Which civs would you like to see added first in DLC?

That is true. Civilizations like Turks, Spanish, Portuguese, Indians have been genuine staple Age of Empires civs throughout the history of the franchise. The poll created by @ShinMasashi proves this strikingly. Fans of Age of Empires would like to be heard and represented.

I support @ShinMasashi’s proposition to merge his poll with this one, because pinning only this way-out, biased poll to the top of the forum amounts to very significant misinformation and misrepresentation of the voice of AoE fans.


Other: Wallachians it is a brand new civ and you could feature a campaign storyline over Vlad the Impaler and his army. Thus this would add brand new never before seen content and civ to the age of empires IV gameplay but would also enable a new campaign possibility and bring Dracula’s undead life into the game. Could also make new maps that have impaled corpses scattered thru them. That would be a nice addition lol. Also the Wallachians fought under Vlad’s army around 1431-1476 in his life’s time frame so that would fit in with the rest of the civs time frames.



How about first fixing the civilizations that actually already exist but are worthless… like HRE.

Is this the joke poll or the real poll? I can’t tell anymore.


Mate you got the mississipians in this one.


And Anasazi! Ottoman Empire? Spain? Italians? Portugal? Nowhere.


Vikings and Mayans for sure!

Yeah but this one is pinned aswell

Manju, the creator of Qing dynasty

I would very much like to see how the specifics of the Aztecs are implemented.

For example, make them 3 epochs instead of 4
in epoch 1, they would already be able to fight, and in the second third epoch they would have been stronger than that of other nations, but much more expensive.

They also had flower wars, sacrifices, and a constant search for gods for their rituals. And the best soldiers very quickly climbed the career ladder and became noble people in society. Against this background, it would be possible to add pumping mechanics like in Armies of Exigo, when a unit kills someone - it becomes a little stronger
(people have an aura of speed / damage / armor, the horde’s stats of soldiers are greatly raised, the third nation accumulates experience in a special build and gives small buffs to the stats of the entire army on the map), it would be possible to combine these mechanics to some extent.

Make a Nition with the early monks who restore health to wounded soldiers. And the soldiers go into battle over and over again, kill enemies and become stronger. From the sediment, you can only allow them to build rams. A very aggressive nation that will only play through raids, sieges, taver rushes, and so on

when aoe3 came out it was more advanced relatively than aoe4 is today.

This game is built on a 15year old CoH engine, some pretty woeful graphics and buggy gameplay.

You’ve paid 60EUR for this.

You’ll also pay more when them DLCs are released.

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This is what I’d like to see:

A) Norse:

  • Viking infantry with shield wall ability, great counter for ranged units.
  • Viking axe throwers.
  • Viking cavalry (mounted on wolves).
  • Specialized in hunting.
  • Can tame wolves and use them to attack enemy team (Wolf Den to breed more).
  • Can build campfires to heal units.

B) Japanese

  • Samurai infantry with high damage, movement and survivability.
  • Specialized in farming.
  • Long ranged archers (like english).

C) Greek

  • Can choose between Athens (economy, upgrades and expansion) or Spartans (military and defense).
  • Gladiator units.

Others civs would be nice (Aztecs, Spanish, African tribes, etc).

Would also love to see heroes incorporated into the game, specific to each civilization (historic figures). This would give more personality to each civ.

Also raise the pop cap to 300 on large/gigantic maps.

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Since this wont be unpinned:

To all the people complaining about my poll’s selection in civs:

Unfortunately, I’m currently not able to edit the poll to include more civilizations. If I could, then yes, I would add in the Turks, Spanish, and some of the other commonly requested civs.

That said, I did add an “Other” option in the poll. So if Turks or whatever are what you want, I would simply vote for that.

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Simple. This is your poll. Tell the mods to unpin it, you have this right.

The poll is not all bad, it should stay on the forum, but the lack of some of most revered civs by AoE fans and lack of ideal DLC matchups leads to remarkably distorted results in this poll.

Big thank you!


Note everyone that this is a game set in the Medieval times, and civilizations specific to this time period would make the most sense! I won’t go into too much detail about each, but I rather want to focus on the overall “feel” of the civilization, just like how you can summarize all civs in Age of Empires 4 now. Each new civilization needs to add a unique new playstyle to the game, or it’s not worth adding from a gameplay perspective. Also note, there are quite a few terrible things during this time period that have also happened that should be acknowledged (like slavery)… and we should always be careful to vouch for one empire being in the game over another.

I would love to see:

  1. Ottomans
  • Gunpowder, Trade, Expansion
  • Grand Bombard?
  • Muskets were first used by the Ottomans I think?
  1. Spanish
  • Gold, Aggression, Expansion
  • gameplay centered around acquiring gold and trading gold somehow, religious focus and influence system to promote the expansion of the civilization, perhaps in pockets. (not a continuous mass like that of the Abbasid or the HRE)
  • probably should have good Naval power
  1. Japanese
  • Culture / Trade, Defensive, Agriculture
  • Some gameplay around the idea of Japan’s Feudal System - warlords giving land to vassals and the people under the vassals serving for the warlord.
  • Solid economic bonuses
  • Some kind of bonus around fishing. (like how Delhi and Abbasid boost berries for example… something similar for fish basically)
  • Interesting trade gameplay … not sure what this could look like but I believe trade in medieval Japan was quite rich.
  • Samurai
  1. Pala Empire (or) Mughal Empire (or) Khmer Empire
  • Architecture, Trade, Farming
  • Gameplay focused on building farming, trade, and religious influence buildings, with landmarks having intricate details and an interesting array of defensive and eco choices.
  • Chariots and War Elephants!
  1. Vikings (putting this last, because the gameplay could be too similar to Mongols but then again, sounds very interesting to play as well)
  • Aggression, Expansion, Piracy
  • Gameplay heavily around raiding (similar to Mongol, except that raiding provides a different bonus perhaps… gold for sure, but also perhaps depending on the building you raid, you get certain benefits)
  • On the topic of raiding, they should get large transport ships capable of carrying more than 16, mounted with arrows. Their ships should also be fast. They also shouldn’t be able to make any gunpowder ships or any ships bigger than their longships. Ships firing rate could also be increased by having archers in the ships.

NOTE: I acknowledge that the Byzantine Empire was quite influential at this time, but I felt gameplay-wise it would play too similar to the HRE, so I’ve left it out.


Spanish and Ottomans should have been a choice in the first place not mississipians and anasazi.
Fact remains it’s an awfull poll purposely made to guide the votes one way.

In Europe you have Gaels, out of timeline, Byzantium,highly requested, and Norse, that it’s a mix march of civs to work.

Worse of all instead of having Spain in southwest europe, usually the choice for that area, you have the moors.

Since you already knew they were highly requested civs, this just shows you planned to omit them, to guide the vote according to your preferences.

A dev wont be going trough every single reply to check the “others” vote.

Hence why it should not be pinned, not a single fan made poll should be.

Mods want to get a thread for civ talk, make one. Dont get a misleading poll pinned at the top.


Vikings. They are specialized in water pillaging and have faster transport ships than any ship in the game. They also have great land cavalry but expensive, they shine with their infantry warriors. They are a hybrid of English and Rus and French somewhat. They build mainly around a wood economy, they specialize in early aggression, I would even like to see some mechanic to steal resources maybe by attacking trade ships they would steal resources from them or something.

I’m an advocate of Africa representation in this game. If you look attentively, the poll with the “real” civilizations has a lot more votes for Africa, both Mali and Ethiopians rank higher. It changes everything.

So just go and tell this mod to unpin your poll. It’s yours. It will still be here.

Huge thanks.