Latin American general post

what makes for revolutions becomming revolution, esp. to spain, probably has more to do with balance, design, overlap, UI consideration and historical interest than to do with whether or not a faction was a viceroyality or not.

factions at max have i think 5 revolutions? if you had to choose 5 for Spain, then which ones would you add? i feel like the current selection makes sense as most of them are relatively large countries with at least some regional differences between them, at best i could see Cuba or the Philippines over Chile, but both of them fall outside of the games end point and Spain doesn’t need to be a bit large on what constitute a revolution unlike Sweden, Russia or Germany.

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A card that enables to revolt earlier :man_shrugging:
Again not that hard to think

Not a single mention of buff europeans

Your link to the Battle of ParaguarĂ­ is not the independence from Spain

The gesture of independence from Spain took place on the night and early morning of May 14 and 15, with the intimaciĂłn to surrender made to Velazco, that did happen without battle

Giving new cards or revolutions defenitely is and Spain is European too.

One last of them should be Paraguay, if a standalone DLC about Paraguayan War is one of the upcoming projects underway :paraguay::joy::joy::joy:

a Paraguayan War DLC is so incredibly, absurdly niche, it’s almost funny someone would earnestly believe that could ever happen.


What Paraguayan War?
Chaco War?
Triple Alliance War?
Paraguayan war against narcotrĂĄfico?

Yes it is
A DLC about the Triple Alliance War is not possible because thats not how DLC’s are presented in AoE3DE
That would be like making a “Guerra del PacĂ­fico” o “Guerra PerĂș-Boliviana” DLC

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I think he meant the Triple Alliance War.

New Stuff on the PUP, A lot of new cards for Peru, Argentina and Brazil


The Peru cards are an awful selection, they moslty have nothing to do with Peru and when they do, they recicle mexican techs (like dia de muertos). A really lazy selection that does not represent the countries history, unlike the new Argentina and Brazil which are superb.


Agregaron a San MartĂ­n !!!


CĂłmo se obtendrĂĄ? Una carta, o se envia al revolucionar?

Here is my take on the new peruvian revolt. Its just
 not good. I included a comparison wikth other rev decks so its easier to see how off the peruvian one is:
About the new Peruvian Revolt - Age of Empires III: DE / III - Discussion - Age of Empires Forum

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With a card from the Argentine revolution in the new PUP.

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Cool. Are there more changes for the other american revolutions?

Only Argentina, Peru, Canada and Brazil.

Muisca revolution? I don’t see how that would work, since the Mayan revolt is based on the constant struggle in post-colonial Yucatán, as seen during the Guerra de las Castas, for example. The muiscas fought for a while against the colonial government, but didn’t offer any major resistance or conflict against the republican government so

Still, if they were to add something like the Mayan revolution for Colombia, I guess they could add Palenques -african /african-american themed revolution-, the Regeneración -catholic/ spanish themed revolution- or another kind of native american revolt, which shouldn’t be themed around the Muiscas but rather around the indigenous groups of Cauca, Llanos Orientales or Santander -altought none of the revolts that happened there were as big as the ones in Yucatán, at least afaik.


South American civs should work similarly to the mexicans, at least in regard of revolutions. Imo, the civs should be Gran Colombia, the Brazilian Empire and the United Provinces of RĂ­o de la Plata.

Gran Colombia could revolt into Venezuela or Ecuador at the Commerce Age. Then, at the Fortress Age Gran Colombia could revolt into PerĂș or Bolivia.

RĂ­o de la Plata could revolt into Paraguay and Uruguay at the Commerce Age. Then, at the Fortress Age RĂ­o de la Plata could revolt into Buenos Aires and Bolivia.

All of these revolutions, except for Buenos Aires, should be permanent. Uruguay should be shared by RĂ­o de la Plata and Brazil, and Bolivia should be shared by Gran Colombia and RĂ­o de la Plata. These revolutions should allow different gameplay styles, based on their hystorical inspirations -benefits for rushing for Ecuador, booming for Venezuela, gold heavy for PerĂș, native heavy for Bolivia and Paraguay, Buenos Aires could use a gameplay similar to the Dutch civ and Uruguay could have a cattle based economy and a trash unit army.

Peru did not have as leading a role as Argentina or Great Colombia in the independence of South America, so it is not worth adding Peru in the eventual DLC on the independence of South America, and Peru cannot be a revolution either since it was a viceroyalty and not a real audience like Bolivia, Ecuador or a governorate like Paraguay, worse still, Peru cannot be a revolution of the greater Colombia since both had several wars after independence and even before independence they already had border problems.Peru could be added as a civilization along with Chile in an eventual DLC, perhaps the DLC could be called “Republics of the Pacific” or “Pacific wars”


You guys earnestly believe every single last country in South America will somehow make it into a DLC huh- and what’s funnier is that you expect them all to play exactly the same as Mexico, because that sure will make a good job of telling people these are different countries that are worth purchasing even though they all share the exact same gimmick.


European civs: 7
Southamerican civs (precolombino) : 1

Native europeans houses: one trillion upgrades, upgrades to everyone, you want a upgrade? here, have it, want another one?, not possible, just kidding, have some more with that

Native southamerican: have some zapotecs (not “exactly” from here hehe), some very vanilla caribs and of course you can train some cougars with your tupinamba! because obviously cougars live in the amazon (DAH!)