Age of Mythology II Poll

I hope for a retelling of a Chinese adventure with our heroes Arkantos, Ajax and the others. Really missed those guys in the Tale of the dragon campaign!

Let me pitch my AoM2 concept:


Favour works a bit more like AoE3 XP as there are multiple ways to gain it. Every god gives you boni on one way of gaining it. Odin for example gives you more for fighting.
God Powers, Mythological Units and Mythological Technologies only cost favour.
The Pantheon works similar to an AoE3 home city just that choosing the gods decides what cards you get.

God Cards

The gods you choose on Age up decide which cards you get.
Cards are either a “shipment” of mythological units, technologies or give you a god power. Depending on the god power it will either trigger automatically or give you a big button for it. Resource Shipments might exist but they are not the norm.
Some of them might be send multiple or infinite times.
The cost in favour for those cards grow like in AoE3 but the growth is limited, there is a fixed max cost.


Every civilisation has 5 ages. In Age 1 you don’t have a god yet nor can you build any military units.
You Age up by building a Temple/Shrine/Monument for your chosen god. The god you chose for Age 2 is your main god that will appear next to your Town Centre too.
Aging up doesn’t always give you one god power and one mythological unit, the benefits depend on the god. Sometimes the building you build has a long term bonus like slowly training a weak mythological unit or just a favour tickle.
Age 5 is special as it gives you infinitely resendable versions of the mythological unit shipment of all previously chosen gods and it unlocks the wonder and the ability to build a very powerful Mythological Unit (Titan of Greeks). The gods that you choose for Age 5 are also the most powerful ones and give the strongest boni.
If wonder victory is disabled, the wonder gives you a strong bonus instead. The wonder depends on your first chosen good (Age 2).
The name of the Ages depend on Civilisation.
Stone Age, Bronze Age, Silver Age, Golden Age and Titan Age for the Greeks for example.
The Egyptians something like Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom.


Every civilisation has their own Techttree. But they will follow the same formula. Not as extreme where Egyptian buildings where free while Norse Gatherers can’t build anything but farms. Norse infantry might still be able to build military buildings though.
Also every civilisation has a unique way of getting favour or a bonus on a common wa, like every civilisation gets some favour for fighting but the Norse get more or Greeks get more for sacrificing livestock while Indians get it for letting it live.
Every civilisations will have 3 subversions with small differences (smaller than in AoM) and maybe a unique unit or technology.
Sub civilisations are different cities or groups in a civilisation. For example the Greeks would get Athens, Sparta and Thebes. The Germanics would get Norse, South (Germans) and East (Goths). The Mesopotamians would get Babylonians, Assyrians and Sumerians.


Stone is back! So the 4 classic resources plus favour that works kinda like XP in AoE3.

I would like to see more of antiquity but with more modern game design. As well as prequel and sequel campaigns such as Arkantos’s early career (he’s implied to have had quite a lot of adventures already) or Amanra’s rise to become queen of Nubia.

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I’d prefer stories with real mythological characters.
The original AoM campaign used some famous mythological figures, especially around the Trojan War story like Ajaxs but some where original character like Arkantos.
There are enough known heroes and there are multiple versions of their stories anyway so it’s not like it’s not canon if you make your own, that was already done in ancient times where like the Romans decided that one guy from Troy definitely made his way to Italy.

No reason real mythical characters can’t be in those kinds of stories. Arkantos adventuring with Jason and the Argonauts and meeting Herakles for example.

AoM 2 can be a soft reboot if you want stories from real mythological characters.

What do you mean by this?

Chernobog is evil in all Slavic cultures :slight_smile:

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Material muy interesante para “Age of Mythology Definitive Edition” o “Age of Mythology II”…

He mandado la siguiente info. a “MayorceteGaming”, “Pero eso es otra Historia” , “Universidad Age of Mythology” y “Age of Empires” (Muy interesante la colaboración entre vosotros 4) ¿Qué os parece a “Age of Empires” y “Microsoft”?:
…para conseguir ampliar y mejorar el “Age of Mythology”, su futura versión/es “Age of Mythology Definitive Edition” o un “Age of Mythology II”:
Hola, Creo aquí habría mucho material interesante para “Age of Mythology Definitive Edition” o un “Age of Mythology II”… un resumen de muchísimas mitologías… aunque falta más de (interesante la serie “Gargoyles, héroes mitológicos” de 1994) África, Oceanía/Pacifico, Oriente, Nativos Americanos del Norte, etc… incluso una evolución a mitos actuales e incluso urbanos… o s. XIX, etc… tipo Steampunk, Teslapunk, Ciberpunk, etc, etc… y demás retro-futurismos utópicos o distópicos… rollo ucronía para definir distintas edades de evolución, influenciado por creencias populares, la literatura, cine/series, internet, etc… no sé si ya conocías el canal en YouTube “Pero eso es otra Historia” y sus videos sobre mitologías… como su lista de reproducción, “Extra 03 - Mitología y Leyendas de la Historia del Mundo (serie documental)” ) (… sería interesante que alguien les hiciese llegar con certeza esta información a los desarrolladores de videojuegos en Microsoft… Un saludo y gracias.

P.D: En mi perfil de FilmAffinity, VictorAE87 ) Listas de VictorAE87 - FilmAffinity (; tengo varias listas completas, pendientes o en proceso sobre literatura y cine, mitología y cine, diseño/creatividad y cine, documentales, retro-futurismos, etc… a mayores las herramientas de la web, con sus marcadores/topics o temas, géneros, grupos y elenco, etc… para agrupar y encontrar todo el material de documentación que se quiera…
Aparte de Joseph Campbell en su libro “El héroe de las mil caras”, no olvides “Las máscaras de Dios”, Libro de Joseph Campbell y su obra. Ni “Morfología del cuento”, Libro de Vladímir Propp. Ni “El deporte rey” y “El mono desnudo”, Libros de Desmond Morris&Ramona Baulch Morris y su obra. Ni “Armas, gérmenes y acero”, Libro de Jared Diamond y su obra.

A mayores ya más como ampliación, menos entretenida: Cualquiera de la obra de Noam Chomsky o de Byung-Chul Han, además de “Educación para la ciudadanía” - Akal de Pedro Fernández Liria entre otros y el resto de libros relacionados… o “Falsedad en tiempos de guerra” de Arthur Ponsonby y Yolanda Morató… o también “La muchedumbre: un estudio de la mente popular”, Libro de Gustave Le Bon y su obra, etc… otros similares…

Un saludo y gracias… bonito sueño no crees…
Aztec Culture Mod
Age Insider

The complete Aztec Triad
Hello Huitzilopochtli worshippers!

Los AZTECAS llegan a Age of Mythology!

28.378 visualizaciones
Fecha de estreno: 12 may 2021
Los AZTECAS llegan a Age of Mythology! - YouTube
[Age Insider] Age IV Beta
Este comentario en particular, muy interesante…
This particular comment, very interesting…
Mitologías por región‎
Mythologies by region

De este hilo muy interesante en general…
Of this very interesting thread in general…
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Could there be Age of Mythology 2 after AoE4? Microsoft is apparently planning to take care of their Age of Mythology games series - Age of Mythology / Discussion - Age of Empires Forum
[Age Insider] Age IV Beta
Sera posible que una vez estrenado Age of Empires 4, nos den la noticia de Age of Mythology Definitive Edition?


Feliz Solsticio de Invierno!!!
Para navidades… solsticio de invierno… Acebo, Muérdago, Abeto y Tejo… …no sé si ya conocías el canal en YouTube “Pero eso es otra Historia” y sus videos sobre mitologías… como su lista de reproducción, “Extra 03 - Mitología y Leyendas de la Historia del Mundo (serie documental)” ) (…
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Agujeros de guion: Los fallos argumentales que te harán ver las películas de ... - Andoni Garrido - Google Libros
En mi perfil de FilmAffinity, VictorAE87 ) Listas de VictorAE87 - FilmAffinity (; tengo varias listas completas, pendientes o en proceso sobre literatura y cine, mitología y cine, diseño/creatividad y cine, documentales, retro-futurismos, etc… a mayores las herramientas de la web, con sus marcadores/topics o temas, géneros, grupos y elenco, etc… para agrupar y encontrar todo el material de documentación que se quiera…
Lista: Documentales. Lista en Expansión…
Historia, Ingenieria, Ciencia/Tecnologia, Fisica/Cuantica, Biologia, Zoologia, Ecologia, Actualidad, Cine, Videojuegos, etc… Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, Morgan Freeman, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, Daniel Landa, Jalis de la Serna, Bettany Hughes, etc…
Lista de VictorAE87 - Documentales. Lista en Expansión… - FilmAffinity
Aparte de Joseph Campbell en su libro “El héroe de las mil caras”, no olvides “Las máscaras de Dios”, Libro de Joseph Campbell y su obra. Ni “Morfología del cuento”, Libro de Vladímir Propp. Ni “El deporte rey” y “El mono desnudo”, Libros de Desmond Morris&Ramona Baulch Morris y su obra. Ni “Armas, gérmenes y acero”, Libro de Jared Diamond y su obra.

A mayores ya más como ampliación, menos entretenida: Cualquiera de la obra de Noam Chomsky o de Byung-Chul Han, además de “Educación para la ciudadanía” - Akal de Pedro Fernández Liria entre otros y el resto de libros relacionados… o “Falsedad en tiempos de guerra” de Arthur Ponsonby y Yolanda Morató… o también “La muchedumbre: un estudio de la mente popular”, Libro de Gustave Le Bon y su obra, etc… otros similares…
Wikipedia en diferentes idiomas por articulo…
Mythologies by region
Further information: Traditional African religions

Central Africa
Baluba mythology 3
Bushongo mythology 2
Lugbara mythology
Mbuti mythology
East Africa
Dedun (Nubian mythology)
Dinka mythology 1
Lotuko mythology
Maasai mythology
Somali mythology 2
North Africa
Berber mythology 4
Egyptian mythology 2
Southern Africa
Lozi mythology 2
Malagasy mythology
San mythology 1
Tumbuka mythology 1
Zulu mythology 2
West Africa
Further information: West African mythology

Akan mythology 1
Dahomean mythology
Dogon mythology
Efik mythology
Igbo mythology 1
Serer mythology
Urhobo mythology
Yoruba mythology 1
African Diasporic
Further information: Afro-American religion

Hoodoo 1
Central Asia
Scythian mythology 4
Turkic mythology 6
Northeast Asia
Ainu mythology 2
Bai mythology
Chinese mythology 6
Japanese mythology 2
Korean mythology 1
Manchu mythology 1
Mongolian mythology 2
Qiang mythology 3
Ryukyuan mythology
Siberian mythology
Tibetan mythology 1
South Asia
Buddhist mythology 2
Hindu mythology 4
Ayyavazhi mythology 2
Tamil mythology 2
Vedic mythology 2
Manipuri mythology
Romani mythology
Southeast Asia
Burmese mythology
Indonesian mythology
Balinese mythology
Malaysian mythology 1
Philippine mythology 3
Vietnamese mythology
West Asia / Middle East
Further information: Religions of the ancient Near East

Abrahamic mythology 2
Christian mythology 5
Islamic mythology 3
Jewish mythology
Elamite mythology
Hittite mythology
Iranian mythology 1
Kurdish mythology 1
Persian mythology 3
Mesopotamian mythology
Babylonian mythology 1
Sumerian mythology
Semitic mythology
Arabian mythology 2
Canaanite mythology

Mythology of the Caucasus 2
Armenian mythology
Circassian mythology
Georgian mythology
Ossetian mythology
Vainakh mythology 1
Australian Aboriginal mythology 1
Melanesian mythology
Fijian mythology
Papuan mythology
Micronesian mythology
Polynesian mythology
Hawaiian mythology
Mangarevan mythology 2
Māori mythology 1
Rapa Nui mythology 1
Samoan mythology 1
Tahitian mythology
Tongan mythology
Tuvaluan mythology 1
Further information: European folklore

Eastern Europe
Albanian mythology 2
Baltic mythology 1
Latvian mythology
Lithuanian mythology 3
Prussian mythology 1
Hungarian mythology 2
Paleo-Balkan mythology 1
Albanian mythology 2
Dacian religion
Illyrian mythology 1
Thracian religion
Slavic mythology 8
Northern Europe
Further information: Scandinavian folklore

Finnic mythology
Estonian mythology 1
Finnish mythology
Sami mythology
Germanic mythology 2
Anglo-Saxon mythology 2
Continental Germanic mythology 1
English mythology 3
Frankish mythology 1
Norse mythology 3
Southern Europe
Classical mythology 2
Etruscan mythology 1
Greek mythology 2
Roman mythology 3
Western Europe
Basque mythology 1
Celtic mythology 3
Brythonic mythology
Breton mythology
Cornish mythology
Welsh mythology
Cantabrian mythology 1
Goidelic (Gaelic) mythology 1
Irish mythology 1
Manx mythology 1
Scottish mythology 2
Lusitanian mythology 1
Spanish mythology 3
Main article: Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas 1

Further information: American Folklore

North America
Abenaki mythology
Blackfoot mythology
Cherokee mythology
Choctaw mythology
Creek mythology
Crow mythology
Haida mythology
Hopi mythology
Inuit mythology
Iroquois mythology 2
Lakota mythology
Navajo mythology
Nuu-chah-nulth mythology 1
Ohlone mythology
Pawnee mythology
Tsimshian mythology
Zuni mythology 1
Central America
Aztec mythology 1
Maya mythology 1
Mixtec mythology
Olmec mythology
Talamancan mythology
Zapotec mythology
South America
Chilote mythology
Guarani mythology 1
Inca mythology 1
Mapuche mythology
Muisca mythology 3
Mythologies by religion
Further information: Religion and mythology

Buddhist mythology
Christian mythology 5
Hindu mythology 4
Islamic mythology 3
Jewish mythology
Wiccan deities 1
Mythologies by time period
Ancient mythologies by period of first attestation.

Bronze Age
Canaanite mythology
Hindu mythology 4
Chinese mythology 6
Egyptian mythology 2
Hittite mythology
Hurrian mythology
Persian mythology 3
Proto-Indo-European mythology
Norse mythology 3
Proto-Indo-Iranian mythology
Iron Age
Celtic mythology 3
Classical mythology 2
Greek mythology 2
Roman mythology 3
Etruscan mythology
Germanic mythology 2
Anglo-Saxon mythology 2
Norse mythology 3
Late Antiquity
Arabian mythology 2
Slavic mythology 8
Fictional mythologies
Further information: Mythopoeia

List of fictional deities
Cthulhu Mythos 2
William Blake’s mythology 1
Bumi Langit Universe
J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth
Marvel Comics universe
DC Universe

Links o enlaces a cada Mitología:

[Age Insider] Age IV Beta
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This particular comment, very interesting…
Mitologías por región‎
Mythologies by region

De este hilo muy interesante en general…
Of this very interesting thread in general…
¿Podría haber Age of Mythology 2 después de AoE4? Microsoft aparentemente planea encargarse de su serie de juegos Age of Mythology.
Could there be Age of Mythology 2 after AoE4? Microsoft is apparently planning to take care of their Age of Mythology games series - Age of Mythology / Discussion - Age of Empires Forum
¿Evoluciones de edades futuras en AoM?
Distopia, Utopía, Ucronía, Retro futurismo… Steampunk, Teslapunk, Dieselpunk, Atompunk, Ciberpunk, etc… Retrofuturismos (Wikipedia en Varios Idiomas) utópicos o distópicos, rollo ucronía para definir distintas edades de evolución, influenciado por creencias populares, la literatura, cine/series, internet, etc…






Cyberpunk derivatives

2 Futuristic derivatives

2.1 Biopunk

2.2 Nanopunk

2.3 Postcyberpunk

2.4 Cyber noir

3 Retrofuturistic derivatives

3.1 Steampunk

3.1.1 Clockpunk

3.2 Dieselpunk

3.2.1 Decopunk

3.3 Atompunk

3.4 Steelpunk

3.5 Cassette Futurism/Formicapunk

3.6 Islandpunk

3.7 Rococopunk

3.8 Stonepunk

4 Other proposed science fiction derivatives

4.1 Raypunk

4.2 Nowpunk

4.3 Cyberprep

4.4 Solarpunk

4.5 Lunarpunk

5 Other proposed fantastic fiction derivatives

5.1 Elfpunk

5.2 Mythpunk




