AoE2DE doesn’t support additive modding.
You have to replace the full dataset of AoE2 because of engine limitations.
That means you have to update your mod every time to game gets patched. And it’s not like you can rollback to an older version of AoE2DE.
There have already been some ancient mod projects of AoE2DE
ROMAE AD BELLUM - (RAW:E) Rome at War Expansion Concept
[WIP] Ancient Civilizations - Total Conversion Mod
AoE1 to AoE2 Port (total conversion mod) - stopped progress
The mod servers also have some limitations to the Rome at War mod is in 7 parts.
AoE1DE is already dead. There has been 1 patch per year in the last few years. That’s it.
They even make an official tournament using the old RoR 1.0 version, that’s how dead AoE1DE is.
No absolutely not.
The engine of AoE3DE is completely different then AoE2DE that makes no sense.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to port AoE2DE to AoE3DE because AoE3DE has the more modern engine?
An AoE1->2 port is pretty simple for the most part because all the assets can be made compatible with very little changes.