Balancing Landmarks ideas thread

Leaving this here since we have asked for Landmark rebalance since stress test and barely got anything.

Imperial Academy

  • In my games I seem to be generating more tax gold than my IO’s can ever collect, essentially meaning I’m not getting most of the tax gold bonus, and that the double tax gold bonus from the academy isn’t worth it. The upgrade to tax carrying capacity is worth more than the building. I’d like it if you considered having no tax collection cooldown, and that IO’s instead just only auto-collect taxes that would fill their carrying capacity like my suggestion above.
  • At the start of every game I build my buildings in a defensive pattern around my villagers and TC, but later if I want to get the most out of an academy I need to build it and all of my production buildings all near my TC somehow. This generally means I either don’t use most of the influence area, or I give the IO too long a walk time to collect all the extra tax gold. I’d like it if the academy was considered a drop off point for tax gold so I could use the entire influence area.

Landmark balance changes

  • Imperial Academy can now train Imperial Officials at 50% cost
  • Imperial officials gather up to 10 additional tax gold per age, which means 30 tax in Age II, 40 tax in Age III, 50 Tax in Age IV. The +20 carry capacity stays in the game for a maximum of 70 tax gathered per trip in Age IV.
  • Cooldown to collect Tax from the same building is now 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
  • Barbican of the Sun now increases attack speed for itself, all towers, wall towers, Keeps, Town Centers and its fortifications by 10%
  • The Great Wall of China gatehouse now boosts attack damage of infantry on walls by 20% regardless of where they are, instead of boosting attack damage by 50% in a very small radius around it
  • The Spirit Way Landmark now reduces the cost of all Dynasty units by 20% instead of 30%, but applies to all Dynasty units regardless of where they are produced


The Tax collection has multiple issues. Being able to train Imperial Officials cheaper from the Landmark will be a small earlygame help which the Chinese need.

The Barbican of the Sun is similar to the Kremlin - but much worse. A small buff will help Chinese fortifications and make it easier to defend. In case you are interested, I did the math and the Handcannon attacks does less dps against every enemy with 3 or less armor than the Kremlin. I presume its the same with other towers and the TC.

The Great Wall of China Gatehouse has basically no effect. Most players build no or very few stone walls. Building Keeps is just better.

The Spirit Way Landmark has very little effect because as the game progresses you build production buildings near the front to cut reinforcement time. This is extremely important and in this case the Spirit Way does nothing. You also need to enter a Dynasty before this building even provides any bonus. In its current state, its one of, if not the worst Landmark in the game.

Tax collection changes:

  • All tax generated on a building that is supervised gets converted into gold and added to your ressources directly. Credit to Aussie_Drongo for this great idea!
  • See above suggestions for Tax cooldown and gather capacity
  • Officials can now drop off Tax at Keeps just like they were Town Centers.

You are never going to get any Tax from buildings which are in the middle of the map. Stone Camps, Wood Camps, forward production buildings, unless you build a TC nearby which is a waste of ressources. The Change to supervise and being able to drop off Keeps is an easy fix for these huge issues.

Chinese specific issues/Feedback:

Dynasty units and buildings must stay unlocked once unlocked by dynasties. It doesn’t make sense to loose access to them. It also devalues the investment into additional Landmarks.

  • Granaries are too big. They require 4 farms of space, making it too difficult to place it inside your base. Especially placing 3 of them next to each other for stacked effect. Please make Granaries smaller. They should take up 1 farm of space, same as a mill. Or they should be a direct upgrade from a mill, to make it easier to plan and build a base correctly. Other users have reported issues that the villager does not drop ressources at the edge of a granary, but rather in the middle. This additional walking time means the gather rate bonus is less effective.
  • The 2nd Landmark for Age 3 and Age 4 need to be reduced in cost. They are too expensive and not worth building for Dynasty bonuses. Its better to just build units instead.
  • Stone Walls in general feel very weak, its better to just build Castles. As such, the Great Wall of China Landmark is too weak and should provide buffs to castles and towers aswell.

The Chinese Spirit Way Landmark influence zone needs to be increased. Or it should be a permanent buff for all production buildings.

Compare this to the influence bonus of the French and their castles, the french castle influence bonus is much larger and it can apply to many production buildings. This is not the case for the Chinese. Of course, the French can build infinite number of castles which can improve all production buildings, but the Chinese cannot extend their influence zone of the Spirit Landmark to all production buildings.

Here is a quick sketch of the issue with the Spirit Way Landmark:

Picture 1. Sketch of an optimal Chinese base layout with Imperial Academy, Spirit way and production buildings.

As you can see here, its impossible to get your production buildings into the influence are of both the Imperial Academy (Tax bonus Landmark) and the influence area of the Spirit way Landmark (30% price reduction for Dynasty units).

Picture 2. Sketch of an optimal Chinese base layout with Imperial Academy, Spirit way and production buildings. In this image, the Spirit Way influence was increased and changed from a circle to a square to make building placement easier.

As you can see in picture 2, changing the influence radius from a circle to a square makes it much easier to plan and place your production buildings properly.

However, as we can seee its still impossible to fit all buildings into the Influence Zone of both Landmarks. Therefore, I suggest to make the Spirit Way 30% cost reduction for Dynasty units apply to all production buildings regardless of placement.

The Chinese base building is already the most difficult in the entire game, especially once Granaries come into play. At this point, its simply too difficult. Because of this, the Chinese are unable to take advantage of their Landmark and civ bonuses.

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