WTH with Gatling Gun?

So, basically you think anyone who doesn’t have a rating of 1900 has an invalid opinion regarding balance and that players below 1900 aren’t aware that culverin counters gatling if I understand correctly. (Pretty sure every online player is aware that culverin counters artillery). Maybe they should lock these threads so that only folks with 1900 can post. Essentially 'If you can’t move the mouse as fast as us, tough luck". Considering most of this discussion forum has to do with balance or units or features, might as well ban all players below 1900 elo. Or maybe just the top ten should be allowed to have opinions, obvioulsy the top ten are better than the 50th ranked guy.

That is correct, a 1300 ELO will almost always lose verus a 1900 ELO player, the 1900 could probably win by making one type of any unit. It has nothing to do with a discussion of whether a unit is balanced or not. Balanced = two players of similar ELO play and the win rate is 50%. Unbalanced = a 900 ELO player memorizes a build order to get coffee mill gatling and rises to 1300 or participates in team games and wins a disproportionate number of games because they spam gatling and some players give up on team games because the opposing team often has gatling spammers. ( I never play team games so just speculating).

It is easier for a USA player to get gatling with their infinite 3-2-1- gatling card than it is for the other player to get culverin, there aren’t even age 3 culverin cards except for the Mexico revolt. I’m not saying culverin cards should be added. Every other artillery unit can be countered by cav cost effectively, why not gatling as well? Gatling should be on the same power level as falconets, not higher. You can beat falconets with various other units, but not 3 gatling. I have already posted a few games where I lost in ranked to gatling spammers while I made only the counter, one game I was Inca and made only Chimus. Good luck with Chimus vs massed coffee mill gatling.

Yeah players with low ApM just don’t deserve win, this is RTS game anyway. Why nerf something because low elo or low apm players don’t know how to counter…

It is inca problem not gatlings. Inca struggles vs falcs, heavy cannons or horse arti or great bombards too , not just gatling.

USA are bad right now. In 1v1 sup they were a mid B tier civ at best, since the latest nerfs they are probably a bit lower.
Cav do counter gatlings cost effectively, if you’re opponent sends 3 then 2 gatlings you send 2 falcs and 5 huss.
I saw 1 of your games as dutch but that showed nothing just that a few ruyters lose to 8 carded gatling guns as expected.

I mained inca pretty much since DE release, chimus can take them out fine. Not as easy as cav because of the lower HP but you don’t even need to use chimus because 5 huaracas 1 shot a gatling, even they aren’t that necessary because the stronghold when garrisoned kills them as well.

In the game if I remember correctly I even tried revolting at the end (so it included some light cannons) so I had complete map control, chimus and all the troops from revolt and they all just got easily mowed down by an existing force of coffee mill gatling.

Chimus has bonus vs artillery, chimu is stronger than most melee cavs equal cost and pop. Inca does have problem vs massed artillery that’s inca civ design problem. Not because opponent is massing gatling. If they mass falcs or heavy cannons, chimu struggles equally

Gatlings are a bit op but if you see the artillery foundry it’s not like you don’t know it’s coming. I hate the Gatling spam as much as anyone but I am seldom surprised by it.

If USA does a FF build culvern regardless of what you see and you will seldom be disappointed.

I’d like to note that on ESOC forums, browsed by competitive AOE3 players stretching way back, people are making additional arguments and generally in agreement that Coffee Mill guns are OP. Garja makes a point that there was a similar problem before with Swedish Case Shot back in the day.

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That’s 6 gatlings from 3 cards.
The 1 gatling card is esentially a waste at age 3, nobody in their right might would send it over basically any other age 3 cards (and there’s some really bad ones around).

no, i say these players can think something is broken because they can’t beat that broken thing, one of the best example is dutch, all these players kept wanting to nerf dutch because they couldn’t beat ruyters, i mean…
they just don’t know how to beat her when it’s easy to beat and that’s the big difference

Knowledge of the game is important before saying ruyters broken, gatling broken, japan broken, inca broken etc…

concerning gatling i haven’t seen once player above 1900 abuse it, maybe there is a reason ? Yes because player above 1900 elo know micro, they make 2 culv split their shoot with culv for kill 2 gatling ( more sometimes ) and back and reshoot etc or just know they need to not let opponent mass 15 gatling ( i mean 15 gatling it should be never a thing actually cmon )
all i saw is guys crying because they lost against 15 gatling with 50 infantry, yes ofc you lost and the card change nothing, honestly i never seen a valid agument to why gatling should be nerfed ( also organ its broken then because organ its a gatling with more range and atk ? )

I just don’t understand this forum in fact, i even saw player at 1300 elo trying to teach me the game, i mean ok well xD


like this is a great exemple xD

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So essentially, as long as players above 1900 can move the mouse faster than the rest of the player base, that should be the standard, nevermind if it is something the other 99 percent of the player base can’t do or ever be able to do. Because there will never be more than 50 players in the top 50. There won’t be many players left if that is the standard used and it would be a dead game with no players. Or maybe there should just be the Kevin standard. If Kevin can do it, then it must be balanced. If Kevin never faced it, then it must not exist or be an issue. The majority of players never use auto scout, but it doesn’t hurt anyone so why not? Similarly, if pros don’t ever face mass gatlings or the coffee mill card, who does it hurt to nerf or even remove the card entirely?

you can’t select a culv and then left click to attack on gatling ?
So ye sorry not my problem there

Also wanting to balance the game on the incompetence of the players is a very good idea, nice one
Let’s nerf dutch then because ruyter spam is too good for 1300 elo player, let’s nerf japan because player at 1300 elo can’t attack a shrine before 15 min, let’s buff hauds because they have no eco

just saying but after all i play an RTS game, not a card game

Maybe i would say slow down gatling a bit? Because this unit don’t really need to switch mode awkwardly like falcs. They move a bit too fast that’s what i feel ### other than that it’s not that strong

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Start at 18 min youll see how 5 gatling with coffee mill is so good at 10 min of the game

Gatlings so op they need Thanos and the infinity gauntlet to beat them.

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This doesn’t help your point, though. The French player had to spend 2000 resources in artillery to counter US’s 1750 resource Arty army, two of them had to be Culvs (the hard counter for Arty) and even then lost both his falcs. Add that to the fact that the other player had to spend resources to build both Culvs, instead of shipping them from the Home City. I’m open to aggree that Gatlings might not be OP, but your arguments haven’t been the best.


Nicely done. Textbook example on how to deal with gatlings with falconets.

Dude lionheart lost the battle.