.
Leather cannons + Caroleans isnt just good in supremacy but also in treaty. Leather cannons with a card only have 2 pop cost making them effectively way better abus guns.
Hatamoto. When lamed in mass in treaty.
Fire throwers seems that have a potential laming capability against short range unit, specially weaker ones like strelet (russian doesnt have long range capability)
My problem with the swedes has always been they can just spam one unit and cover all the options with it. They only need to upgrade one unit while everyone else must upgrade 3. All the while thier econ sails along w eco buildings.
That was a screed against Carolinians for those that are new here.
Flaming Arrows because my units have died from them by the thousands ever since TAD came out.
Well caroleons themselfs are strong, but not spamable as a single unit atleast in treaty that is. You generally want leather cannon or horse artillery aswell for their infantry and you generally also need culverin against their cannons or hussars.
In 1v1 they are probably 85% of the swede unit composition. It has always been a big advantage for them.
uhlans are my most hated unit. they always seem to tank more tc fire than they should and also slaughter vills and punish any out of position units like nothing else (axe riders are similar, but not free and not so cheap).
then i play germany and these stupidy squishy cav die to everything that moves. i hate using them, i hate facing them. awful unit
jeje cañones de cristal colega
*gestures broadly at Portugal
Landsknecht, before and after the pop nerf. I played a lot of Russia in treaty and Russia just doesn’t have the best anti-infantry capabilities to save itself. I’d just have to spam my laughable Rusketeers and low-attack Strelet until my horse artillery finally comes out. By that point, I’ve wasted a lot of APM trying to micro my infantry army to kite the demons and 20-30 of my units are already dead from getting caught. There’s just nothing in the Russian arsenal to properly combat the mass of 800+ HP behemoths coming.
I also don’t like Caroleans. Even when I play Sweden in treaty, I feel like I’m cheating because the composition is just so simple. I can just make a ton of horse artillery, a few culverins, spam Caroleans and it’s all there. All my anti-cav, anti-infantry, and anti-artillery needs are fulfilled, with an extra 10-pop military space on top of that. And sprinkling in Hussars if I want to
@PerseusLegends4 Tottally agree, It so annoying to lose vs them while using counter units…
I would also say that when playing supremacy as Russia, Lakota Rifle Riders are the absolute worst too. If their age 2 heavy cav raids aren’t already hard enough to deal with, age 3 comes and they switch comp to mass rifle riders. Russian Strelet are still so weak that even with Boyars and the veteran upgrade, Rifle Riders are still absolutely shredding them. And then when trying to make cavalry archers, Lakota is also pumping out Wakina Rifles, so gg Russia lol
Culverin. For obvious reasons.
Strelets beat Rifle Rider perfectly in middling numbers.
I’m still waiting for the nerf of several units, especially the Griot. Its cost/effectiveness is very good and its noise unbearable.
I agree with this. The outlaws are all largely useless due to their massive population cost. I could understand having that population cost be very high in the early ages but it should drop to like, mercenary levels when you get to the final age. Like, I watched the AI controlled US on extreme difficulty field almost nothing but cowboys, so they had like 30 and they all died in like 20 seconds to 30 Chinese arquebusiers and that was it, US had no army left because they had no room for anything else.