Dear developers please add the follwing hotkeys to the game (“Divide and control” and traders selection)

Dear developers please add the follwing hotkeys to the game:

  • Hotkey to divide a group of selected units in 2 (like unselect half of the selected units and have control over the half of whatever is closest to the cursor) as a way to apply the “Divide and control Strategy”

  • Hotkey to select all traders (for french and controlling their path)

The following hotkeys will add a new diversity to the fights and make it easier to select a specific amount of units in regards for allocating to any task.

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It would be missing a key to automatically ungarrison units from a ram and select a specific type of unit.


We really need the ram ungarrison. The functionality is actually in game already with the Ottoman siege after getting “siege crews”.

Select all traders would also be nice although that one doesn’t bother me too much with select all units and then just grabbing traders from that.

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request list

technically what you want is quickcast on your F hotkey which kinda should be same functionality unless it works in same way already(“haven’t checked that”)

Currently for rams we have to select the action and then click a location and the ram will move there and unload. It works the same as the transport ships. (Or there is a trick where you have the units inside all in one control group and you select them and issue a move command, but that is more involved and clunky)

What we need is to be able to just hit ungarrison and the units pop out wherever the ram is. This is how it works for Ottoman siege that have a unit inside after researching siege crews.

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enough of tricks

The F must take the villagers to the meeting point
and should not do the trick of: ungarnish, click on the food, garnish and then ungarnish

I hate tricks!!!

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you right TC should move like rams to drop villagers :smiley: i am joking yea rams should definitely have the proper ungarnison

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