The explorer improvements.
I find that the explorer upgrades are too costly to simply increase the explorer’s hard points and I find them to be of very little use. That is i why propose that in addition to your current benefits, you grant the following benefits:
Title of gentleman: In addition to its current benefits, the explorer loses all negative multipliers, and the ‘grand shooter’ attack can also be used against normal units.
Nobility: In addition to your current benefits, you can build native embassies. And you can build urban centers and trading posts faster. You can also receive shipments and increases your visual field.
Nearly outdated stuff that could be useful. (Potential improvements) - #134 by OperaticShip743
Explorer Cards:
Scout Cards usually award one dog and one skill to each scout. Improve the attack and its resistance points. But I think that for them to be viable I would have to deliver something else. Could deliver a trading post cart or a number of experience points?
Nearly outdated stuff that could be useful. (Potential improvements) - #152 by OperaticShip743
4. Shipment of church / mosque / monastery:
Send a church wagon and also absorb the hero upgrade that allows them to have a scout dog, or the Indians to train tigers. This is one way I propose to make hero upgrades workable. This would be useful on maps where there are good treasures such as yukon, yucatan, araucania or great plains. Now instead of being a separate shipment, it will be enabled in the church at a cheap price, since the shipment alone does not seem like a very good investment.
Some "new" cards for ancient civilizations