Game Version:
- Build (Current)
- Platform (Steam)
After shift-clicking (build queue) villagers and dragging out a wall segment or multiple segments, and then placing a gate foundation on one of the wall segments, while still holding shift and the villagers will get stuck at the gate. They won’t build the gate. They won’t build the walls past the gate. They “get stuck” on the gate. Manually selecting them and then right-clicking gate won’t force them to finish building the gate.
If you delete the gate foundation and then re-place it they will complete the gate and continue the walls within LOS.
This has happened in 4 multiplayer games now.
Reproduction Steps:
Select 1-2 villagers.
Shift-click to build a wall segment or multiple segments by clicking and dragging out the walls.
While still holding shift, place a gate foundation somewhere on the wall.
Happens all the time for me. The fix of having to delete the gate foundation and place it again is kind of annoying.
But then again, walling in this game is kind of weird. Sometimes your villagers will build half of the walls then go idle, other times they’ll build every third or fourth wall then finish the rest.
Bump to this bug, since problems are still there.
I experienced it today with a gate. I had placed walls and gates with some usage of command queues, but I think I then ordered the villager to build the furthest wall piece and let him continue by himself, so without command queue. The villager bugged out when he reached the gate. Later I sent a new villager to build it (the previous one was killed in a raid) but when standing next to the gate and directly ordering him to build it, he flat out refused to start building. So I deleted it and opted for a straight gate instead of diagonal, which got built without any problems.
I made a small clip of both the first and the second villager that failed to build the gate:
Gate bug video
Bug still persists just as described
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Game Version:
Build: April 30th patch
Platform: Steam or Microsoft Store
Operating System: Windows 10 or Windows 7 or Mac or Linux
Gamertag: harooooo1
Sometimes a diagonally placed Palisade/Stone Gate foundation bugs outs, and can’t be finished unless you remove the foundation and place it again.
It does feel like it doesn’t happen a lot, but it is very annoying if it happens while u are quick walling from enemy in dark/feudal age. Already happened to me and a friend of mine several times in ranked.
First time I’ve encountered the bug was almost 2 months ago.
Reproduction Steps:
Here’s how to reproduce the problem:
- Start placing a lot of palisade/stone gates which are diagonal/long (facing north-south or east-west)
- At one point u will encounter a gate which can’t be built upon at all, and displays errors, only solution is to delete the foundation.
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Can confirm. I run into this bug at least once per game.
Surprised this hasn’t been patched yet, this has happened to me all the time for months. I just wanted to add that the “stuck” villager does not get listed as idle. So in addition to potentially having a hole in the wall, you’re down a vill until you manually check. This bug can easily cost you a game.
Issue still persists in the new update
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Still happens in current patch
Build: 5297380
Platform: Steam
Operating System: Windows 10
Gamertag: S4S
Here is the problem I’m experiencing…
When building a gate diagonally, villagers tasked to it ignored the command and built another nearby building. When tasked again to the gate, I got a ‘Building Site Obstructed’ message, despite the gate being clear. This happened several times - deleting the unbuilt gate and placing a new one fixed it.
Here’s how to reproduce the issue:
- Build a gate diagonally. Mine was a stone gate in a palisade wall.
Include a OneDrive or Google Drive link to a SAVE GAME or REPLAY FILE of the game where you encountered the issue.
So the MAA ran to the left of the first gate and I SPECIFICALLY had one of the villagers build that diagonal gate to the stone and I would be fully walled.
She decided to NOT build that gate and instead help the other villager build the one that was already 80%.
- No units were on top of the gate foundation
- I didn’t select both villagers at the same time
- This wasn’t a super rushed quick wall
- After the MAA got in and disappeared into my base, BOTH villagers then waited on both sides of the diagonal foundation gate and DIDNT build it. Then, more MAA and spear came and I just deleted those villagers because they are so dumb…
like why…
yeah it is new bug from the latest patch.
Build: Latest 39284 ######
Platform: Steam / Microsoft Store
Operating System: Windows 10 / Windows 7 / Mac / Linux
When I selected build a wood gate using a horizontal position my vill could not even started to build it.
Here’s how to reproduce the issue:
- Select villager.
- Select wood gate.
- Use horizontal position for the gate.
- Start to build.
EDIT: Apparently, it happens when some unit pass through and disturb the villager when building the gate in this position.
a “new” bug which has been reported in December 19th
define new here xD
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it wasn’t this frequent. but you are right.
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I have a very similar issue when building walls, but it is not only related to gates:
First I order the villager to build a 5-6 piles long wall, and then I order him to build a house AFTER he finished the walls (using SHIFT key).
Expected result: villager finishes the entire wall, THEN he builds a house
Observed result: villager finishes the first pile of wall, THEN he builds the house, THEN he forgets about the rest of the wall.
So I think the building queue is not optimized for building walls.
It is a different issue. It only puts the first wall part into the shift-queue, while you would expect it will put the full wall into the shift-queue. I have had this many times. Also for walling. You cant really say, put a wall here, here and here, but you really need to shift click every part of the wall one by one.
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