Oh nice Madoka Magica avatar
J’avoue que je n’y connais rien. Pouvez-vous s’il vous plaît m’envoyer des liens d’informations?
Tbh I think that if we were to be totally fair the Kanaddigas would be a contender to the other two. Only civ in India that was a major power through the entire timeline of the game. They even resisted Delhi
Ah, I see you’re a person of culture as well.
Yeah, the entry for Indians in the history menu also kind of emphasizes the factions I listed, with the exception of Afghans. Obviously the Mauryan Empire is too ancient, and the Guptas Empire is a special case, but the rivalry between the Gurjara-Pratihara, Pala and Rashtrakuta Empires could be perfectly represented with Rajputs, Bengalis and Kannadigas respectively, while the Cholas are obviously Tamil.
Malheureusement, la plupart de mes informations viennent de magazines d’histoire, jeux de stratégie et de pas mal de lecture sur wikipedia (ce n’est pas toujours la meilleure source, mais ça permet de réunir vite des informations à potentiellement vérifier plus tard et ça m’a été assez utile pour créer tous mes sondages sans passer des mois sur chacun).
D’accord, merci. Je vais essayer d’investir du temps dans l’apprentissage. Mon principal problème est de ne pas savoir par où commencer, c’est pourquoi je vous ai d’abord demandé.
Pour donner quelques pistes pour chaque faction:
- la dynastie Pala, qui a régné sur un empire regroupant le Bengale et le Bihar entre le 8ème et le 12ème siècle (et également sur le royaume de Kamarupa en Assam durant à peu près la même période), connue pour son adhésion au bouddhisme, rivale des Gurjara-Pratihâra et du Rashtrakuta.
- le sultanat du Bengale, qui obtient l’indépendance du sultanat de Delhi au milieu du 14ème siècle tout en en conservant la religion musulmane avant d’être réabsorbé par l’empire Moghol au 16ème siècle.
- l’empire Chola, fondé à l’Antiquité mais qui a connu son apogée aux 10ème/11ème siècle et était réputé pour être particulièrement redoutable en mer (ils sont présents dans la campagne de Suryavarman I en tant qu’alliés contre le Sriwijawa).
- la côte du Coromandel, techniquement peuplé de Malayali mais ils ne se sont véritablement détachés des Tamouls que vers la fin du Moyen-Âge; on y trouve des cités états marchandes, dont les Zamorins de Calicut qui apparaissent dans la campagne de Francisco de Almeida.
- les clans guerriers et royaumes du Rajasthan, incluant Ajmer où a lieu la campagne de Prithviraj.
- le royaume de Gurjara-Pratihâra qui contrôlait l’essentiel du nord de l’Inde entre le 6ème et 11ème siècle et était le rival des Pala et des Rashtrakuta.
- par extension, on peut y intégrer le Gujarat, le Mewar, le Sindh, le Malva, etc.
- l’empire Ghoride, fondé au 9ème siècle, il a régné sur le nord de l’Inde jusqu’au 13ème siècle avant d’être renversé par le sultanat de Delhi, ça a été l’introduction d’une bonne partie du sous-continent à l’Islam.
- l’empire Suri, qui a brièvement régné sur l’Inde du nord au 16ème entre la chute du sultanat de Delhi et la fondation de l’empire Moghol.
Hindoustanis (la faction indienne actuelle):
- le Sultanat de Delhi, plusieurs dynasties d’origine iranienne qui ont régné sur le nord de l’Inde entre le 13ème et le 16ème siècle.
- l’empire Moghol, qui a quasiment unifié l’Inde au 16ème siècle et a eu l’hégémonie jusqu’au 18ème siècle.
- le sultanat de Bahmanî, puis du Deccan, qui a contrôlé le centre de l’Inde vers le 14ème siècle jusqu’à l’arrivée des Moghols.
- l’empire Rashtrakuta, le rival des Pala et des Gurjara-Pratihâra dans l’ouest et le sud de l’Inde entre le 8ème et le 10ème siècle.
- le royaume de Vijayanagara, qui a contrôlé le sud de l’Inde entre le 14ème et le 16ème siècle.
This probably isn’t a hint of what the DLC is about, but “porto” means “port” in Portuguese (I know because I’m Brazilian lol)
This is something I really agree with. The Kannadigas are definitely as important as the Tamils and Bengalis, with the Rashtrakuta and Vijayanagara empires, and are often overlooked by civ crafters etc.
Not ideal but having an umbrella dravidian civi can fix this issue.Also its less conflict with the term Indians.
The term is Indians not Indoaryans. Dravidians are Indians.
What do you mean by less conflicting?
Or we could just have Kannadigas and Tamils because why not?
Edit: Not meaning to be sarcastic/rude with my reply btw, just would love to see both because the cultures/military were quite distinct.
Wait isn’t this thread about Africa?
Yeah I guess we should refrain from taking it way too off track.
Both Indians and Dravidians are cultural terms so isnt it better to have those rather than Indians and tamils and other ethnic names? Im sure someone will come up with an argument saying having indians and tamils supports some kinda ethnic conflict.
And how is your other proposition gonna lessen the conflict? Indians is more of a geographical term than cultural. Dravidian Cultures are Indians.
Dravidians will have all the cultures representing them just like how the current indians include everyone right now.Thats why I said its not ideal solution.
Hmmm I think I get your point. Instead of going subset of subset of set and a set. You want to go with subset of set and the set. I don’t know, I don’t find any of it acceptable but that’s just how it is if they don’t want to rename anything.
I think they just need to start renaming things at this point
Thx @Temudhun for this nice post.
I voted for 5 civs, but they are not even among the top 4
At least 2 African DLCs (with 2 civs each) would be welcome. I would love to see:
- Somalis (nicely completing the Horn of Africa, could showcase battles with Ethiopians while Turks, Arabs and Portuguese supported one or the other side)
- Songhai incl.Gao (the largest empire missing, wrestling with Malians over control in West Africa)
- Kanem-Bornu (one of the most stable realms throughout medieval times, campaign perhaps about Idris Alooma)
and then one Nigeria DLC with:
- Yoruba (Oyo kingdom of rather mystical campaign about Ife)
- Edo / Benin (Benin Bronzes are so magnificent, Idia would be an obvious campaign choice)
Ghana overlaps a bit too much with Malians, I’d say. Zimbabwe and Kongo would be fine choices as well, but are too far away from others imho (and I don’t like mirror campaigns). Nubians could also be interesting.
You’re right, it should be discussed in the South Asian topic, it just came up here.
Entirely agreed.
You welcome, thanks for your votes!
I would love to see Somalis in the game and think they should come together with either the Nubians or the Swahili (ideally the Nubians so the Swahili can come in a Bantu focused dlc).
The Songhai empire would indeed be a good addition to the game, although I’m not sure the Soninke from the Ghana empire are more alike to the Malians than them. Besides, adding the Soninke would help break the mirror aspect of Sundjata’s campaign.
I don’t know enough about the Kanembu, but I think they could be a good intermediary between the factions from Western and Eastern Africa.
Medieval Nigeria is such an interesting place full of very different people and states! Honestly, I can’t say which of their civs should get the boot, Yoruba and Edo were both very important kingdoms at the time, but the Hausa could get an interesting focus on trade, and the Igbo may have the most potential as a monk faction out of all of Africa!