Shouldn’t otto share them with rus? I thought horse archers were supposed to be shared by multiple civs since they lacked the unique mark a long time ago
They have added Seljuks landmarks but they havent added Seljuks horse archers. This is so ironic for themselves.
I hope this isnt true. If it is true, bad landmarks also bad civ, this would be shameful.display.
guys chill janissaries and bombards not being stronger is purely for balancing reasons. Not having horse archers is weird though
Man, Janisaryies are the one of the strong unit in that time frame. They havent used only guns they also use sword. French are famous their fierceful knights. Ottomans are too famous their strong Jans.
But then what is the idea of having them as unique units if they are going to perform worst than their counterparts?
To be fair, this is just the PUP. We have time until they release the 25th of october to pitch balance changes and more things, this is the first day. I do think they need to tweak some numbers though.
That’s the result of the odd choice of making the generic “horse archer” a “unique” Rus unit.
As a result for every future horse archer civ (Eastern European, Middle Eastern, steppe, etc.) you need to design a new unique “horse archer” (which means unique mechanics/abilities) and there is not much room for that.
Or maybe the plan is not to have a lot of civs at all so some esports people would be happy.
Actually, the best choice to do is to definitely turn the generic Horse Archer into a common/regional unit instead of being a unique unit.
Have you even played with them already? They dont beat handcannons because they have a different purpose. They’re better against cavalry and are more massable, which is good because it makes you feel like you have a huge ottoman army.
Janissaries dont suck in bronze, you suck in bronze. Horse archers are the only problem I see here
so the great bombard is just more hp ? or what
It has splash damage and a unit can garrison in it to decrease reload time by 25%. It might also do more damage per shot as well, don’t recall.
Imagine drawing conclusions about a civ on the day a Beta releases
Don’t think so, right now the game is played with 140 villagers and 60 to pupulation, you can’t mass them you will need more population.
Actually they have horse archer units we saw in trailer… maybe don’t know how to create them yet
They don’t in the PUP, which is interesting because there was what appeared to be a Sipahi firing a bow in the trailer.
probably the mechanic isnt implemented yet? and I think there will be more vizier points in final version
Why should they have horse archers? Why doesn’t HRE have black riders?
It’s just that they cannot possibly include everything.
I am about 90% sure that there won’t be additional units or mechanics to be introduced later on, that so far has never been the case, especially if they want valuable feedback.
then why is it in trailer?