Why is hakkapelit so broken

In my opinion civs with effective artillery shouldnt have AoE range attacks for balance purpouses

Hakkas are absolutely too strong, they should be nerfed. Possibly just reverted back to how they were before-- they were fine honestly, not op but good in certain situations. Great raiders, and great as a surprise pop out of a TC or outpost.


Ok I agree China age 3 with repelling volley is absolutely destructive against hakkapelit, but if you’re stuck in age 2 or age up slower than sweden, you won’t survive.

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If China goes straight to 3 Age and does everything correctly, Sweden is dead in any case


Yes, its incredible how opposite AOE 4 is from AOE 3. It’s like they made a game to be the absolute reverse of everything in AOE 3. I guess it’s no surprise that the AOE 3 player base wasn’t affected by the release of AOE 4.

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Its kinda interesting cause their stats are nerfed compared to the original one

The most important change is the range and the fact that they arent countered by dragoons

So they added anti-skirm skirms with the last dlc and the downside was that they were much worse than skirms against everything else.

Now they add anti-goon goons and the downside is
 they’re better than dragoons against everything else?

And people are defending this decision?


I have never liked hybrid units such as schiavoni, hakkapelit and even yumi, 21 I mention it because it is also considered anti heavy cav.

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Yumi or yabusame?? Cause how is yumi an hybrid unit??

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Yumi are like soft counters to heavy cav due to their higher base damage

Its kinda like how if you get lbs in a good defensive position(and not micro them) they also shred heavy cav

Fulanis are also similar since the there is like a 1 dps difference


Yumi and fulani yeh DPS is similar but longbow is just so much higher not fair lol.

Imo the Hakka should behave more like a goon than a hussar. Given the stats of a goon and the Hakka, you can see that the Hakka isn’t that far off in terms of stats considering Hakka cost 10 food / 10 gold more. If anything the Hakka should get it’s melee dmg reduced to 15 from 30. But also change its multipliers against all cav to just hand cav and hand shock but adjust to x3 to hand cav and artillery, and 2.5 vs hand shock. This dmg multiplier is the same with the 30 base multipliers.

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Since Sweden lacks a proper goon the Hakka should be a replacement for a goon. Since the Hakka cost more I think it should have a little bit more stats but should behave more like a goon than hussar. Take away it’s hand cav tag, reduce hand dmg to 15 but adjust multipliers to keep same dmg against hand cav and hand shock and artillery. Also reduce its siege to 15, but boost its range by +2 so its not easily kites by other goons.

Reducing hand dmg of Hakka to 15 will help skirms. But you have to adjust the multipliers against all cav to just hand cav/hand shock infantry and artillery while keeping its original dmg bonus. You can also nerf its siege to bring it more in line with a goon (9 siege) vs 20 siege of Hakka. Boost its range cause Hakka has bad range, so it can compete with other goons. Keep everything else the same and the Hakka will be a strong goon but not OP.

Hakka are designed to be dragoon with better close combat, but it’s now far beyond “better”. They destroy any cavalry in melee (even howdah, war wagon), and kill villagers and skirms faster than uhlan.


current dutch vs swedes match-up is horrendous.
ruyter+skirm get absolutely destroyed by hakkapelit, halberdier is useless due to kitting.

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Halb and skirm could counter hakkapelit. But Sweden just go raiding and hakkapelits kill vills faster than uhlans. What a joke.

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Mi idea es la siguiente hagan al hakkapel un DragĂłn cuerpo a cuerpo, osea que su ataque a distancia sea cargado, sin bonus y con un antibonus contra aldeanos y que su ataque cuerpo a cuerpo se mantenga, mĂĄs aun subir su precio en 25 mas de comida y oro y creo que eso lo estabilizaria

The simplest solution could be to just give them back the heavy cavalry tag. They’re already getting all the hand cavalry upgrades that should be for just heavy cavalry. It would allow Dragoons to actually counter them from range and stalemate in melee. It would also justify their strength again Skirmishers in melee. Rifle Riders have both tags so it’s not unheard of.


I agree they should change it to heavy cav but they should also buff its hp so it can be more comparable with a hussar and what if instead of a ranged attack it should have a powerful charged attack?