Why dont get nothing?

To keep old players you need to respect players.

This “game” has zero quality UI, QoL below the heels, Polishing doesn’t exist, the design colors and so on look like a BBB “game”, they should offer a overhaul, with a set also of sountrack as icing on the cake, they haven’t done nothing, I am ashamed Microsoft has allowed these companies to do this, Tantalus Media and Forgotten Empires. I respect ppl as humans, but these ppl have zero idea how to do a VIDEO GAME that is nice to click and functional.

Chat doesn’t work until u press 5 times stuff to reach the text box to type something, THIS IS OUT OF THE WORLD stuff.
Offline status doesn’t allow to log a message to not online people, this DAMAGES the community growth. This stuff is huge problems. I don’t wanna hear “you boomer” oh you don’t have discord, or other trash talking. Discord is not AOE 3 DE, AOE 3 DE needs to be autonomous. If discord doesn’t work or one doesn’t have it, what people do? This is just madness… giving to players stuff that is unfinished, lazy work… and having “players” that actually do not criticize… this is not videogaming anymore. It’s just cash cow.

I play AOE since it’s beginning since the 90ties… I played also AOE 3 since 2006, I play tons of other games and I have a wide education also on business and arts management. This stuff is foolish to be sold.
This is a Degraded edition, not a Definitive edition, I really hope this is not definitive because it’s an insult and it stinks.

To keep old players u need to stop resetting the learning curve with adding stuff that deletes what we learned… u need to make units balanced. It’s just crazy what you can do in this game… it’s way too much…the unbalance with some builds. I just encountered these incas that all of a sudden make 30-40 flame throwers… it’s just foolish. but this is not the biggest problem.

We can’t even run the damn recordings and rewind them back… no . we have to restart the rec games!

This is a RTS. not a casual game! This is a game on strategy not collecting resources and staring at a screen forever.

Rated games supremacy have been cornered into a matchmaking…
People need to be in a clan or you will find in rated even ppl that just idle from the start and never play… It’s SOOO frustrating.

I made a… we made a list of things that must be done. UI, QoL, the entire Multiplayer lobby is a mess.
Fortunately Free Food party made a third party app but this doesn’t make AOE 3 DE “finally finished”.

This game wasn’t ready for release… and ppl will leave in a matter of months… many already left.

U can’t also reset the learning curve every patch… this is an insult to people spare time.

Come on… people already talked of this and much else in the past.

The yellow golden color is horrendous and very KITCH. There is no Historical feeling.

The censored names do impede knowing people.
The list made is full of stuff and I explained every point …a s not everyone has the design sensibilityu to understand what this “software” is missing… but it’s less than an ALPHA.

Don’t buy this game. Write negative reviews on meta critic and do a favor. Stop supporting trash games.
Also do not read the reviews from the videogame journalist mafia… those people are payed to make players buy games and never put down a game to 5\10 or less… Same does Steam as they gain money from sales.

Wake up, you players are the cause of this mess.

Let’s make one last example: let’s say I wanna see in game the various politicians I want to age up. I can’t I need to go online on a third party web site to see stuff… unofficially published from someone.

THis GAME LACKS the most important stuff that FOCUS on RTS PLAYERS, people that PLAY RTS:

This is because the Tantalus Media and Forgotten Empires and Microsoft is a bunch of people that want to make money and don’t have idea what is a RTS. This is the HARSH REALITY.

I sent negative review on Metacritic, I sent feeedbacks to Microsoft Contact center in my country explaning the reasons… They have really abused players and they do not care at all. Also “players” today are just a few… we can count them like just a part of the total… they are treated, we are treated as numbers and as numbers will make games become just a farse… because games are made for humans, they need complex design, they need hours of brainstorming beta testing and so on…

This stuff is just a pseudo videogame project. I am ashamed this is what is happening in so many games in last 8 years.,

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