Which has better graphics, AoE3 DE or AoE4?

Age IV has the worst readability in any age game, if you kill villagers you don’t even see the corpses so you don’t have a clue of how many units you killed or how good was your attack lol, people should remove nostalgia glases and start analyzing the game deeper, this game needs a lot, alooooot of work.

I just can’t believe that Microsoft with all that power was unable to produce a good engine using more that 2 cores even with all the DirectX 12 crap…

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Evaluating the beta version and its bugs as what will definitely be in the game all the time is of course powerful. As I understand it, according to this logic, the game will not receive any patches, no bug fixes and other errors, that’s what it is in the beta and it will be all the time, brilliant.
Let me remind you that Microsoft supports patches of even the most hopeless games in terms of audience size, for example AoE 3 DE.

But this is just a lie, the game uses more cores, you just have to check it yourself.


If they tweaked some of the proportions in AOE4 it would do a lot to lift the quality of the graphics.

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I have a feeling this was due to the unfinished nature of the Technical Stress Test and that this will be fixed before they release it… I damn hope so anyway.

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I already played Aoe4 and the readability is so much better.


Thats not a feature its a bug. Have you bothered to check the bug section?


I totally disagree, its readability is only beaten by AoE2 imo. I can easily tell my units apart from the enemy in battle. I can tell what type of units are and how many there are of them

This entire topic is subjective, but I personally think that AoE IV has better graphics. AoE2 had good readabilty, but I think AoE4 does too.


Aoe3 has the best readability for me. All the others just look like mosh pits of units… Either because the hats on the units are more distinct or because I have well over a thousand games played in AoE3 and only a few dozen in the others.

I’m guessing it’s mostly this.

Having only played 50-60 hours in aoe4 and in aoe3, personally I find aoe4 more easily readable. I find aoe2 the most readable by far, but since I have over a thousand hours there that’s to be expected.

I think a lot of complaints people have about art style, readability, UI, icons, etc… actually stem from familiarity with something different.


i would guess AOE 4 is more readable simply due to the fact there are a lot less units in that game.

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I did check… game barely use resources, It is ok they have time to optimize ( yet I don’t think they will do it)

Not sure if it is a bug since it also happens with army units, some times you killed 10 military units and you see the corpses for 2 or 3, I think it is a “readability” decision.

I like AOE4 and have preordered the $80 edition on Steam. It’s a fun game.

For a 2021 game associated with one of the most profitable companies in the world, the graphics are poor.

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For todays standards, both game have poor graphics.

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I personally love AoE4’s art style. Sure, AoE3 is more detailed, but I actually prefer simpler art as it makes it easier to focus on the gameplay, and it’s easier on the eyes. Also, it leaves more room for interpretation/imagination by the player; it’s kind of like how Link from Legend Of Zelda never speaks, and yet so many people relate with him for that exact reason—players impart their own personality onto the character.


By that logic you don’t like age 2 DE right? because game has a lot of details on units.

“it leaves more room for interpretation/imagination by the player;”

lol! now we need to imagine the graphics in a video game, go figure ! I will try to do that with age IV, I will imagine that this are realistic graphics and that siege have operators…


Yeah, actually I don’t really like AoE2 graphics. I prefer the art style of AoM, by a long shot (although a DE for AoM would be nice…)

You’re laughing at the idea of using your imagination while playing a video game, but what do you think AoE1 players did 20 years ago? What about the people who played the original World of Warcraft? Were they not enjoying those games as much as they enjoy modern games now? Of course they were! In fact, for many of those players, modern games aren’t as good because they’re too realistic. I’d say most people play games to escape reality, not to be put right back in it.


I think that you are mistaken, on a live stream, a person checked the system load of the game, and said that the game uses more cores than you state. I don’t think it makes sense for him to deceive anyone, given that the person is not a fan of the AoE series. If you are interested in the MEDOED channel, I don’t know if you can figure it out or not, since this is not an English-speaking blogger, but the fact is that the person checked it live.

Dude, this is a mistake, several people have already written about this, there is a post that this error has reached a bug report.
I think it will not be difficult to notice that at the show match with Russia and HRE you saw that no units are lost.

I can’t really believe anything you say now. AoE3 DE is one of the best looking RTS out there currently.


3DE is just an updated version of a game released in 2005.

It that’s poor graphics, then surely that are many examples of modern RTS titles that completely overshadow it.

I mean I love Anno 1800 or Frostpunk, but they are different types or strategy games.
Units in TW:WH2 look great, but that game is almost exclusively about units, on top of being also a different type of strategy game.
Iron Harvest or Frozenheim look pretty nice, but is there a big difference, especially one that would justify calling this re-release poor looking?