Just last month I posted a topic about a potential rework of the German civ (https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/reworking-germany-for-better-historical-representation/114190?u=opdepovas it currently is in aoe3DE. In the topic I stated several reasons why the current Germany doesnt properly represent anything and is apparantly a weird mix of Austia, the HRE german states and Prussia. I advocated for removing the Prussian part and letting Germany represent the HRE under the Habsburg Austrians, trying (and perhaps failing) to retain as much of the gameplay as possbile while requiring as few new gameplay models as possible. I tried to rework it so that no new 3d models where required.
I got a lot of feedback and got myself thinking and dreaming further. I came up with new plans that might be more appealing to some and perhaps less to others, hope to hear your thoughts.
The plan is simple, take the current Germany and takes what makes it HRE and what makes it Prussian and divide that in 2 new civs Germany and Prussia. Where germany wil represent the more old fashioned Habsburgs and the HRE and Prussia a more modern state. Germany has some historical expertise being split in two I heard
In this topic I will go over all base aspects of the current Germany and assign that aspect to either Germany or Prussia.
But first I will shortly state what the base idea of each civ rework is:
Germany will represent the HRE under the Austrian Habsburgs, I will retain the mercenary focus of the civ and the diverse units from across the Empire. It is more old fashioned than the Prussians
Prussia is historically known for its disciplined army, line infantry and grenadiers it foccuses more on modern troops than the Germans. unlike Germany it will have Grenadiers available in the artillery foundry.
The only thing in this plan that will require new art, modelling and voice-acting. A new AI leaderhead is needed for Germany seeing as Frederick will obviously lead Prussia. Then a new home city is needed for either Germany or Prussia.
Ferdinand I is chosen as the representative of Germany. Ferdinand I was the brother of Charles V as succeeded him as Holy Roman Emperor while the Spanish parts of his Empire went to his son Philip. Ferdinand is credited with defending his realm against the Ottomans and making it somewhat more cohesive, quite the accomplishement considering what the HRE was and that the reformation was underway. No conflicting rulerships aswell as with his brother who also ruled Spain and the Netherlands.
1.Receive Uhlans with each shipment
The German ability is a confusing one. As many people will be eager to point out Uhlans are Polish light cavalry. However they later became a common type of cavalry on the European battlefields as heavy cavalry began to fade out. In that way Uhlans should basically be in every European civ or be saved for a Polish civ. However if we look at Prussia we see that the nation was located on the nothern border of Poland even paying vassalage to the Polish king at some point.
The uniform the Uhlans are wearing is considered Prussian these days and herein we can see the Polish influence on the state in its earlier days. Therefore the German ability is moved to the Prussians.
A new German ability is then needed for the Germans I have some ideas that can be used but the dear readers may have even better ideas.
- Mercenary shipments contain more troops and can be send twice.
- Military shipments can be send twice.
- Military shipments contain more units.
three similar ideas I knowBut at least they still somewhat resemble the old German ability instead of being completely new.
Also since Germany will lose the Uhlan it can now build Hussar in the stable instead.
2. The Settler wagon
The Settler wagon is basically a dude with a cart and mule. The clothing he wears appears to be Bavarian and is therefore in the HRE Germany territory. However in the interest of not changin the OG german playstyle too much, and because its just a fun unit to use. I see no problem letting Prussia retain it as well. The settler wagon will be a shared unique unit in both civs in my vision.
3. Doppelsoldner
Doppelsoldner historically are Landsknecht mercenaries armed with a two handed sword or a halberd. The strange overlap with the landsknecht mercenary ingame (who should wield a pike) will be ignored here for a later date. The first landsknecht units were said to be raised by Habsburg Emperor Maximillian I.This combined with the design goal to make Germany the more old fashioned faction the Doppelsoldner will be unique to the German barracks.
Prussia will receive Musketeers to compensate.
4. War Wagons
Hussite horse-drawn wagon outfitted with cannon
The War wagon is Bohemian Czech. Many Habsburg emperors were also king of Bohemia and it is firmly inside the HRE. It is also a more old fashioned unit being used in the hussite wars 1419-1434. Therefore it is firmly placed in the German civ.
Prussia will receive the Dragoon in its place.
5.Home city cards:
Going over each and every card will take a long time and many cards like the crate cards are easily put in both civs.
It is easily done to remove cards that affect units the civs will no longer have and to add ones that do, many other can get a simple name change and be usable by the civ that it originally didnt refer to. Like the Germantown farmer card that can be copied exactly as is to the Prussian and then be renamed to refer Prussia. Something like “Potato King” since Frederick the Great so succesfully integrated Potatoes in Prussian agriculture.
The church card can stay as is for the Germans. but the Prussians will need a completely new one, since the old one references the HRE and its commanders almost exclusively. Prussia should probably receive upgrades to their line-infantry here.
6.Royal Guard units
Prussia has the Uhlan (Czapka Uhlan) and the skirmisher (Prussian Needle Gunner) just like the current Germany has. The HRE Germany has the Hussar (name pending, Magyar? Croat?) and the skirmisher (Landwehr) so as not to change too much in this regard.
in conclusion:
Led by Ferdinand I from the home city of Vienna
Focussed on Mercenaries and more old fashioned units like the doppelsoldner and war wagon.
Led by Frederick the Great from the home city of Berlin
Focussed more on modern military like muskets and Grenadiers and using their free Uhlans.
what are your thoughts?
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