Ok so taking into account all the cards/civ bonuses/wonders etc which civ has the strongest eco possible?
Maybe France with CDB + 2 factories and all the eco cards, Malta has really high food and wood income and 99 villagers + 6 settler wagons but lacks a factory, equally Italy lacks a factory but do the lombards make up for it when fully carded? USA has a lot of trickles, 2 factories and 5 settler wagons. Germany could quite possibly be the best with 99 villagers, 2 factories and 20 settler wagons.
livestock is the fastest gathering with fulling mills. Haudenosaunee can stack it with fur trade. In theory haud is the most income, but in practice they are painfully mediocre economically.
Germany is probably the most eco you can obtain with just farms and estates. nothing special.
China with the old 119v overpop, 3 trickles, economic wonders, fulling mills was an absolute monster. not sure how it stacks up now
I think USA is pretty good too with their 8 cdbs + 5 settler wagons + bank wagon + capitalism and New Jersey Seaports though I guess they miss out on some standard eco upgrades like royal mint.
They are probably the best at sustaining their eco because with their units and the flag they never seem to drain of resources especially with texas and all the free marines. They also get the pennsylvania gold trickle which is worth like another bank IIRC.
The wonders do give you quite a lot of villagers worth of eco, what do you think of the african civs? The cattle is probably worth quite a bit of eco and they get influence, hausa get a card for wood income from fields I think which with all vills on fields is about a factory worth.
They have a lot but I’d imagine malta are higher and aztec also inca with the kancha houses. Ehiopias cards are better for 1v1 though because a lot of them effect natural resources and farms.
Iroquois, Sweden, Germans, Mexico and British are the most powerful economies in treaty. Sweden by the torps, torps can gather 3 resources at the same time. After that civs maybe france.
I would say British has the best booming in team games. Especially on large map where rushing is difficult (a lot of low level players play large map size). Then I would say Japan, Swedes, for house booming.
Underrated opinion, Lakota that keeps up in the infinite bison shipping.
The amount of hunting upgrades they can stack is insane, and the coin income is not bad either.
iirc they have the base gather rate of rice paddies/farm but with the animation of mills which is the worse of both worlds
but they have granaries and that the fact that their ver of vil hp upgrade also grant speed so maybe that will affect their animation but that is a lot of factors.
I don’t remember how much their upgrade effects speed but it does effect gather rates. I particularly like the italians card for 25% speed to get the fastest villagers in the game and at 5 speed I’d imagine it’s a significant reduction in time wasted bumbling about on mills.