Latin American general post

european nations controlled more than half the world, including south america, that is why there are so many, even relatively small european nations could move the world balance simply by being in europe. its literally not possible to make a world spanning early modern game that doesn’t have at least some European nations cause they simply just were more important in the period.

sweden never had a colonial empire but they fought countries that did and had real innovations to show for it, what would paragauy honestly show that argentina can’t? not saying they are the exact same country but surely you can admit they are culturally closer than germany and france is.

as for natives, lets start with amount. yes there are a lot of european royal houses, partially because they focused on making them royal houses, which by the nature where scattered throughout large parts of europe. where as the american natives represent tribal and ethnic groups. now one could argue there should be more south american natives, but the quick question there would be “who?” maybe musica i can see but like large parts of south america where almost empty before the european settlers showed up, there is a reason argentinians are basically ethnic spaniards, because there was no significant pre-columbian group there to influence it like there where in peru and central america. large parts of south america were desolate before the europeans came.

then there is the tech, and here its just a case of design creep, newer content simply has more in it, same goes for african natives. it also just helps that there has been a wish for years to make natives more relevant, since they weren’t that relevant back in TAD and vanilla. id also point out some of the tech from the original game where very powerful, more so than newer tech is. the native incas give movement speed and train speed, which is a massive buff compared to a trickle of coin. a lot the newer techs are also more opportunity cost than straight upgrades.

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Absolutely not true. I have no idea why so many people believe this.

You can argue that they were not all as strong Aztecs or Incas at their prime, but it definitely wasn’t a land devoid of humans.


I think he is talking about the number of people in comparison to european immigration and how due to this modern day latinamerica is heavily influenced by iberean culture. Yes there were many tribes before, but the population got a massive hit by disease once the euopeans arrived


My brother in Christ South America wasn’t even remotely empty, Argentineans are “basically” ethnic spaniards because they commited murder on a massive scale, following the footsteps of the United States.
(and saying they are ethnically spaniard is patently false in the first place, it’s just a matter of actually setting foot in the freaking country to realize they are as ethnically diverse as anywhere else in the continent)

What you’re doing here is literally genocide denial by pretending all the land these countries occupied were conveniently empty and weren’t just taken by force through settlers.


Unfortunately this is correct, Argentina has committed acts of which we are not proud. :pensive:

Correct, although I don’t understand people who give so much importance to ethnicity, for me if you were born or live in Argentina you are a Argentine.

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20 million people, last i checked the incas had more than 10 million people, some go as high as 16 million, but lets be fair and say 10 million.

so for the rest of south america you have 10 million people. did there live people there? yes, i never claimed no one lived there. my claim is that it was comparatively sparsley populated to the rest of the world including central america and peru. my claim is also that you can see this in the modern population, unless brazil and argentina were uniquely brutal in their fight with the native americans you would expect those countries to have a large native influence, similar to Peru and Mexico, if there where large population before colonization.

for your information id also consider siberia, north america and most of central asia to be “desolate” despite them also having a fair number of tribes and people groups, simply put the number of tribes isn’t what defines an area as being desolate or not, its the number of people living there.

as another example if we look at australia before colonisation. it has about 500 groups, with a total population of about 750.000 people, meaning the average group only had about 1500 people. or to put it in another way, australia is about 3/4 the size of europe but had 1/100th the population, and that is if we assume a relatively low population for europe. now are you gonna argue Australia is not desolate? id argue it still largely is today.

i have never suggested no genocides happened in south america. also to you, how low does the population of an area need to be before it becomes reasonable to call a place desolate? is modern Mongolia desolate to you? cause i think it is. to me 10 million people sprawled across 16 million km is desolate, esp. once we admit some areas are less densely populated than that.

so after having looked it up 56% of Argentinians are mestizo, which is higher than i thought (all i ever had heard, read and seen before this was that Argentina was considered quiet white. i guess we could dwell on what this number actually hides under the surface but lets not go there). i will admit i was wrong on the make up on Argentina.

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The developers have been adding civilizations 2 at a time, so I thought it would be good to add 3 DLCs from South America, first they would be the great Colombia and Argentina, second they could be Peru and Chile, and finally Brazil and some native South American civilization, the other option It would be adding all of South America in one expansion. As for the mechanics, I don’t think there is a problem. The South American civilizations can be perfectly differentiated. In terms of architecture, they would all be different or I would group them together. Greater Colombia and Peru would share the same architecture. Argentina and Chile would share another architecture.
I understand that there are people wondering why South America and why not another region, but for me the answer is obvious, a large part of the essence of AOE3 is basically the encounter between the old and the new world, that is, Europe and America, the colonization of America and the American revolutions are essential part of AOE3, then an expansion on South America would be like The Warchiefs 2.0, the truth is I’m not that interested in Asia and Africa, I don’t want to say that they don’t deserve new DLC, but America and especially South America occupy a special space for me, South America is a region rich in battles and the warlike essence of South America is basically European, the South American revolutions along with the Napoleonic wars are interesting topics to add in an eventual expansion

I’ve upoaded my proposal decks for the Peru revolt, one standard and another one expanded for full Peru flair.

You can find the cards explanation here: About the new Peruvian Revolt - #21 by EntombedCurve02


Now I’ve been thinking a bit about post-colonial potential civs. I think that the developers may add civs in the future that would be “derived” from the old civs already present in the game, e.g.:

  1. Portuguese - Brazilians civ (certain)
  2. French - Haitians civ
  3. Dutch - South Africans civ

Together with the “British” USA civ and the “Spanish” Mexicans civ, these civs would represent the post-colonial civs that emerged after the largest colonial empires.

And now it’s time for more unconventional ideas:

  1. Germans (renamed into Austrians civ) - Prussians civ
  2. Ottomans - Egyptians civ
  3. Russians - Ukrainians / Ruthenians / Cossacks civ

These are not post-colonial civs, but “derived” from the remaining old civs.

However, I bet that if Brazilians civ were added, the creators would not forget about the remaining post-colonial civs from South America (that’s what it would be like to do), which of course “derive” from the Spanish. The strongest candidates are, of course, the Argentines and the Gran Colombians.

I would love an Haitian civ, as long as they do them justice and not make them a generic pirate civ. Even now, just because there were pirates in isla Tortuga, doesn’t mean Haiti should be a pirate rev


Without diverting the topic, amen to that.

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Well, the developers have been releasing DLCs with this order, A two civ DLC, A Standalone DLC, A two civ DLC, A standalone DLC.
So I think if they release those DLCs, I think it would be like this:

  1. Argentina and Colombia DLC
  2. Brazil Standalone DLC.
  3. Peru and Chile DLC.
  4. Haiti Standalone DLC.

Only an Idea, I would like to read more of these.
Even tho I agree that those civs should follow the American/Mexican Age-up, It’s true that for some of this civilizations is going to be difficult to have this system because of the lack of region or states to have even 3 options for age up. (like Chile for example) maybe a variation of this Age-up should do it.
Again I would like to read your Idea. (sorry for the text wall).

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Even though I’d live to have all of those (¿cuántas civilizaciones tenés?) adding all of those would be even more ambitious than The Conquerors expansion. If I had to chose, I would add Haiti and Perú, just so Argentinians don’t get bragging rights

I literally posted a full fledged Chile design that includes the Federal Age up system. So I feel in the complete right to say… Skill Issue.



(20 Characters)


I just found out that the San Martin model is just Issac Brock but recolored.
And with a minor alteration in the chest.
Don’t get me wrong, we are happy that the devs are representing such historical figures in the game.


Well that is quite disappointing, but it explains the historical inaccuracies of the unit, Saint Martin’s horse was brown and his saber was much more curved.

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Por fin tenemos respuesta a “¿De qué color era el caballo Blanco de San Martín?”

Resulta que era marrón…


Aquí siempre se ha preguntado por el de Santiago jaja

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