One of the most valuable pieces of information you can provide when reporting an issue is a SAVE GAME or GAME RECORDING of the match or scenario where the issue occurred.
Doing so not only provides us with a clear timeline of the circumstances leading up to the problem you’re experience, but provides the unique opportunity for our Quality Assurance (QA) teams to analyze the file using their debugging software—which uncovers information about what happened during the match.
Here are some steps to help you provide these critical files!
Finding your Game File
Here’s how to find and share your save game or recorded game file:
- Launch Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
- Click the ‘SINGLE PLAYER’ button on the title screen.
- Click the ‘LOAD GAME’ button.
- Click the Open Saved Games Folder button. This will automatically open an explorer menu.
- Find the file of the Replay or Save Game that highlights the issue.
File Extensions
Save games and recorded games will use the following file extensions:
Save Game | .aoe2spgame |
Game Recording | .aoe2record |
Sharing the File
If you’re unable to host the files here on the forum (as a new account), you can use a file hosting service to upload the file and share the link. Here are a few we recommend:
You can then right-click the file to generate a sharable access link, then you can include that link (and the file name) along with your bug report.