Would you buy the next dlc?

I was just curious how many of you guys plan to buy the dlc with the new civilizations

You mean the actual, new civilisations? Or the variants? I’m assuming you mean variants, but it comes with actual new civs as well (and a campaign, and a bunch of maps).

So yeah, for the price, absolutely. It’s cheaper than Winter Assault when I picked that up in 2005, not even factoring in inflation.


I already did, when they announced the expansion.

I consider this dlc a big opportunity for the game. I missed the messy launch, but it seems, things are fixed now, and I’m pretty sure that the goal of the team now is to grow the playerbase.
The game dropped on Xbox, and it was a great port, which means that it introduced a number of players to the game, including me.

These players are probably more casual players, than those who play it on PC, and with this pricing, a new campaign, and some experimental gameplay (variants) they might stick to the franchise longer.


I will, I’m not preordering though. I want to make the Devs sweat a little :smirk:


Already bought it as I plan to continue playing the game and the vast majority of what is in the DLC looks good.


I will wait for the order of the dragon reveal if i like that i will roll a dice to decide to get dlc

yes definitely already preordered


Preordered on the first day, Eastern Roman Empire is my most favored civ in medieval age.


For me it will be the best than the HRE (since it could have many Balkan units from the 15th-16th century)…while the Holy Empire could include Teutonic units from the Middle East and Baltic Crusades (11th-15th century)…

I think yes, for Byzantines, Japan, and the new campaign, because it represents a lot of work.
I still hope that at some point, they try to come back to historical accuracy as they wanted to do during the release of the game and the Malians/Ottomans DLC, because the new civs variants are destroying this part.
I appreciate the variant civ concept, but I think they messed up here, there was so much non used potential :

  • Why make a Chinese variant in a “Sultan’s Ascend” DLC ?
  • Why transform a french symbol into a whole “civilization” and call it her name ?
  • Why producing so much civilizations in a hurry without paying attention to historical details ? (Camel lancers ? “Tower of Sultan” ? Shaolin Monk in a philosophy opposed to buddhism ?)
  • In a DLC apparently focused on crusades, why implement a group which existed 30 years, the Order of the Dragon, instead of Teutons or Templars ?

Yes, I would buy it.

Now the detail is “if I can”. My computer is “up to scratch” (It is already 9 years old), the disk reader gave one of them less than 2 months of life and less than a few weeks for the other.

I’m going to see if I can buy another computer first, and then if I have something left over for the month, I would consider buying the DLC, although I suppose it will be at the end of the month when they pay me.

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Probably won’t buy it, because of how bad they treat the HRE. I hope I’m wrong though, but I don’t see them adding anything to HRE, maybe they never will.

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Along with the expansions comes a big general update. Maybe they have something in store for the HRE… Not get your hopes up may keep that door open, you may be surprised. Also I thought that if the OotD overperformes the HRE the latter would probably receive nice things to counteract that.

Yes I’m hoping for Teutonics for the HRE. And some kind of buff to the prelates inspired warriors buff, not sure what that would be but something else besides armor and damage increase. Not very interested in the OotD tbh. Reason I like the HRE more is because of the flag, and the religious stuff.

It’s very trivial, sort of like a paladin thing but it’s what I’ve been hoping for since they were announced way back.

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Yes, preordered. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


teutons and templars deserved to be the variants of HRE and french, really, but overall the job made to dynamize again the game is huge.

No. I am trying to get into AoE4 every now or then after watching some tournament matches on twitch/youtube. But everytime I get fustrated quickly by the slow pace and lack of possibilities to punish super lazy turtling players without having to wait 5-10 minutes. Two new civilisations and another four variant ones wont change that. The game is too slow and macro/defense focused for me.

As of now I am closely following the development of Stormgate. From what I’ve seen so far they aim to hit the sweet spot in terms of pace between WC3 and SC2.


It’s so crazy to me how this forum has so much negativity towards the new civs and DLC. Anywhere else ever since they changed the names from Jade Empire and Sultans army has been flooded with positivity and anticipation towards the new DLC (mainly youtube and reddit)


already bought, i had no doubts. Yes there are thing i don’t like, but they pale in comparison to the things i do like. Can’t have it all.

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This is to fund my 20 control groups :smiling_face_with_tear:

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