In the patch notes, there are several mentions of improved performance in the late game:
Improved the performance of the client during large-scale, late-game battles.
Improved the performance of the client during battles which generate a considerable number of on-screen particles.
I watched Jordan (Twitch) playing a 4v4 team game today, with expert players (most of which have high end pc’s). The lag in the game became progressively worse, to the point where it became unplayable in the very late game. True, there were players from different regions, but the lag became more and more severe as the game progressed, indicating that it’s not (only) a connection issue but also a performance issue. Everyone’s “clock icon” became red in the end. They played on the US West server.
Watch from 4:34:00 as the game becomes unplayable:
Not improved is put very kindly, it’s just unplayable now in every game. Before the patch u had this lag “only” in some games. How can u release something like this?
I only want that it gets the right attention from the devs and not start a grammar discussion with you It is worse than before so technically “not improved” is wrong because it doesnt describe the state of the game correctly.
Thank you all for the report! This is the top issue being investigated by the team right now; we will let you know if there’s any additional information that will assist in their work, or when we have any updates on the situation!
The same is happening to me in games against the AI, in 4V4 when it reaches post-imperial the game stutters a lot and it is very stressful, it had never happened to me
I know we are talking here about Team Games but I played two 1v1’s yesterday and my opponents told me this was unplayable to them. I guess they’re not lying because I’ve never had an opponent complain about lag in 1v1 before the Anniversary Patch.
Not sure if I can do a thread myself to report the issue since I have no actual proof of it happening.
Also more on the subject : meta will be Siege Onagers with Arbs until they fix it lol
DESCRIBE THE ISSUE IN DETAIL (below). Limit to ONE issue per thread.
In team games (4v4) the game consistently lags right after imperial. Almost everyone’s clocks become red. This is happening in every game, consistently, so it is not a matter of happening by chance. Something in the patch has caused this issue.
How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST.
100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)
List the DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue… Be descriptive!
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
Play a 4v4 team game.
Advance to imperial.
Witness extreme lag in the late game.
Include a OneDrive or Google Drive link to a SAVE GAME or REPLAY FILE (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue.
I can confirm this issue happening to me as well. I used to play with my friends before the patch and had no issues in imperial age. But in this patch, the game lags like crazy as almost everyone had a red clock near their name.