Indonesia and Malaysia are usually considered mostly part of Asia. There are debates about where the divide can be placed, but most of the time Java, Sumatra and Borneo (the main islands in terms of population and political relevance) are considered Asian and New Guinea is seen as Oceanian, though it wasn’t populated by Malays in this time period.
Arguably, the Sultanate of Ternate could be seen as an Oceanian power if you see the smaller islands between Java/Borneo and New Guinea as being part of Oceania. There’s also the Tu’i Tonga Empire, but I don’t think they had to wage war against anyone in this era.
On the Oceania region, it would either be Hawaiians or the Maori/Tonga Empire. Malays are from Southeast Asia not Oceania. Though Filipinos are culturally similar to the Malays, they also have “cultural ties” with the Pacific Islanders so are a probable candidate (but this is my personal bias since that is my culture) for Oceania or Asia.
Spirit of the Law proposed this number only because it would look nice in the starting menu when you have to choose your faction. There is nothing official about it.
Medieval Nubians would be cool, but I really want to see civilizations from the southern half of the continent. So I voted Shona, Swahili, and Kongo. They would probably need at least one new architecture set though.
someone found something interesting in the Age 2 files… there is a point where all civilizations are listed.
with 9 free areas named “Reserved Civs”.
That would raise the number to 48, it’s quite possible that this can also change. but it looks like there will definitely be 3-4 DLCs.
Theres9 reseeved civ slots. And the devs may not stop even then
I definitely want all three of those in the game, and if the dlc is focused on this area and the Bantu people I think the Ambundu from Angola could be a cool 4th addition, with a campaign for queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba. It’s stretching the game’s time period a bit, but I think it still fits and I would love to see her in an AoE game.
Really interesting, that case it explains a lot… 21 achievements indicate 3 civs, that speculation can be true … 3 civs in 3 dlcs each. In this way they can really cover much of the 3 anticipated regions.
I hope so , atleast for now aoe 2 much popular than aoe 4… I know aoe 4 will surpass in fame when the game is much improved and moddable … but for now AOE 2 can get the love it needs
Egypt ends at the 1st Cataract, meaning the Nubians were not part of Egypt. The Nubians are the Sudanese. They did conquer Egypt long before AOE2.
I’m rooting for Nubians, even if it’s not one continent DLC
I think Nubians could also fit AoE1 due to their history with the Egyptians, but I don’t think there’s any chance of Microsoft or Forgotten Empires revisiting AoE1 in the foreseeable future.
Why are you trying to hurt me?
I am already hurt myself
It’s actually 9 which are suspected can be added for a total of 48. There are 9 slots pre-allocated for new civs in the files. However, it’s not necessarily the case that more slots can’t be allocated, so it’s unnecessary to limit yourself when thinking about new civs.
The civ counts stops at 10318 for no reason. Additionally, the civ names stop at CivQ. After Q there are another 9 letters. I do not think that 48 civs is the hard ceiling for AoE2. These are just placeholders for future DLCs. We can expect 4 dlcs with 2 civs or 3 dlcs with 3 civs.
Personally, I think the new DLC would be either two African civs or two Indian civs.
Considering the higher number of achievements, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got 3 civs. Possibly Indian ones.
Its not the hard limit but it would need to change some stuff apparently
Autant que j’aime les Européens, je suis intéressé à en savoir plus sur ces autres Indiens. Quels sont les plus probables?
A mon avis ce seraient les Bengalis et les Tamouls/Cholas en tête. Si on a une troisième faction, ce serait probablement les Rajputs (en changeant la campagne de Prithviraj pour qu’il soit de cette civilisation plutôt que de l’actuelle civilisation indienne qui représente plutôt le Sultanat de Delhi, l’Empire Moghol et les autres dynasties iraniennes installées en Inde à cette période) ou les Afghans si on les considère comme faisant partie du sous-continent. C’est aussi les quatre qui arrivaient en tête quand j’ai fait le sondage pour demander l’avis des membres du forum sur la question.
J’aimerais bien aussi voir les Kannadigas, mais ça commence à faire beaucoup et ils peuvent potentiellement être représentés par les Tamouls.