Latin American general post

Wasn’t this a thread for suggesting civs south of Mexico? When did it become a strategy sharing page?

Well technically the title is (Latin American general post) I think sharing ideas about Latin American revolutions is not wrong. :sweat_smile:

But let’s do one thing, I think I can rescue an old theme that I would like to see come true.

Unfortunately, you can no longer comment on it, but I think it’s a good time to resurrect it.

I see the (Infernal) more like the mounted rifleman and I see the (Escolta) more as an intermediate point between the winged hussar and the royal horseman.

They are militias, perhaps Argentina should have a system similar to the one in the United States, only instead of having OP militias, we could have the normal militias, but with improvements so that they give us cavalry units (Blandengues) or light infantry (Patricios).

I like the idea, but in my opinion I would also leave the hussar and the dragon to Argentina, especially since that would justify making their emblematic cavalry units more powerful in exchange for costing more population. (It would be something similar to what happens with France and her cuirassier)

PS: I would add some method to automate the production of livestock and food, I don’t think it is very different from the Dutch banks, but I could be wrong.

I would also add some card that allows you to turn them into mounted grenadiers.

I would convert the mounted grenadier into a unit similar to the papal lancer and its foot version into a version of the giant grenadier, but I know that no dev or modder agrees with me. :pensive:

I would remove the falconete and exchange it for the Artisanal Cannon, also I would not remove the Horse Artillery. The Petard I would change it for Exploding Cart.
Note: WOL :slightly_smiling_face:

It will sound silly, but I would like Argentina to have an architecture that depends on the biome, in cold places it could have structures similar to those of the Germans and in the rest of the scenarios Mediterranean structures.

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Oh, that design is outdated by literal years. One of these days I’ll post my updated Argentina design, most likely in a new thread since the old one got merged into this one anyways.

Oh, architecture changing by biome would be obnoxiously difficult to implement, virtually impossible. Absolutely not worth it at all.

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Yes, so you have to have decks for FFA and for treaty…

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Additional information:

Mateo Pumacahua (left), Tupac Amaru II (right)

As I mentioned before, Mateo Pumacahua was a military officer from the Inca nobility who fought against Túpac Amaru II during the Rebellion and later participated in the independence movement.

This image belongs to the mural of the “Church of Chin / cheros”. According to the gathered information, this mural was painted by the orders of Mateo Pumacahua’s family to preserve a record of the rebellion.

On the left side, we can observe a group of well-dressed nobles representing Mateo Pumacahua’s family. On the right side, there are two armies engaged in battle, depicting Túpac Amaru II’s army fighting against Mateo Pumacahua’s army and allies.

The most notable aspect is the image of a Puma (a Cougar, representing Pumacahua) fighting against an Amaru (a Dragon, representing Túpac Amaru II).


Understood, just to ask:
Is it possible to recover my first deleted post in this topic? :grin:

Happy Independence Day. :argentina:

I want to take advantage and ask a question to everyone, the original revs should?
  • Get customizable decks.
  • Gain the ability to advance just like the French revolution.
  • Obtain a deck equivalent to a fifth age, like the Mayans.

0 voters

PS: I would love to see Argentina get new skins and some new improvements for the revolution. :smile:


Revivamos este post. Nueva skin de la Guardia Peruana !!!


The lack of focus on the Brazilian, Argentinian and Gran Colombian revolutions may indicate that the developers may be planning to release them as full-fledged civs.


now that the game went f2p (that actually is a demo) is time to shill the game so maybe the devs see there’s is market for a DLC with the civs that you have been asking here for so long

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Yes, I choose to believe…the Latin American market is quite a fan of the AoE saga (more of AoE 2, not so much of 3, except for the LA revolutions)…Destiny 2 is free and they keep releasing expansions…also that Argentina has a queen in Holland and a Pope in the Vatican xd…


¿Cuántos Papas tenés?

¡Please, give me some empanada civs!


Peru is the one that hasn’t received any focus, except for a unique skin, so I’m hopeful :peru:


Agregale que los argentinos somos 50% italianos y 50% españoles…entonces le tenes que sumar todos los papas desde Alejandro VI hasta Juan Pablo I xd…

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Although I understand that the khaki-colored coat may indicate that it is a revolutionary unit, I am associating the khaki color more with the Portuguese. Would it be possible for the color of the coat of the Peruvian Guard to match the player’s color? (similar to the case of the Regulars)


También son descendientes Incas, incluso tienen un Inti en su bandera (Una de las primeras banderas del Perú también tenía un Inti pero Simon Bolivar se la quitó :crazy_face:)


The issue is that the Imperial Regulars are from the American Civil War, which are more than 1860s… The Peruvian legion is from the war of independence (1821-1824) and a bit the war against Bolivia (1841-1842)…but I don’t see why not, since they fought until the War of the Pacific (1879-1883)…

Sí,pero la bandera peruana con el Inti esta basada en la bandera argentina,por obvias razones (San Martín)…


In reality, the Peruvian Legion of the Guard is still active to this day, they participated in all the wars in Peru, avoiding the 2 times that the country was almost divided, all the civil wars, the war against Gran Colombia, the subsequent annexation of the Amazon and the rest.

(Legión Peruana de la Guardia during the war of 41)

Pues, parece que San Martín le tenía mucho respeto a su legado Inca.


Yes, I saw it…

Tanto que quería un rey inca y reconstruir el Imperio Inca xd…

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Pero eso es toda hispanoamérica


Bueno contá los italianos entonces xd…